Source code for marvin.contrib.vacs.hi

# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.
# @Author: Brian Cherinka
# @Date:   2018-10-11 17:51:43
# @Last modified by:   Brian Cherinka
# @Last Modified time: 2018-11-29 17:23:15

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import astropy
import astropy.units as u
from import Spectrum
from marvin.utils.general.general import get_drpall_table
from marvin.utils.plot.scatter import plot as scatplot

from .base import VACMixIn, VACTarget

[docs]class HIVAC(VACMixIn): """Provides access to the MaNGA-HI VAC. VAC name: HI URL: link Description: Returns HI summary data and spectra Authors: David Stark and Karen Masters """ # Required parameters name = 'HI' description = 'Returns HI summary data and spectra' version = {'MPL-7': 'v1_0_1', 'DR15': 'v1_0_1', 'DR16': 'v1_0_2'} # optional Marvin Tools to attach your vac to include = (,, # optional methods to attach to your main VAC tool in add_methods = ['plot_mass_fraction'] # Required method
[docs] def set_summary_file(self, release): ''' Sets the path to the HI summary file ''' # define the variables to build a unique path to your VAC file self.path_params = {'ver': self.version[release], 'type': 'all', 'program': 'GBT16A_095'} # get_path returns False if the files do not exist locally self.summary_file = self.get_path("mangahisum", path_params=self.path_params)
# Required method
[docs] def get_target(self, parent_object): ''' Accesses VAC data for a specific target from a Marvin Tool object ''' # get any parameters you need from the parent object plateifu = parent_object.plateifu # download the vac from the SAS if it does not already exist locally if not self.file_exists(self.summary_file): self.summary_file = self.download_vac('mangahisum', path_params=self.path_params) # get path to ancillary VAC file for target HI spectra self.update_path_params({'plateifu': plateifu}) specfile = self.get_path('mangahispectra', path_params=self.path_params) # create container for more complex return data hidata = HITarget(plateifu, vacfile=self.summary_file, specfile=specfile) # get the spectral data for that row if it exists if hidata._indata and not self.file_exists(specfile): hidata._specfile = self.download_vac('mangahispectra', path_params=self.path_params) return hidata
[docs]class HITarget(VACTarget): ''' A customized target class to also display HI spectra This class handles data from both the HI summary file and the individual spectral files. Row data from the summary file for the given target is returned via the `data` property. Spectral data can be displayed via the the `plot_spectrum` method. Parameters: targetid (str): The plateifu or mangaid designation vacfile (str): The path of the VAC summary file specfile (str): The path to the HI spectra Attributes: data: The target row data from the main VAC file targetid (str): The target identifier ''' def __init__(self, targetid, vacfile, specfile=None): super(HITarget, self).__init__(targetid, vacfile) self._specfile = specfile self._specdata = None
[docs] def plot_spectrum(self): ''' Plot the HI spectrum ''' if self._specfile: if not self._specdata: self._specdata = self._get_data(self._specfile) vel = self._specdata['VHI'][0] flux = self._specdata['FHI'][0] spec = Spectrum(flux, unit=u.Jy, wavelength=vel, / u.s) ax = spec.plot( ylabel='HI\ Flux', xlabel='Velocity', title=self.targetid, ytrim='minmax' ) return ax return None
# # Functions to become available on your VAC in
[docs]def plot_mass_fraction(vacdata_object): ''' Plot the HI mass fraction Computes and plots the HI mass fraction using the NSA elliptical Petrosian stellar mass from the MaNGA DRPall file. Only plots data for subset of targets in both the HI VAC and the DRPall file. Parameters: vacdata_object (object): The `~.VACDataClass` instance of the HI VAC Example: >>> from import VACs >>> v = VACs() >>> hi = v.HI >>> hi.plot_mass_fraction() ''' drpall = get_drpall_table() drpall.add_index('plateifu') data =[1].data subset = drpall.loc[data['plateifu']] log_stmass = np.log10(subset['nsa_elpetro_mass']) diff = data['logMHI'] - log_stmass fig, axes = scatplot( log_stmass, diff, with_hist=False, ylim=[-5, 5], xlabel=r'log $M_*$', ylabel=r'log $M_{HI}/M_*$', ) return axes[0]