Source code for marvin.contrib.vacs.galaxyzoo

# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Modified from by Karen Masters.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import astropy

from .base import VACMixIn

[docs]class GZVAC(VACMixIn): """Provides access to the MaNGA Galaxy Zoo Morphology VAC. VAC name: MaNGA Morphologies from Galaxy Zoo URL: Description: Returns Galaxy Zoo morphology for MaNGA galaxies. The Galaxy Zoo (GZ) data for SDSS galaxies has been split over several iterations of, with the MaNGA target galaxies being spread over five different GZ data sets. In this value added catalog we bring all of these galaxies into one single catalog and re-run the debiasing code (Hart et al. 2016) in a consistent manner across the all the galaxies. This catalog includes data from Galaxy Zoo 2 (previously published in Willett et al. 2013) and newer data from Galaxy Zoo 4 (currently unpublished). Authors: Coleman Krawczyk, Karen Masters and the rest of the Galaxy Zoo Team. """ # Required parameters name = "galaxyzoo" description = "Returns Galaxy Zoo morphology" version = {"MPL-7": "v1_0_1", "MPL-8": "v1_0_1", "DR15": "v1_0_1", "DR16": "v1_0_1"} # optional Marvin Tools to attach your vac to include = (,, # Required method
[docs] def set_summary_file(self, release): ''' Sets the path to the GalaxyZoo summary file ''' # define the variables to build a unique path to your VAC file self.path_params = {"ver": self.version[release]} # get_path returns False if the files do not exist locally self.summary_file = self.get_path("mangagalaxyzoo", path_params=self.path_params)
# Required method
[docs] def get_target(self, parent_object): ''' Accesses VAC data for a specific target from a Marvin Tool object ''' # get any parameters you need from the parent object mangaid = parent_object.mangaid # download the vac from the SAS if it does not already exist locally if not self.file_exists(self.summary_file): self.summary_file = self.download_vac("mangagalaxyzoo", path_params=self.path_params) # Open the file using fits.getdata for extension 1 data =, 1) # Return selected line(s) indata = mangaid in data["mangaid"] if not indata: return "No Galaxy Zoo data exists for {0}".format(mangaid) idx = data["mangaid"] == mangaid return data[idx]