Source code for brain.api.api

from __future__ import print_function
import requests
import os
from requests.auth import AuthBase, _basic_auth_str
from requests.utils import get_netrc_auth
from brain.core.exceptions import BrainError, BrainApiAuthError, BrainNotImplemented
from brain import bconfig
from brain.utils.general import uncompress_data
from brain.core.core import URLMapDict
    from urlparse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import urlsplit, urlunsplit
    from cachecontrol import CacheControl as cache
except ImportError:
    cache = None

configkeys = []

[docs]class BrainInteraction(object): """ This class defines convenience wrappers for the Brain RESTful API """ def __init__(self, route, params=None, request_type='post', auth='token', timeout=(3.05, 300), headers=None, stream=None, datastream=None, send=True, base=None, verify=True): self.results = None self.response_time = None self.route = route self.params = params self.request_type = request_type self.timeout = timeout = stream self.verify = verify self.datastream = datastream self.headers = headers if headers is not None else {} self.statuscodes = {200: 'Ok', 401: 'Authentication Required', 404: 'URL Not Found', 500: 'Internal Server Error', 405: 'Method Not Allowed', 400: 'Bad Request', 502: 'Bad Gateway', 504: 'Gateway Timeout', 422: 'Unprocessable Entity', 429: 'Rate Limit Exceeded', 409: 'Conflict'} self.compression = self.params['compression'] if self.params and \ 'compression' in self.params else bconfig.compression base = base if base else bconfig.sasurl self.url = urljoin(base, route) if self.route else None # set request Session self._setRequestSession() # set authentication self.setAuth(authtype=auth) # sends the request if self.url and send: self._sendRequest(request_type) elif not self.url and send: raise BrainError('No route and/or url specified {0}'.format(self.url)) def __repr__(self): return ('Interaction(route={0}, params={1}, request_type={2})' .format(self.route, repr(self.params), self.request_type)) def _setRequestSession(self): ''' creates or sets the Brain requests Session object ''' if isinstance(bconfig.request_session, type(None)): if not cache: bconfig.request_session = requests.Session() else: bconfig.request_session = cache(requests.Session()) self.session = bconfig.request_session else: self.session = bconfig.request_session def _closeRequestSession(self): ''' closes the Brain requests Session object''' self.session.close() bconfig.request_session.close() bconfig.request_session = None
[docs] def setAuth(self, authtype='netrc'): ''' set the session authentication ''' self.authtype = authtype if authtype: self.session.auth = BrainAuth(self.authtype)
def _decode_stream(self, content): ''' Decode the content string for a data stream Uncompresses the response content either using JSON or msgpack. Will uncompress the entire response content in single go. If datastream is True, then the content is streamed back using a generator and has been compressed row-by-row. See the generator query fxn in marvin/api/ Parameters: content (str): The response content string Returns: The uncompressed content data ''' if self.datastream: # decoding a generator content stream # since content is a single string, must split on the row separator data = [uncompress_data(row, uncompress_with=self.compression) for row in content.split(';\n') if row] # data is expected to be in a dictionary key called 'data' out = {} out['data'] = data else: # decoding a normal content stream out = uncompress_data(content, uncompress_with=self.compression) return out def _get_json(self, response): ''' Try to extract any json data Tries to use the built in json fxn to extract the response content Parameters: response: The full response Returns: The JSON data ''' try: json = response.json() except ValueError as e: json = None return json def _get_data(self, response, chunksize=None, dtype=None): ''' Get json/binary data from the response content Tries to extract the data from the response content. If stream is set, then streams the response content in chunks and extracts the data, to save on client memory. Otherwise reads the entire response content into memory at once. Parameters: response: The full response chunksize (int): The unit of the chunk size in bytes. When None, chunksize determined by interal magic. Default is None dtype (str): The data type. Either json or other (e.g. binary content using msgpack). Returns: The uncompressed data as a list. ''' if # retrieves response data in chunks to minimize client memory resstring = ''.join([bytes.decode(chunk) for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunksize)]) data = self._decode_stream(resstring) else: # retrieves response data all at once if dtype == 'json': data = self._get_json(response) else: data = uncompress_data(response.content, uncompress_with='msgpack') return data def _get_content(self, response): ''' Get the response content Gets the response content either as a JSON or binary data from msgpack Parameters: response: The full response Returns: The uncompressed data ''' content_type = response.headers['Content-Type'] if 'json' in content_type: data = self._get_data(response, dtype='json') elif 'octet-stream' in content_type: data = self._get_data(response) else: data = response.content return data def _checkResponse(self, response): ''' Checks the response for proper http status code ''' # check for bad status try: isbad = response.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as http: self.status_code = response.status_code errmsg = 'Error accessing {0}: {1}-{2}'.format(response.url, response.status_code, self.statuscodes[response.status_code]) self.results = {'http_status_code': response.status_code, 'message': errmsg} json_data = self._get_content(response) if self.status_code == 401: if self.authtype == 'netrc': msg = 'Please create or check credentials in your local .netrc file' elif self.authtype == 'oauth': msg = 'Please check your Oauth authentication' elif self.authtype == 'http': msg = 'Please check your http/digest authentication' elif self.authtype == 'token': err = json_data['msg'] if b'msg' in json_data else str(json_data) msg = '{0}. Please check your token or login again for a fresh one.'.format(err) else: msg = 'Please check your authentication method.' errmsg = json_data['error'] if b'error' in json_data else '' self._closeRequestSession() raise BrainApiAuthError('API Authentication Error: {0}. {1}'.format(msg, errmsg)) elif self.status_code == 422: self._closeRequestSession() raise BrainError('Requests Http Status Error: {0}\nValidation Errors:\n{1}'.format(http, json_data)) else: self._closeRequestSession() if str('api_error') in json_data: apijson = json_data['api_error'] errmsg = '{0}'.format(apijson['message']) if 'message' in apijson else '{0}'.format(apijson['traceback']) elif str('error') in json_data: err = json_data['error'] errmsg = '{0}'.format(err) raise BrainError('Requests Http Status Error: {0}\n{1}'.format(http, errmsg)) else: # Not bad assert isbad is None, 'Http status code should not be bad' assert response.ok is True, 'Ok status should be true' # if 'route' not in self.url and 'clean' not in self.url: # self._closeRequestSession() # raise BrainError('test error is now raised here') self.status_code = response.status_code self.results = self._get_content(response) self.response_time = response.elapsed if not self.results: self.results = response.text self._closeRequestSession() raise BrainError('Response not in JSON format. {0}'.format(self.results)) # Raises an error if status is -1 if 'status' in self.results and self.results['status'] == -1: errorMsg = 'no error message provided' \ if 'error' not in self.results else self.results['error'] self._check_for_traceback() self._closeRequestSession() raise BrainError('Something went wrong on the server side: {0}'.format(errorMsg)) def _check_for_traceback(self): ''' checks the response for a traceback in the results response ''' bconfig.traceback = self.results.get('traceback', None) def _sendRequest(self, request_type): ''' sends the api requests to the server ''' assert request_type in ['get', 'post'], 'Valid request types are "get" and "post".' # Loads the local config parameters self._loadConfigParams() # Send the request try: if request_type == 'get': self._response = self.session.get(self.url, params=self.params, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers,, verify=self.verify) elif request_type == 'post': self._response =, data=self.params, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers,, verify=self.verify) except requests.Timeout as rt: self._closeRequestSession() errmsg = 'Your request took longer than 5 minutes and timed out. Please try again or simplify your request.' raise BrainError('Requests Timeout Error: {0}\n{1}'.format(rt, errmsg)) except requests.URLRequired as urlreq: self._closeRequestSession() raise BrainError('Requests Valid URL Required: {0}'.format(urlreq)) except requests.ConnectionError as con: self._closeRequestSession() raise BrainError('Requests Connection Error: {0}'.format(con)) except requests.RequestException as req: self._closeRequestSession() raise BrainError('Ambiguous Requests Error: {0}'.format(req)) else: # Check the response if it's good self._checkResponse(self._response)
[docs] def getData(self, astype=None): data = self.results['data'] if 'data' in self.results else None if astype and data: try: return astype(data) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Failed: {0}, {1}'.format(e, data)) else: return data
# This should probably get moved into the server side code def _preloadResults(self): for key in configkeys: self.results[key] = bconfig.__getattribute__(key)
[docs] def checkMyConfig(self): return {k: self.results[k] if k in self.results else '' for k in configkeys}
def _loadConfigParams(self): """Load the local configuration into a parameters dictionary to be sent with the request""" self.params.update({'session_id': bconfig.session_id})
[docs] def getRouteMap(self): """Retrieve the URL routing map if it exists.""" if 'urlmap' in self.results: return URLMapDict(self.results['urlmap']) else: return URLMapDict()
[docs]class BrainAuth(AuthBase): ''' This is a custom requests authorization class This class is used to ensure that token authentication takes precedence over the netrc file in the request. See and `Request Custom Headers <>_` Parameters: authtype (str): the authentication method used for the API. Currently set as default to use JSON Web token authentication. ''' def __init__(self, authtype, **kwargs): self.authtype = authtype def __call__(self, r): ''' checks the authentication when the auth is called ''' # check access and authentication if self.authtype == 'token': assert bconfig.token is not None, 'You must have a valid token set to use the API. Please login.' r.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer {0}'.format(bconfig.token) elif self.authtype == 'http': from requests_toolbelt import GuessAuth r.auth = GuessAuth('user', 'passwd') elif self.authtype == 'netrc' and bconfig.has_netrc: netauth = get_netrc_auth(r.url) if netauth: r.headers['Authorization'] = _basic_auth_str(*get_netrc_auth(r.url)) elif self.authtype == 'oauth': raise BrainNotImplemented('OAuth authentication') return r
[docs]def urljoin(url1, url2): ''' custom function to join two url paths ''' e = urlsplit(url1) t = urlsplit(url2) final = urlunsplit(tuple(strjoin(*z) for z in zip(e, t))) return final
[docs]def strjoin(str1, str2): ''' joins two url strings ''' if not str2.startswith(str1): f = os.path.join(str1, str2.lstrip('/')) if str2 else str1 else: f = str2 return f