
Marvin is an open-source project and the Marvin team welcomes and encourages code contributions. This document describes the general guidelines for contributing to Marvin.

Reporting issues

The easiest (but critical) way to contribute to Marvin is by reporting issues, unexpected behaviours, and desired new features to the development team. To do so, go to the Marvin GitHub page and fill out a new issue. As much as possible, please follow the new issue template. We will try to at least acknowledge the issue in 24-48 hours but if that is not the case feel free to ping us again!

If you have questions about how to use Marvin that are not symptomatic of a problem with the code, please use the SDSS Help Desk instead.

Contributing code

Coding standards

We adhere to the SDSS coding standards. Before contributing any code please make sure you have read the relevant sections and that you set your linter accordingly.

Development process

The Marvin team uses the well-established git procedure of forking, branching, and pull requests. If you are not familiar with it, consider reading some introductory tutorial such as this one.

To develop code for Marvin you will first need a GitHub account. Then go to the Marvin GitHub page and fork it. Develop your changes in a new branch and, when ready, open a pull request. Please, make sure the pull request describes all the changes the code introduces. Before it can be merged into master, your pull request needs to be approved by at least one of the repository owners.


All new code must be properly tested and contain enough unittests. No new code will be accepted that does not meet this requirement. Tests must run in, at least, Python 2.7 and 3.6. All new pull requests will trigger a Travis build. Unfortunaly, Marvin’s CI system is broken at the time and most Travis runs will fail (most likely due to timeouts). We hope to fix this soon but in the meantime it is still useful to check the logs of the build, since your tests probably did run.

For local testing, you will need to set up a PostgreSQL server with a test database called manga, restored from this dump file. Then run the command run_marvin --debug, which will create a local flask HTTP server. You can now go to the python/marvin/tests directory and run pytest, which will run all tests (fair warning, it may take a while!) or pytests <your-file>.


If your changes introduce a new feature or change the behaviour of user-facing commands, you will need to provide Sphinx documentation on how to use it. Marvin’s documentation can be found in the docs/ directory. Add your documentation where you think it is appropriate. As part of the pull request review, you may be asked to restructure or move the documentation.

Contributing documentation

Code is only useful if it is well documented! An excellent way of contributing to Marvin is by writing documentation. There are different forms of documentation that you can submit:

  • Sphinx documentation of current features, as described in Documentation.

  • Plain-text documentation. If you do not want to write Sphinx documentation, you can still send us the text and we will

format it appropriately. Send your text in the form of a new issue. * Open a new issue pointing out parts of the documentation that are unclear, misleading, or deprecated. * Write marvin-tutorials! Tutorials can be in Sphinx or ipyhton notebook format. * If you have used Marvin in the classroom and developed activities based on it we would love to hear about it!

Contributing a VAC

Value Added Catalogues (VAC) are an important part of how SDSS and MaNGA data is analysed and distributed. Following SDSS policy, Marvin does not directly support VACs, but it does supply a framework for VAC owners to implement access to their catalogues from Marvin. If you are a member of the SDSS collaboration, we encourage you to contribute a VAC, in coordination with the SDSS Data Team.

At this time, only file-based access is supported (i.e., no querying or remote access is available) but the VACMixIn class provides a convenient way of matching targets with their VAC information and returning it to the user. Very little knowledge of how Marvin internally works is required! The directory marvin/contrib/vacs contains the base code and a list of already implemented VACs that you can use as a template.

Including your VAC into Marvin involves subclassing and custom tailoring the VACMixIn class to meet your needs. The VACMixIn class has several methods available to aid the setup of your VAC.

  • set_summary_file - defines the full file path to the main summary VAC FITS file

  • get_target - extracts the row data from the VAC for the specified target observation

  • file_exists - checks whether a file exists in the expected location on the local filesystem

  • get_ancillary_file - defines and downloads any paths to ancillary VAC files

Creating a VACMixIn also automatically adds your VAC to the VACs tool, which you can read more about here. For now, let’s see an example of how to put it all together.

Example: MaNGA Morphologies from Galaxy Zoo

This example adds the MaNGA Galaxy Zoo Value-Added Catalog into Marvin. This project contains a single summary FITS file, located here, which contains all of the measured morphologies from Galazy Zoo for MaNGA targets collected in one place. The format of the summary file is MaNGA_gz-<version>.fits, where <version> is the version of the GZ VAC release. The source code for this VAC’s implementation can be found at marvin/contrib/vacs/

# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Modified from by Karen Masters.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import astropy

from .base import VACMixIn

class GZVAC(VACMixIn):
    """Provides access to the MaNGA Galaxy Zoo Morphology VAC.

    VAC name: MaNGA Morphologies from Galaxy Zoo


    Description: Returns Galaxy Zoo morphology for MaNGA galaxies. 
    The Galaxy Zoo (GZ) data for SDSS galaxies has been split over several iterations of, 
    with the MaNGA target galaxies being spread over five different GZ data sets. In this value added catalog 
    we bring all of these galaxies into one single catalog and re-run the debiasing code (Hart et al. 2016) in 
    a consistent manner across the all the galaxies. This catalog includes data from Galaxy Zoo 2 (previously 
    published in Willett et al. 2013) and newer data from Galaxy Zoo 4 (currently unpublished).

    Authors: Coleman Krawczyk, Karen Masters and the rest of the Galaxy Zoo Team.


    # Required parameters
    name = "galaxyzoo"
    description = "Returns Galaxy Zoo morphology"
    version = {"MPL-7": "v1_0_1", "MPL-8": "v1_0_1", "DR15": "v1_0_1", "DR16": "v1_0_1"}

    # optional Marvin Tools to attach your vac to
    include = (,,

    # Required method
    def set_summary_file(self, release):
        ''' Sets the path to the GalaxyZoo summary file '''

        # define the variables to build a unique path to your VAC file
        self.path_params = {"ver": self.version[release]}

        # get_path returns False if the files do not exist locally
        self.summary_file = self.get_path("mangagalaxyzoo", path_params=self.path_params)

    # Required method
    def get_target(self, parent_object):
        ''' Accesses VAC data for a specific target from a Marvin Tool object '''

        # get any parameters you need from the parent object
        mangaid = parent_object.mangaid

        # download the vac from the SAS if it does not already exist locally
        if not self.file_exists(self.summary_file):
            self.summary_file = self.download_vac("mangagalaxyzoo", path_params=self.path_params)

        # Open the file using fits.getdata for extension 1
        data =, 1)

        # Return selected line(s)
        indata = mangaid in data["mangaid"]
        if not indata:
            return "No Galaxy Zoo data exists for {0}".format(mangaid)

        idx = data["mangaid"] == mangaid
        return data[idx]

The file itself contains a subclass of VACMixIn. In the docstring, we make sure to include the name of the VAC, a URL with a description of its contents, and a short description of what the VAC provides and what the class returns. The global section of the GZVAC class defines:

  • The name of the VAC (this is the name that users will enter to access the VAC from Marvin).

  • A short one-line description of what the VAC returns

  • A version dictionary that defines the relationship between Marvin releases (e.g., MPL-7, DR15) and internal MaNGA Galaxy Zoo versions.

  • An include attribute that contains a list of Marvin Tools classes to which this VAC must be added. In this particular case we only want the Galaxy Zoo VAC to show in Cube, Maps, and ModelCube. If include is not defined the VAC will be added to all the Marvin Tools classes with the exception of Plate.

There are two methods required to override from VACMixIn, set_summary_file and get_target.

set_summary_file is a method needed to define the file path to the summary VAC FITS file. This summary_file path can be used throughout the rest of the class when you need to access the VAC file. It also allows the VACs tool to load your VAC file and make it available separately from any Marvin Tools.

The VAC file path is defined using the get_path method. This method accepts a name and a dictionary of path parameters that is used to construct the full filepath to your VAC, which are predefined in the SDSS tree product. As Marvin uses sdss_access to define and download all necessary files, we need to make sure that the path to the VAC file is included in the tree. See Adding a Path for a guide on how to define filepaths in tree. For this particular file, the entry in tree looks like:

mangagalaxyzoo = $MANGA_MORPHOLOGY/galaxyzoo/MaNGA_gz-{ver}.fits

In addition to the tree path name mangagalaxyzoo we also define a dictionary of path parameters. We use the supplied release argument to determine the Galazy Zoo version, ver. We use get_path to determine the file path and set it as the summary_file. We can check whether the file is already present in the local SAS with the file_exists method.

get_target is the main method needed to extract row data from the VAC file for a given target observation. get_target receives a single, parent_object argument, which is the object (e.g., a Maps instance) that is trying to access the VAC information. You can use it and its attributes to do the matching with the VAC information.

The Galaxy Zoo VAC uses the mangaid as its target identifier. We can extract that attribute from the parent_object. In case the VAC file is not already present in the local SAS, we use download_vac to retrieve it.

Once you have the file(s), all that is left is to return the data you want from the FITS files. Here we open the FITS file with, use the mangaid to select the target row of interest, and return the FITS record for the given row to the user.

Now that we have implemented the VAC, let’s make sure it works:

>>> from import Cube
>>> cube = Cube('8485-1901')
>>> gz_data = cube.vacs.galaxyzoo
>>> # access the data from the summary file
>>> print(gz_data)

FITS_rec([(221394, 'J153010.73+484124.8', 19., 48.69020093, 232.54470389, '1-209232', 6318., 48.69020093, 232.54470389, 'original', 44., 0.93617021, 0.95360705, 44., 0.95631384, 2., 0.04255319, 0.22727273, 2., 0.04346881, 1., 0.0212766, 0., 0.01, 0.00021734, 47., 46.01, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 1., 1., 2., 1., 2., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 1., 1., 2., 1., 2., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 2., 1., 1., 2., 1., 2., 2., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.5, 0.46666667, 1., 0.5, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0.5, 0.28125, 1., 0.5, 2., 2., 1., 0.02173913, 0.0952381, 1., 0.02173913, 45., 0.97826087, 0.84090909, 45., 0.97826087, 46., 46., 21., 0.47727273, 0.48571429, 21., 0.47727273, 23., 0.52272727, 0.33333333, 23., 0.52272727, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 44., 44., 0., nan, 1., 0., nan, 0., nan, 0.11111111, 0., nan, 0., nan, 0.22580645, 0., nan, 0., 0., 0., nan, 0., 0., nan, 0., nan, 1., 0., nan, 0., nan, 0.96525097, 0., nan, 0., 0., 0., nan, 0.4, 0., nan, 0., nan, 0.73809524, 0., nan, 0., nan, 0.12121212, 0., nan, 0., nan, 0.04651163, 0., nan, 0., nan, 0.1, 0., nan, 0., nan, 0., 0., nan, 0., 0.)],
        dtype=(numpy.record, [('nsa_id', '>i8'), ('IAUNAME', 'S19'), ('IFUDESIGNSIZE', '>f8'), ('IFU_DEC', '>f8'), ('IFU_RA', '>f8'), ('MANGAID', 'S8'), ('MANGA_TILEID', '>f8'), ('OBJECT_DEC', '>f8'), ('OBJECT_RA', '>f8'), ('survey', 'S77'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a01_smooth_count', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a01_smooth_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a01_smooth_debiased', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a01_smooth_weight', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a01_smooth_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a02_features_or_disk_count', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a02_features_or_disk_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a02_features_or_disk_debiased', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a02_features_or_disk_weight', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a02_features_or_disk_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a03_star_or_artifact_count', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a03_star_or_artifact_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a03_star_or_artifact_debiased', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a03_star_or_artifact_weight', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_a03_star_or_artifact_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_count', '>f8'), ('t01_smooth_or_features_weight', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a04_yes_count', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a04_yes_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a04_yes_debiased', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a04_yes_weight', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a04_yes_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a05_no_count', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a05_no_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a05_no_debiased', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a05_no_weight', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_a05_no_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_count', '>f8'), ('t02_edgeon_weight', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a06_bar_count', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a06_bar_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a06_bar_debiased', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a06_bar_weight', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a06_bar_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a07_no_bar_count', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a07_no_bar_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a07_no_bar_debiased', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a07_no_bar_weight', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_a07_no_bar_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_count', '>f8'), ('t03_bar_weight', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a08_spiral_count', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a08_spiral_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a08_spiral_debiased', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a08_spiral_weight', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a08_spiral_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a09_no_spiral_count', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a09_no_spiral_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a09_no_spiral_debiased', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a09_no_spiral_weight', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_a09_no_spiral_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_count', '>f8'), ('t04_spiral_weight', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a10_no_bulge_count', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a10_no_bulge_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a10_no_bulge_debiased', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a10_no_bulge_weight', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a10_no_bulge_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a11_just_noticeable_count', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a11_just_noticeable_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a11_just_noticeable_debiased', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a11_just_noticeable_weight', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a11_just_noticeable_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a12_obvious_count', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a12_obvious_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a12_obvious_debiased', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a12_obvious_weight', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a12_obvious_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a13_dominant_count', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a13_dominant_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a13_dominant_debiased', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a13_dominant_weight', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_a13_dominant_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_count', '>f8'), ('t05_bulge_prominence_weight', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a14_yes_count', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a14_yes_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a14_yes_debiased', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a14_yes_weight', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a14_yes_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a15_no_count', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a15_no_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a15_no_debiased', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a15_no_weight', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_a15_no_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_count', '>f8'), ('t06_odd_weight', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a16_completely_round_count', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a16_completely_round_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a16_completely_round_debiased', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a16_completely_round_weight', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a16_completely_round_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a17_in_between_count', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a17_in_between_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a17_in_between_debiased', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a17_in_between_weight', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a17_in_between_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a18_cigar_shaped_count', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a18_cigar_shaped_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a18_cigar_shaped_debiased', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a18_cigar_shaped_weight', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_a18_cigar_shaped_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_count', '>f8'), ('t07_rounded_weight', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a25_rounded_count', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a25_rounded_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a25_rounded_debiased', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a25_rounded_weight', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a25_rounded_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a26_boxy_count', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a26_boxy_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a26_boxy_debiased', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a26_boxy_weight', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a26_boxy_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a27_no_bulge_count', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a27_no_bulge_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a27_no_bulge_debiased', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a27_no_bulge_weight', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_a27_no_bulge_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_count', '>f8'), ('t09_bulge_shape_weight', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a28_tight_count', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a28_tight_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a28_tight_debiased', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a28_tight_weight', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a28_tight_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a29_medium_count', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a29_medium_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a29_medium_debiased', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a29_medium_weight', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a29_medium_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a30_loose_count', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a30_loose_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a30_loose_debiased', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a30_loose_weight', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_a30_loose_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_count', '>f8'), ('t10_arms_winding_weight', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a31_1_count', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a31_1_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a31_1_debiased', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a31_1_weight', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a31_1_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a32_2_count', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a32_2_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a32_2_debiased', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a32_2_weight', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a32_2_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a33_3_count', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a33_3_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a33_3_debiased', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a33_3_weight', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a33_3_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a34_4_count', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a34_4_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a34_4_debiased', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a34_4_weight', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a34_4_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a36_more_than_4_count', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a36_more_than_4_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a36_more_than_4_debiased', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a36_more_than_4_weight', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a36_more_than_4_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a37_cant_tell_count', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a37_cant_tell_count_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a37_cant_tell_debiased', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a37_cant_tell_weight', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_a37_cant_tell_weight_fraction', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_count', '>f8'), ('t11_arms_number_weight', '>f8')]))

Advanced Data Access in VACs

Most VACs will only have data in a single summary FITS file. Some VACs also have ancillary data for targets, such as spectra or imaging data, that you may also want to return, in which case a simple dictionary or FITS row record may not be sufficient. For these cases, VACTarget is a customizable class that provides a framework for returning more complicated data. The following VACs are examples where more complicated data are returned:

  • Firefly VAC - returns target data from the summary FITS file as well as methods to display 2-d analysis maps

  • HI VAC - returns target data from the summary FITS file as well as methods to plot ancillary spectral data

  • Visual Morphology VAC - returns target data from the summary FITS file as well as methods to display mosaic images

In each case, they subclass the VACTarget class, customize it to access and return ancillary data, and provide methods to plot or display said ancillary data. This class is then instantiated and returned inside the get_target method.

Custom Added Convenience Methods

Within your VAC module file, one may define convenience methods that become available to your main VAC catalog, when it is ingested into the Marvin VACs Tool. These can provide any functionality or custom plots you wish users’ to be able to see/have access to. See the HI VAC for an example. Inside is defined a convenience method, plot_mass_fraction for plotting the HI mass fraction of the complete MaNGA-HI catalog.

def plot_mass_fraction(vacdata_object):
    ''' Plot the HI mass fraction
    Computes and plots the HI mass fraction using
    the NSA elliptical Petrosian stellar mass from the
    MaNGA DRPall file.  Only plots data for subset of
    targets in both the HI VAC and the DRPall file.

        vacdata_object (object):
            The `~.VACDataClass` instance of the HI VAC 

        >>> from import VACs
        >>> v = VACs()
        >>> hi = v.HI
        >>> hi.plot_mass_fraction()
    drpall = get_drpall_table()
    data =[1].data
    subset = drpall.loc[data['plateifu']]
    log_stmass = np.log10(subset['nsa_elpetro_mass'])
    diff = data['logMHI'] - log_stmass
    fig, axes = scatplot(
        ylim=[-5, 5],

These convenience methods accept as input a single vacdata_object argument. This argument represents the VAC object defined automatically by VACDataClass. This object has access to the complete VAC catalog using the data property of the VACDataClass. In the global section, of the HIVAC, there is defined a new global attribute, add_methods, which lists any defined convenience methods to add to your VAC inside the VACs tool.

    # optional methods to attach to your main VAC tool in
    add_methods = ['plot_mass_fraction']

Included is the name of the plot_mass_fraction method in the list of add_methods. Once defined, it becomes available in the VACs tools. These defined convenience methods are meant to provide conveniences on the main VAC catalog, and should not be target specific.

from import VACs
v = VACs()

Writing your own VAC

If you are a VAC owner by now you will have hopefully decided that you want to provide access to it with Marvin. How do you do that?

  1. First, make sure you read the Coding standards and Development process sections.

Setup the Github Repos:

  1. You must have an account on Github. If you do not already have one, you can sign up here.

  2. Once you have a Github account set up, fork the Marvin repo. Follow the instructions in Forking a Repo for help forking a repo and keeping it in sync with the original source.

  3. Setup Marvin with the Developers Installation.

Requirements of the VAC:

  1. Each MaNGA VAC data file must be a valid astronomy FITS file format.

  2. Each VAC must have a version number associated with its release, e.g. v1.0.0, or 1.1.0, indicated either in the full path or name of the file. For example, data for the DR15 MaNGA-HI VAC has the assigned version, v1_0_1, and points to, Note: It is acceptable if your version maps to the versions associated with a MaNGA MPL or DR release.

Creating a VAC Path Template:

  1. To enable Marvin to locate and download your VAC, a template of your VAC’s file path must have first been added to sdss_paths.ini. Refer to the SDSS tree documentation to learn how to do that.

Writing a new VAC script:

  1. Create a new file within the python/marvin/contrib/vacs directory. You can either start fresh or select an existing example that looks similar to what you need. Within the vacs/ directory, duplicate that file and rename it to the name of your VAC.

  2. Modify the name of the class that inherits from VACMixIn (important!) and change the name attribute to the name of your VAC. Update the docstring with information about your VAC. Most importantly, make sure the description clearly states what your VAC is returning.

  3. Customize the class to suit your needs and return the data from your VAC you want users to have access to. See the previous Contributing a VAC section for details on what the VACMixIn is and how to use it.

Test your VAC in marvin:

  1. Test your implementation by accessing your VAC as object.vacs.<your-vac-name>. See How to Use VACs on how to access your VAC object from within a Marvin Tools object.

  2. Test your VAC also shows up in the Marvin VACs tool.

  3. As the VAC owner, you are responsible for making sure your class returns the correct information. We strongly suggest you implement unittests to make sure that is the case. You can see some examples here.

Add Documentation for your VAC:

  1. Add your VAC entry in docs/sphinx/contributing/available_vacs.rst. Copy and paste an existing entry and change the existing VAC path to point to your new VAC class.

  2. Add your VAC entry in docs/sphinx/reference/vacs.rst. Under Available VACs, copy and paste an existing entry. Update the VAC heading and path to the VAC file with your new VAC information.


  1. Once you are happy with the result, open a new Pull Request to integrate your changes.

  2. If you have any doubt or questions, please contact the Marvin team, we will be happy to help you throughout the process.



MixIn that allows VAC integration in Marvin.

Available VACs


Provides access to the MaNGA-HI VAC.


Provides access to the MaNGA Galaxy Zoo Morphology VAC.


Provides access to the MaNGA-GEMA VAC.


Provides access to the MaNGA-FIREFLY VAC.