Source code for

# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Filename:
# Project: tools
# Author: Brian Cherinka
# Created: Sunday, 8th September 2019 11:16:35 pm
# License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License
# Copyright (c) 2019 Brian Cherinka
# Last Modified: Tuesday, 3rd December 2019 2:43:32 pm
# Modified By: Brian Cherinka

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import inspect
import six
import os
import importlib
import types
from marvin.contrib.vacs.base import VACContainer, VACMixIn
from marvin import config, log
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinError
from marvin.utils.general import parseIdentifier
from decorator import decorator

from import fits
from astropy.table import Table

import sdss_access.sync

[docs]def check_release(*args, **kwargs): ''' Decorator to check VAC release against Marvin config release ''' @decorator def decorated_function(ff, *args, **kwargs): inst = args[0] if inst.release != config.release: raise AssertionError('Mismatch between VAC release and current Marvin release.' 'Please reinstantiate your VACs.') return ff(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function
[docs]class check_vac_release(object): ''' Decorate all functions in a class to run only if VAC release matches Marvin release ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, decorated_class): for attr in inspect.getmembers(decorated_class, inspect.isfunction): # only decorate public functions if attr[0][0] != '_': setattr(decorated_class, attr[0], check_release(*self.args, **self.kwargs)(getattr(decorated_class, attr[0]))) return decorated_class
[docs]@check_vac_release() class VACs(VACContainer): ''' A class to interface with the MaNGA VACs A container class to interact with all MaNGA VACs that have been contributed into Marvin. Currently, this container only works with local VACs. Remote-only access to VACs currently does not exist. Attributes: release (str): The current MPL/DR version of the loaded VACs vacname (object): A specific VAC object. "vacname" is the name of the VAC, e.g. galaxyzoo Example: >>> from import VACs >>> vacs = VACs() ''' @classmethod def _reset_vacs(cls): ''' reset the VAC class to a blank slate ''' if hasattr(cls, '_vacs'): for vac in cls._vacs: # close the HDU file resource if getattr(cls, vac)._data: getattr(cls, vac)._data.close() # delete the attribute delattr(cls, vac) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): ''' load relevant VACMixIns upon new class creation ''' # reset the vacs cls._reset_vacs() # initiate vacs for a given release cls._vacs = [] cls.release = config.release for subvac in VACMixIn.__subclasses__(): # Exclude any hidden VACs if subvac._hidden: continue # Excludes VACs from other releases if config.release not in subvac.version: continue sv = subvac() if sv.summary_file is None:'VAC {0} has no summary file to load. Skipping.'.format( continue # create the VAC data class vacdc = VACDataClass(, subvac.description, sv.summary_file) # add any custom methods to the VAC if hasattr(subvac, 'add_methods'): for method in getattr(subvac, 'add_methods'): assert isinstance(method, six.string_types), 'method name must be a string' svmod = importlib.import_module(subvac.__module__) assert hasattr(svmod, method), 'method name must be defined in VAC module file' setattr(vacdc, method, types.MethodType( getattr(svmod, method), vacdc)) # add vac to the container class cls._vacs.append( setattr(cls,, vacdc) return super(VACs, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): ''' repr for VAC container ''' n_vacs = len(self._vacs) if n_vacs <= 7: return '<VACs ({0})>'.format(', '.join(self._vacs)) return '<VACs (n_vacs={0})>'.format(n_vacs)
[docs] def list_vacs(self): ''' list the available VACS ''' return self._vacs
[docs] def check_target(self, target): ''' check which VACS a MaNGA target is available in Checks for the target in each VAC and returns a dictionary of VAC names and a boolean indicating if the target is in that VAC Parameters: target (str): The name of the target Returns: A dict of booleans ''' vacs = {} for vac in self._vacs: vacs[vac] = self[vac].has_target(target) return vacs
[docs]class VACDataClass(object): ''' A data class for a given VAC Parameters: name (str): The name of the VAC description (str): The description of the VAC path (str): The full path to the VAC summary file Attributes: name (str): The name of the VAC description (str): The description of the VAC data (HDUList): The Astropy FITS HDUList Example: >>> from import VACs >>> vacs = VACs() >>> >>> vacs.galaxyzoo.get_table(ext=1) ''' def __init__(self, name, description, path): = name self.description = description self._path = path self._data = None if not sdss_access.sync.Access: raise MarvinError('sdss_access is not installed') else: is_public = 'DR' in config.release rsync_release = config.release.lower() if is_public else None self._rsync = sdss_access.sync.Access(public=is_public, release=rsync_release) def __repr__(self): name ='_', '') if not self._data: end = '' end = '' if not self._data else ', n_hdus={0}'.format(len( return '<{0}Data(description={1}{2})>'.format(name, self.description, end) @property def data(self): ''' The VAC FITS data ''' if not self._data: self._check_file() self._data = return self._data
[docs] def info(self): ''' print the VAC HDU info '''
[docs] def get_table(self, ext=None): ''' Create an Astropy table for a data extension Parameters: ext (int|str): The HDU extension name or number Returns: An Astropy table for the given extension ''' if not ext:'No HDU extension specified. Defaulting to ext=1') ext = 1 # check if extension is an image if[ext].is_image:'Ext={0} is not a table extension. Cannot read.'.format(ext)) return return, ext, format='fits')
[docs] def download_vac(self): ''' Download a VAC to the local system ''' if self._data:'File already downloaded.') return'Downloading VAC data..') self._rsync.reset() self._rsync.remote() self._rsync.add('', full=self._path) self._rsync.set_stream() self._rsync.commit()
def _check_file(self): ''' check for a file locally, else downloads it ''' # ensure file is of FITS format ext = os.path.splitext(self._path)[-1] assert '.fits' in ext, 'VAC summary file must be of FITS format' # download file if not self._rsync.exists('', full=self._path): self.download_vac()
[docs] def has_target(self, target): ''' Checks if a target is contained within the VAC Parameters: target (str): The name of the target Returns: A boolean indicating if the target is in the VAC or not ''' assert isinstance(target, six.string_types), 'target must be a string' targ_type = parseIdentifier(target) ttypes = ['plateifu', 'mangaid'] other = ttypes[ttypes.index(targ_type)-1] data =[1].data assert targ_type in map(str.lower, data.columns.names), \ 'Identifier "{0}" is not available. Try a "{1}".'.format(targ_type, other) return target in data[targ_type]