Source code for marvin.api.api

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

Created by Brian Cherinka on 2016-04-26 09:20:35
Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.

Revision History:
    Initial Version: 2016-04-26 09:20:35 by Brian Cherinka
    Last Modified On: 2016-04-26 09:20:35 by Brian

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
from brain.api.api import BrainInteraction
from marvin import config

configkeys = ['release', 'session_id', 'compression']

[docs]class Interaction(BrainInteraction): ''' Marvins Interaction class, subclassed from Brain This is the main class to make calls to the Marvin API. Instantaiate the Interaction object with a URL to make the call. GET requests can be made without passing parameters. POST requests require parameters to be passed. A successful call results in a HTTP status code of 200. Failures result in some other HTTP status code. Results from the successful call are stored in an sttribute called results, as a dictionary. Any data requested is stored as a key inside results called "data" Parameters: route (str): Required. Relative url path of the API call you want to make params (dict): dictionary of parameters you are passing into the API function call request_type (str): the method type of the API call, can be either "get" or "post" (default: post) auth (str): the authentication method used for the API. Currently set as default to use JSON Web token authentication. timeout (float|tuple): A float or tuple of floats indicating the request timeout limit in seconds. If the server has not sent a respsonse by the time limit, an exception is raised. The default timeout is set to 5 minutes. See headers (dict): A custom header to send with the request stream (bool): If True, iterates over the response data. Default is False. When set, avoids reading the content all at once into memory for large responses. See `request streaming <>`_ datastream (bool): If True, expects the response content to be streamed back using a Python generator. All matters when Marvin Query return_all is True. base (str): Optional replacement for domain API url. Returns: results (dict): The **Response JSON object** from the API call. If the API is successful, the json data is extracted from the response and stored in this dictionary. See :ref:`marvin-api-routes` for a description of the contents of results in each route. Examples: >>> from marvin import config >>> config.mode = 'remote' >>> >>> # import the Marvin Interaction class >>> from marvin.api.api import Interaction >>> >>> # get and format an API url to retrieve basic Cube properties >>> plateifu = '7443-12701' >>> url = config.urlmap['api']['getCube']['url'] >>> >>> # create and send the request, and retrieve a response >>> response = Interaction(url.format(name=plateifu)) >>> >>> # check your response's status code >>> print(response.status_code) >>> 200 >>> >>> # get the data in your response >>> data = response.getData() >>> print(data) ''' def _loadConfigParams(self): """Load the local configuration into a parameters dictionary to be sent with the request""" if self.params: for k in configkeys: if k not in self.params or self.params[k] is None: self.params[k] = config.__getattribute__(k) else: self.params = {k: config.__getattribute__(k) for k in configkeys}
[docs] def setAuth(self, authtype=None): ''' Set the authorization ''' release = self.params['release'] if self.params and 'release' in self.params else config.release if (config.access == 'collab' and 'DR' in release) or config.access == 'public': authtype = None else: assert authtype is not None, 'Must have an authorization type set for collab access to MPLs!' super(Interaction, self).setAuth(authtype=authtype)