Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2018-07-14
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (
# @Last modified by: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Last modified time: 2018-07-27 13:02:19

import astropy.coordinates
import astropy.units
import numpy

    import photutils
except ImportError:
    photutils = None

__all__ = ['GetApertureMixIn', 'MarvinAperture']

[docs]class MarvinAperture(photutils.Aperture if photutils else object): """Extends `photutils.Aperture` allowing to extract spaxels in the aperture. This class is not intended for general use and it is dynamically set as the base for a `~photutils.Aperture` instance. """ @property def parent(self): """Returns or sets the parent object.""" if not hasattr(self, '_parent'): return None return self._parent @parent.setter def parent(self, value): self._parent = value @property def mask(self): """Returns the fractional overlap mask. Equivalent to using `photutils.PixelAperture.to_mask` followed by `photutils.ApertureMask.to_image` using the shape of the parent object. Combines all the apertures in a single mask. """ assert self.parent is not None, 'no parent set' if isinstance(self, photutils.SkyAperture): aperture = self.to_pixel(self.parent.wcs) else: aperture = self mask = numpy.zeros(self.parent._shape) for ap in aperture.to_mask(method='exact'): mask += ap.to_image(shape=(self.parent._shape)) return mask
[docs] def getSpaxels(self, threshold=0.5, lazy=True, mask=None, **kwargs): """Returns the spaxels that fall within the aperture. Parameters ---------- threshold : float The minimum fractional overlap between the spaxel and the aperture grid for the spaxel to be returned. lazy : bool Whether the returned spaxels must be fully loaded or lazily instantiated. mask : numpy.ndarray A mask that defines the fractional pixel overlap with the apertures. If ``None``, the mask returned by `.MarvinAperture.mask` will be used. kwargs : dict Additional parameters to be passed to the parent ``getSpaxel`` method. Can be used to define what information is loaded in the spaxels. """ assert threshold > 0 and threshold <= 1, 'invalid threshold value' if mask is None: mask = self.mask else: assert mask.shape == self.parent._shape, 'invalid mask shape' spaxel_coords = numpy.where(mask >= threshold) if len(spaxel_coords[0]) == 0: return [] return self.parent.getSpaxel(x=spaxel_coords[1], y=spaxel_coords[0], xyorig='lower', lazy=lazy, **kwargs)
[docs]class GetApertureMixIn(object):
[docs] def getAperture(self, coords, aperture_params, aperture_type='circular', coord_type='pixel'): """Defines an aperture. This method is mostly a wrapper around the aperture classes defined in `photutils <>`_. It allows to Parameters ---------- coords : tuple or `~numpy.ndarray` Either a 2-element tuple ``(x, y)`` or ``(ra, dec)`` to define the centre of a single aperture, or a list of N tuples or a Nx2 array to define N apertures. aperture_params : tuple A tuple with the parameters of the aperture. * For ``aperture_type='rectangular'``: * If ``coord_type='pixel'``, a tuple ``(w, h, theta)`` where ``w`` is the full width of the aperture (for ``theta=0`` the width side is along the ``x`` axis); ``h`` is the full height of the aperture (for ``theta=0`` the height side is along the ``y`` axis); and ``theta`` is the rotation angle in radians of the width (``w``) side from the positive ``x`` axis (the rotation angle increases counterclockwise). * If ``coord_type='sky'``, same format but ``w`` and ``h`` must be in arcsec and ``theta`` is the position angle (in degrees) of the width side. The position angle increases counterclockwise, from North (PA=0) towards East. * For ``aperture_type='circular'``: * The radius ``r`` in units of pixels or arcsec depending on the value of ``coord_type``. Can be a tuple or a float. * For ``aperture_type='elliptical'``: * If ``coord_type='pixel'``, a tuple ``(a, b, theta)`` where ``a`` and ``b`` are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse, respectively, and ``theta`` is the rotation angle in radians of the semi-major axis from the positive x axis (the rotation angle increases counterclockwise). If ``coord_type='sky'``, ``a`` and ``b`` must be in arcsec, and ``theta`` is the position angle (in degrees) of the semi-major axis. The position angle increases counterclockwise, from North (PA=0) towards East. aperture_type : {'rectangular', 'circular', 'elliptical'} The type of aperture to define. coord_type : {'pixel', 'sky'} Determines whether the coordinates and aperture parameters refer to to the frame of the image or to sky coordinates. The conversion between the image and sky frames is determined using the WCS headers from the image. Returns ------- marvin_aperture : MarvinAperture object A `.MarvinAperture` instance with the definition of the aperture, which can be used to extract the associated spaxels or to return the mask. Examples -------- A single circular aperture with a radius of 3 pixels can created as :: >>> cube ='8485-1901') >>> aperture = cube.getAperture((17, 15), 3) ``aperture`` can then be used to return all spaxels that have a fractional overlap with the aperture of more than 0.6 pixels :: >>> spaxels = aperture.getSpaxels(threshold=0.6, lazy=True) >>> spaxels[0] <Marvin Spaxel (x=15, y=13, loaded=False) Apertures can also be defined from sky coordinates. To define two elliptical apertures with semi-axes 3 and 1 arcsec and rotated 30 degrees we do :: >>> ap_ell = cube.getAperture([(232.546173, 48.6892288), (232.544069, 48.6906177)], (3, 1, 30), aperture_type='elliptical') >>> ap_ell <MarvinAperture([[232.546173 , 48.6892288], [232.544069 , 48.6906177]], a=3.0, b=1.0, theta=30.0)> """ if photutils is None: raise ImportError('this feature requires photutils. Install it by ' 'doing pip install photutils.') assert coord_type in ['pixel', 'sky'], 'invalid coord_type' if isinstance(coords, astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord): coord_type = 'sky' else: coords = numpy.atleast_2d(coords) if coord_type == 'sky': coords = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord(coords, unit='deg') aperture_params = numpy.atleast_1d(aperture_params).tolist() if aperture_type == 'circular': if coord_type == 'pixel': ApertureClass = photutils.CircularAperture else: ApertureClass = photutils.SkyCircularAperture elif aperture_type == 'elliptical': if coord_type == 'pixel': ApertureClass = photutils.EllipticalAperture else: ApertureClass = photutils.SkyEllipticalAperture elif aperture_type == 'rectangular': if coord_type == 'pixel': ApertureClass = photutils.RectangularAperture else: ApertureClass = photutils.SkyRectangularAperture else: raise ValueError('invalid aperture_type') # If on-sky, converts aperture parameters to quantities if coord_type == 'sky': if aperture_type == 'circular': n_params = 1 else: n_params = 3 assert len(aperture_params) == n_params, 'invalid number of parameters' units = [astropy.units.arcsec, astropy.units.arcsec, astropy.units.deg] for ii in range(n_params): if not isinstance(aperture_params[ii], astropy.units.Quantity): aperture_params[ii] *= units[ii] aperture = ApertureClass(coords, *aperture_params) # Overrides the aperture class so that it inherits from MarvinAperture and # can gain the methods we defined there. Sets the parent to self. aperture.__class__ = type('MarvinAperture', (ApertureClass, MarvinAperture), {}) aperture.parent = self return aperture