Plotting Your Results

Once you perform a query and return some results, you may quickly plot and explore the returned parameters. The Marvin Results object provides two convenience functions for quickly creating a 2-d scatter plot, or a histogram on a single column. All plotting routines in Results will, by default, grab all data for the requested columns before plotting, even if you only have a subset of the data loaded locally in a ResultSet.

Creating a scatter plot

Use the Results plot method to quickly create a 2-d scatter plot using Matplotlib. The Results plot method is a thinly-wrapped version of the marvin.utils.plot.scatter.plot() utility function. See Scatter (marvin.utils.plot.scatter) for full details on how to use this function.

# create a scatter plot of redshift vs g-r color, from a Results
r.plot('z', 'absmag_g_r')

By default, plot will also include the marginal distributions for the x and y parameters. You can turn off the histogram options in the scatter plot with with_hist=False, or specify a single axis with with_hist='x'.

Creating a histogram

Use the Results hist method to quickly create a 1-d histogram using Matplotlib. The Results hist method is a thinly-wrapped version of the marvin.utils.plot.scatter.hist() utility function. See Histogram Plotting for full details on how to use this function.

# create a histogram of redshift from a Results

Interacting with Histogram Output

Both the hist method, and the plot method (when also returning marginal distributions) will include an additional key,value pair inside the standard histogram output (see Using Histogram Plot). This additional key,value pair is called bins_plateifu, and is a dictionary of binids, each containing a list of targets (plateifus) within that bin, for easy target identification.

Let’s create a scatter plot of redshift vs absolute magnitude g-r color, with the respective x and y histograms:

output = r.plot('z', 'absmag_g_r')

This returns a tuple containing the (matplotlib Figure, the matplotlib Axes objects, the histogram output). The histogram data is a dictionary, with each axis indicated as xhist and yhist keys, respectively. Let’s extract the histogram data for redshift data.:

# get the histogram data
hdata = output[3]

# redshift was plotted on the x-axis, so lies in the xhist key
zdata = hdata['xhist']

Let’s get the list of targets in the 2nd redshift bin. Note the key syntax for accessing bins_plateifu is key:binid, and this is 1-indexed.:

# 2nd redshift bin range
print('{0} to {1}'.format(zdata['binedges'][1], zdata['binedges'][2]))
0.00654206261551 to 0.012540415231

# get the list of targets in the 2nd redshift bin
bin3_targets = zdata['bins_plateifu'][2]
[u'7990-12703', u'8135-6101', u'8332-1902']

Let’s get the redshift and g-r colors for the targets in the 2nd bin. We can use the marvin.utils.general.map_bins_to_columns() utility function to map any array data into the specified bin groups:

from marvin.utils.general import map_bins_to_column

# get the redshift and color data
redshift = r.getListOf('z', return_all=True)
g_r = r.getListOf('absmag_g_r', return_all=True)

# map the redshift and g-r color array data into our redshift bins
redshift_bins = map_bins_to_columns(redshift, zdata['indices'])
g_r_bins = map_bins_to_columns(g_r, zdata['indices'])

# print the data in the 2nd redshift bin
[0.0113986, 0.0108501, 0.00814191]

[1.00057220458984, 0.984879493713379, 1.25316619873047]

print(zip(zdata['bins_plateifu'][2], red_bins[2], gr_bins[2]))
[(u'7990-12703', 0.0113986, 1.00057220458984),
 (u'8135-6101', 0.0108501, 0.984879493713379),
 (u'8332-1902', 0.00814191, 1.25316619873047)]