Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Brian Cherinka, José Sánchez-Gallego, and Brett Andrews
# @Date: 2017-11-03
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (
# @Last modified by: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Last modified time: 2018-11-08 18:00:34

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import inspect
import itertools
import warnings

import numpy as np

import marvin
import marvin.core.exceptions
import marvin.core.marvin_pickle
import marvin.utils.general.general
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinBreadCrumb, MarvinError, MarvinUserWarning
from marvin.utils.datamodel.dap import datamodel as dap_datamodel
from marvin.utils.datamodel.drp import datamodel as drp_datamodel
from marvin.utils.general.structs import FuzzyDict

breadcrumb = MarvinBreadCrumb()

class DataModel(object):
    """A single object that holds the DRP and DAP datamodel."""

    def __init__(self, release):

        self.drp = drp_datamodel[release]
        self.dap = dap_datamodel[release]

[docs]class Spaxel(object): """A base class that contains information about a spaxel. This class represents an spaxel with information from the reduced DRP spectrum, the DAP maps properties, and the model spectrum from the DAP logcube. A `.SpaxelBase` can be initialised with all or only part of that information, and either from a file, a database, or remotely via the Marvin API. The ``, `` , and `` quantities for the spaxel are available in ``cube_quantities``, ``maps_quantities``, and ``modelcube_quantities``, respectively. For convenience, the quantities can also be accessed directly from the `.SpaxelBase` itself (e.g., ``spaxel.emline_gflux_ha_6465``). Parameters: x,y (int): The `x` and `y` coordinates of the spaxel in the cube (0-indexed). cube (`` object or path or bool): If ``cube`` is a `` object, that cube will be used for the `.SpaxelBase` instantiation. This mode is mostly intended for `~marvin.utils.general.general.getSpaxel` as it significantly improves loading time. Otherwise, ``cube`` can be ``True`` (default), in which case a cube will be instantiated using the input ``filename``, ``mangaid``, or ``plateifu``. If ``cube=False``, no cube will be used and the cube associated quantities will not be available. ``cube`` can also be the path to the DRP cube to use. maps (`` object or path or bool) As ``cube`` but for the DAP measurements corresponding to the spaxel in the `.Maps`. modelcube (`` object or path or bool) As ``maps`` but for the DAP measurements corresponding to the spaxel in the `.ModelCube`. lazy (bool): If ``False``, the spaxel data is loaded on instantiation. Otherwise, only the metadata is created. The associated quantities can be then loaded by calling `.SpaxelBase.load()`. kwargs (dict): Arguments to be passed to `.Cube`, `.Maps`, and `.ModelCube` when (and if) they are initialised. Attributes: cube_quantities (`~marvin.utils.general.structs.FuzzyDict`): A querable dictionary with the `.Spectrum` quantities derived from `.Cube` and matching ``x, y``. datamodel (object): An object containing the DRP and DAP datamodels. maps_quantities (`~marvin.utils.general.structs.FuzzyDict`): A querable dictionary with the `.AnalysisProperty` quantities derived from `.Maps` and matching ``x, y``. model_quantities (`~marvin.utils.general.structs.FuzzyDict`): A querable dictionary with the `.Spectrum` quantities derived from `.ModelCube` and matching ``x, y``. ra,dec (float): Right ascension and declination of the spaxel. Not available until the spaxel has been `loaded <.SpaxelBase.load>`. """ def __init__(self, x, y, cube=True, maps=True, modelcube=True, lazy=False, **kwargs): if not cube and not maps and not modelcube: raise MarvinError('no inputs defined.') self.cube_quantities = FuzzyDict({}) self.maps_quantities = FuzzyDict({}) self.modelcube_quantities = FuzzyDict({}) self._cube = cube self._maps = maps self._modelcube = modelcube for attr in ['mangaid', 'plateifu', 'release', 'bintype', 'template']: value = kwargs.pop(attr, None) or \ getattr(cube, attr, None) or \ getattr(maps, attr, None) or \ getattr(modelcube, attr, None) setattr(self, attr, value) self._kwargs = kwargs self._parent_shape = None # drop breadcrumb breadcrumb.drop(message='Initializing MarvinSpaxel {0}'.format(self.__class__), category=self.__class__) self.x = int(x) self.y = int(y) self.loaded = False self.datamodel = None if lazy is False: self.load() # Load VACs from marvin.contrib.vacs.base import VACMixIn self.vacs = VACMixIn.get_vacs(self) def __dir__(self): class_members = list(list(zip(*inspect.getmembers(self.__class__)))[0]) instance_attr = list(self.__dict__.keys()) items = self.cube_quantities.__dir__() items += self.maps_quantities.__dir__() items += self.modelcube_quantities.__dir__() items += class_members + instance_attr return sorted(items) def __getattr__(self, value): _getattr = super(Spaxel, self).__getattribute__ for tool_quantity_dict in ['cube_quantities', 'maps_quantities', 'modelcube_quantities']: if value in _getattr(tool_quantity_dict): return _getattr(tool_quantity_dict)[value] return super(Spaxel, self).__getattribute__(value) def __repr__(self): """Spaxel representation.""" if not self.loaded: return '<Marvin Spaxel (x={0.x:d}, y={0.y:d}, loaded=False)'.format(self) # Gets the coordinates relative to the centre of the cube/maps. y_mid, x_mid = np.array(self._parent_shape) / 2. x_centre = int(self.x - x_mid) y_centre = int(self.y - y_mid) # Determine what tools are loaded. tools = np.array(['cube', 'maps', 'modelcube']) load_idx = np.where([self._cube, self._maps, self._modelcube])[0] flags = '/'.join(tools[load_idx]) return ('<Marvin Spaxel (plateifu={0.plateifu}, x={0.x:d}, y={0.y:d}; ' 'x_cen={1:d}, y_cen={2:d}, loaded={3})>'.format(self, x_centre, y_centre, flags)) def _check_versions(self, attr): """Checks that all input object have the same versions. Runs sanity checks to make sure that ``attr`` has the same value in the input `.Cube`, `.Maps`, and `.ModelCube`. Returns the value for the attribute or ``None`` if the attribute does not exist. """ out_value = None inputs = [] for obj in [self._cube, self._maps, self._modelcube]: if obj is not None and not isinstance(obj, bool): inputs.append(obj) if len(inputs) == 1: return getattr(inputs[0], attr, None) for obj_a, obj_b in itertools.combinations(inputs, 2): if hasattr(obj_a, attr) and hasattr(obj_b, attr): assert getattr(obj_a, attr) == getattr(obj_b, attr), \ 'inconsistent {!r} between {!r} and {!r}'.format(attr, obj_a, obj_b) out_value = getattr(obj_a, attr, None) or getattr(obj_b, attr, None) return out_value def _set_radec(self): """Calculates ra and dec for this spaxel.""" self.ra = None self.dec = None for obj in [self._cube, self._maps, self._modelcube]: if hasattr(obj, 'wcs'): if obj.wcs.naxis == 2: self.ra, self.dec = obj.wcs.wcs_pix2world([[self.x, self.y]], 0)[0] elif obj.wcs.naxis == 3: self.ra, self.dec, __ = obj.wcs.wcs_pix2world([[self.x, self.y, 0]], 0)[0]
[docs] def save(self, path, overwrite=False): """Pickles the spaxel to a file. Parameters: path (str): The path of the file to which the `.Spaxel` will be saved. Unlike for other Marvin Tools that derive from ``, ``path`` is mandatory for `` as there is no default path for a given spaxel. overwrite (bool): If True, and the ``path`` already exists, overwrites it. Otherwise it will fail. Returns: path (str): The realpath to which the file has been saved. """ return, path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] @classmethod def restore(cls, path, delete=False): """Restores a Spaxel object from a pickled file. If ``delete=True``, the pickled file will be removed after it has been unplickled. Note that, for objects with ``data_origin='file'``, the original file must exists and be in the same path as when the object was first created. """ return marvin.core.marvin_pickle.restore(path, delete=delete)
[docs] def load(self, force=None): """Loads the spaxel data. Loads the spaxel data for cubes/maps/modelcube. By default attempts to load whatever is specified when spaxels are instantianted from other Marvin Tools. Can manually force load a data type with the force keyword. Parameters: ----------- force : {cube|maps|modelcube} Datatype to force load. """ if self.loaded and force is None: warnings.warn('already loaded', MarvinUserWarning) return assert force in [None, 'cube', 'maps', 'modelcube'], \ 'force can only be cube, maps, or modelcube' for tool in ['cube', 'maps', 'modelcube']: self._load_tool(tool, force=(force is not None and force == tool)) self._set_radec() self.loaded = True for attr in ['mangaid', 'plateifu', 'release', 'bintype', 'template']: setattr(self, attr, self._check_versions(attr)) self.datamodel = DataModel(self.release)
def _load_tool(self, tool, force=False): """Loads the tool and the associated quantities.""" if tool == 'cube': class_name = method = self.getCube quantities_dict = 'cube_quantities' elif tool == 'maps': class_name = method = self.getMaps quantities_dict = 'maps_quantities' elif tool == 'modelcube': class_name = method = self.getModelCube quantities_dict = 'modelcube_quantities' attr_value = getattr(self, '_' + tool) if (attr_value is False or attr_value is None) and force is False: setattr(self, '_' + tool, None) return if not isinstance(attr_value, class_name): if tool == 'modelcube' and self.release == 'MPL-4': warnings.warn('ModelCube cannot be instantiated for MPL-4.', MarvinUserWarning) self._modelcube = None return else: setattr(self, '_' + tool, method()) else: if force is True: warnings.warn('{0} is already loaded'.format(tool), MarvinUserWarning) self._parent_shape = getattr(getattr(self, '_' + tool), '_shape') setattr(self, quantities_dict, getattr(getattr(self, '_' + tool), '_get_spaxel_quantities')(self.x, self.y, spaxel=self))
[docs] def getCube(self): """Returns the associated ``""" if isinstance(self._cube, return self._cube cube_input = (self._cube if self._cube is not True else None) \ or self.plateifu or self.mangaid return, release=self.release, **self._kwargs)
[docs] def getMaps(self): """Returns the associated ``""" if isinstance(self._maps, return self._maps maps_input = (self._maps if self._maps is not True else None) \ or self.plateifu or self.mangaid return, bintype=self.bintype, template=self.template, release=self.release, **self._kwargs)
[docs] def getModelCube(self): """Returns the associated ``""" if isinstance(self._modelcube, return self._modelcube modelcube_input = (self._modelcube if self._modelcube is not True else None) \ or self.plateifu or self.mangaid return, bintype=self.bintype, template=self.template, release=self.release, **self._kwargs)
@property def quality_flags(self): """Bundle Cube DRP3QUAL and Maps DAPQUAL flags.""" drp3qual = self.datamodel.drp.bitmasks['MANGA_DRP3QUAL'] cube = self.getCube() drp3qual.mask = int(cube.header['DRP3QUAL']) qual_flags = [drp3qual] if self.release != 'MPL-4': qual_flags.append(self.datamodel.dap.bitmasks['MANGA_DAPQUAL']) return qual_flags