Acknowledging and Citing Marvin

In Publications

If you use Marvin for work/research presented in a publication (whether directly, or as a dependency to another package), we ask that you cite the Marvin Software. We provide the following as a standard acknowledgment you can use if there is not a specific place to cite the DOI:

This research made use of Marvin, a core Python package and web framework for MaNGA data, developed by Brian Cherinka, José Sánchez-Gallego, Brett Andrews, and Joel Brownstein. (MaNGA Collaboration, 2018).

Marvin’s Bibtex entry to use:

  author       = {Brian Cherinka and
                  José Sánchez-Gallego and
                  Brett Andrews and
                  Joel Brownstein},
  title        = {sdss/marvin: Marvin Beta},
  month        = jan,
  year         = 2018,
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.596700},
  url          = {}

If you wish, you can also include a link to in addition to the above text.

In Presentations