Source code for marvin.contrib.vacs.base

# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.
# @Author: Brian Cherinka
# @Date:   2018-06-21 17:01:09
# @Last modified by: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Last Modified time: 2018-10-17 00:22:19

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import abc
import os
import time
import six

import marvin
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinError
from marvin.utils.general import parseIdentifier
from import fits
from functools import wraps

import sdss_access.path
import sdss_access.sync

__ALL__ = ['VACContainer', 'VACMixIn']

def check_for_vac(f):
    ''' Decorator to check for and download VAC '''
    def decorated_function(inst, *args, **kwargs):
        if 'path' in kwargs and kwargs['path']:
            for kw in kwargs['path'].split('/'):
                if len(kw) == 0:
                var, value = kw.split('=')
                kwargs[var] = value
        return f(inst, *args, **kwargs)
    return decorated_function

class VACContainer(object):

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<VACContainer ({0})>'.format(', '.join(map(repr, list(self))))

    def __dir__(self):
        props = []
        for value in self.__class__.__dict__.keys():
            if not value.startswith('_'):
        return props

    def __getitem__(self, value):
        return getattr(self, value)

    def __iter__(self):
        for value in self.__dir__():
            yield value

[docs]class VACMixIn(object, six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """MixIn that allows VAC integration in Marvin. This parent class provides common tools for downloading data using sdss_access or directly from the sandbox. `~VACMixIn.get_vacs` returns a container with properties pointing to all the VACs that subclass from `.VACMixIn`. In general, VACs can be added to a class in the following way: .. code-block:: python from marvin.contrib.vacs.base import VACMixIn class Maps(MarvinToolsClass): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ... self.vacs = VACMixIn.get_vacs(self) and then the VACs can be accessed as properties in ``my_map.vacs``. """ # Set this is True on your VAC to exclude it from Marvin _hidden = False # The name and description of the VAC. name = None description = None def __init__(self): if not sdss_access.sync.Access: raise MarvinError('sdss_access is not installed') else: self._release = marvin.config.release # is_public = 'DR' in self._release # rsync_release = self._release.lower() if is_public else None self.rsync_access = sdss_access.sync.Access(release=self._release) # file path for VAC summary file self.summary_file = None self.set_summary_file(marvin.config.release) def __repr__(self): return '<VAC (name={0}, description={1})>'.format(, self.description)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_target(self, parent_object): """Returns VAC data that matches the `parent_object` target. This method must be overridden in each subclass of `VACMixIn`. Details will depend on the exact implementation and the type of VAC, but in general each version of this method must: * Check whether the VAC file exists locally. * If it does not, download it using `~VACMixIn.download_vac`. * Open the file using the appropriate library. * Retrieve the VAC data matching ``parent_object``. Usually one will use attributes in ``parent_object`` such as ``.mangaid`` or ``.plateifu`` to perform the match. * Return the VAC data in whatever format is appropriate. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def get_vacs(parent_object): """Returns a container with all the VACs subclassing from `VACMixIn`. Because this method loops over ``VACMixIn.__subclasses__()``, all the class that inherit from `VACMixIn` and that must be included in the container need to have been imported before calling `~VACMixIn.get_vacs`. Parameters ---------- parent_object : object The object to which the VACs are being attached. It will be passed to `~VACMixIn.get_target` when the subclass of `VACMixIn` is called. Returns ------- vac_container : object An instance of a class that contains just a list of properties, one for to each on of the VACs that subclass from `VACMixIn`. """ vac_container = VACContainer() for subvac in VACMixIn.__subclasses__(): # check if VAC is hidden if subvac._hidden: continue # Excludes VACs from showing up in Plate if issubclass(parent_object.__class__, continue # Only shows VACs if in the include list. if (hasattr(subvac, 'include') and subvac.include is not None and not issubclass(parent_object.__class__, subvac.include)): continue # We need to set sv=subvac in the lambda function to prevent # a cell-var-from-loop issue. if parent_object._release in subvac.version: setattr(VACContainer,, property(lambda self, sv=subvac: sv().get_target(parent_object))) return vac_container
[docs] def download_vac(self, name=None, path_params={}, verbose=True): """Download the VAC using rsync and returns the local path.""" if name is None: name = assert name in self.rsync_access.templates, 'VAC path has not been set in the tree.' if verbose:'downloading file for VAC {0!r}'.format( self.rsync_access.remote() self.rsync_access.add(name, **path_params) self.rsync_access.set_stream() self.rsync_access.commit() paths = self.rsync_access.get_paths() # adding a millisecond pause for download to finish and file existence to register time.sleep(0.001) return paths[0] # doing this for single files, may need to change
[docs] def get_path(self, name=None, path_params={}): """Returns the local VAC path or False if it does not exist.""" if name is None: name = # return the full local path to the file path = self.rsync_access.full(name, **path_params) return path
# # check for and expand any wildcards present in the path_params # if self.rsync_access.any(name, **path_params): # files = self.rsync_access.expand(name, **path_params) # return files[0] # else: # return False
[docs] def file_exists(self, path=None, name=None, path_params={}): """Check whether a file exists locally""" # use the filepath if present if path: return os.path.exists(path) # otherwise use name and path_params if name is None: name = if os.path.exists(self.get_path(name=name, path_params=path_params)): return True return False
[docs] def check_vac(self, summary_file): ''' Checks the summary file for existence ''' pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_summary_file(self, release): """ Sets the VAC summary file This method must be overridden in each subclass of `VACMixIn`. Details will depend on the exact implementation and the type of VAC, but in general each version of this method must: * Access the version of your VAC matching the current ``release`` * Define a dictionary of keyword parameters that defines the `tree` path * Use `~VACMixIn.get_path` to construct the VAC path * Set that path to the `~VACMixIn.summary_file` attribute Setting a VAC summary file allows the `` tool to load the full VAC data. If the VAC does not contain a summary file, this method should `pass` or return `None`. """ pass
[docs] def update_path_params(self, params): ''' Update the path_params dictionary with additional parameters ''' assert isinstance(params, dict), 'input parameters must be a dictionary' self.path_params.update(params)
[docs] def get_ancillary_file(self, name, path_params={}): ''' Get a path to an ancillary VAC file ''' path = self.get_path(name, path_params=path_params) if not path: path = self.download_vac(name, path_params=path_params) return path
[docs]class VACTarget(object): ''' Customization Class to allow for returning complex target data This parent class provides a framework for returning more complex data associated with a given target observation, for example ancillary spectral or image data. In these cases, returning a target row from the main VAC summary file, or a simple dictionary of values may not be sufficient. This class can be subclassed and customized to return any extra functionality or data. When used, this class provides convenient access to the underlying VAC data as well as a boolean to indicate if the given target is included in the VAC. Parameters: targetid (str): The target id, usually plateifu or mangaid. Required. vacfile (str): The path to the VAC summary file. Required. Attributes: targetid (str): The plateifu or mangaid target designation data (row): The extracted row VAC data for the provided targetid _data (HDU): the first data HDU of the summary VAC FITS file _indata (bool): A boolean indicating if the target is included in the VAC To use, subclass this class, add a new `__init__` method. Make sure to call the original class's `__init__` method with `super`. .. code-block:: python from marvin.contrib.vacs.base import VACTarget class ExampleTarget(VACTarget): def __init__(self, targetid, vacfile): super(ExampleTarget, self).__init__(targetid, vacfile) Further customization can now be done, e.g. adding new parameters in the initializtion of the object, adding new methods or attributes, or overriding existing methods, e.g. to customize the return `data` attribute. To access a single HDU from the VAC, use the `_get_data()` method. If you need to access the entire file, use the `_open_file()` method. ''' def __init__(self, targetid, vacfile, **kwargs): self.targetid = targetid self._ttype = parseIdentifier(targetid) assert self._ttype in ['plateifu', 'mangaid'], 'Input targetid must be a valid plateifu or mangaid' self._vacfile = vacfile self._data = self._get_data(self._vacfile) self._indata = targetid in self._data[self._ttype] def __repr__(self): return 'Target({0})'.format(self.targetid) @property def data(self): ''' The data row from a VAC for a specific targetid ''' if not self._indata: return "No data exists for {0}".format(self.targetid) idx = self._data[self._ttype] == self.targetid return self._data[idx] @staticmethod def _open_file(vacfile): ''' Opens the full FITS VAC file ''' return def _get_data(self, vacfile=None, ext=1): ''' Get only the data from the VAC file from a given extension ''' if not vacfile: vacfile = self._vacfile return fits.getdata(vacfile, ext)