Source code for brain.utils.general.general

import os
import decimal
import datetime
import numpy as np
import json
from brain.core.exceptions import BrainError, BrainWarning
from hashlib import md5
from passlib.apache import HtpasswdFile

from flask import url_for
    from urllib import unquote
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import unquote

# General utilities

__all__ = ['getDbMachine', 'merge', 'convertIvarToErr', 'compress_data',
           'uncompress_data', 'inspection_authenticate', 'validate_user',
           'get_db_user', 'build_routemap', 'collaboration_authenticate']

[docs]def getDbMachine(): ''' Get the machine that the app is running on. This determines correct database and app configuration ''' # Get machine machine = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME', None) # Check if localhost or not try: localhost = bool(os.environ['MANGA_LOCALHOST']) except: localhost = machine == 'manga' # Check if Utah or not try: utah = os.environ['UUFSCELL'] == 'kingspeak.peaks' except: utah = None # Check if sas-vm or not sasvm = 'sas-vm' in machine if machine else None # Check if lore or not lore = 'lore' in machine if machine else None # Check if jhu or not sciserver = os.environ.get('SCISERVER', None) jhu = sciserver in ['true', 'True', '1'] # Set the dbconfig variable if localhost: return 'local' elif utah or sasvm: return 'utah' elif lore: return 'lore' elif jhu: return 'jhu' else: return None
[docs]def merge(user, default): """Merges a user configuration with the default one. Merges two dictionaries, replacing default values of similar matching keys from user. Parameters: user (dict): A user defined dictionary default (dict): Returns: A new merged dictionary """ if isinstance(user, dict) and isinstance(default, dict): for kk, vv in default.items(): if kk not in user: user[kk] = vv else: user[kk] = merge(user[kk], vv) return user
[docs]def convertIvarToErr(ivar): ''' Converts a list of inverse variance into an a list of standard errors ''' assert isinstance(ivar, (list, np.ndarray)), 'Input ivar is not of type list or an Numpy ndarray' if isinstance(ivar, list): ivar = np.array(ivar) error = np.zeros(ivar.shape) notnull = ivar != 0.0 error[notnull] = 1 / np.sqrt(ivar[notnull]) error = list(error) return error
def alchemyencoder(obj): """JSON encoder function for SQLAlchemy special classes.""" if isinstance(obj, return obj.isoformat() elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal): return float(obj) def _compress_json(data, uncompress=None): ''' Compress/Uncompress JSON data ''' try: if uncompress: comp_data = json.loads(data) else: comp_data = json.dumps(data) except Exception as e: raise BrainError('Cannot (un)compress JSON data. {0}'.format(e)) else: return comp_data def _compress_msgpack(data, uncompress=None): ''' Compress/Uncompress msgpack data ''' # import the package try: import msgpack import msgpack_numpy as m except ImportError as e: compress_with = 'json' raise BrainWarning('Must have Python packages msgpack and msgpack_numpy ' 'installed to use msgpack compression. Defaulting to json') else: m.patch() # do the compression try: if uncompress: comp_data = msgpack.unpackb(data, raw=False) else: comp_data = msgpack.packb(data, use_bin_type=True) except Exception as e: raise BrainError('Cannot (un)compress msgpack data. {0}'.format(e)) else: return comp_data
[docs]def compress_data(data, compress_with=None, uncompress=None): ''' Compress data via json or msgpack Parameters: data (obj) The input data to compress or uncompress compress_with (str): Compression algorithm. Defaults to config.compression. uncompress (bool): If True, uncompresses the data instead of compressing. Default is False Returns: Data compressed with with json or msgpack ''' from brain import bconfig # check compression if not compress_with: compress_with = bconfig.compression if compress_with == 'msgpack': try: import msgpack except ImportError as e: compress_with = 'json' raise BrainWarning('Must have Python packages msgpack and msgpack_numpy ' 'installed to use msgpack compression. Defaulting to json') assert compress_with in bconfig._compression_types, 'compress_with must be one of {0}'.format(bconfig._compression_types) # compress the data if compress_with == 'json': comp_data = _compress_json(data, uncompress=uncompress) elif compress_with == 'msgpack': comp_data = _compress_msgpack(data, uncompress=uncompress) else: raise BrainError('Unrecognized compression algorithm {0}'.format(compress_with)) return comp_data
[docs]def uncompress_data(data, uncompress_with=None): ''' Compress data via json or msgpack Parameters: data (obj) The data to compress uncompress_with (str): Compression algorithm. Defaults to config.compression. Returns: Data compressed with with json or msgpack ''' return compress_data(data, compress_with=uncompress_with, uncompress=True)
[docs]def inspection_authenticate(session, username=None, password=None): ''' Authenticate with Trac using Inspection .. deprecated:: 2.3.0 Use :class:`brain.utils.general.collaboration_authenticate` instead. Parameters: session (dict): A dict or Flask session object to collect parameters username (str): The Trac username password (str): The Trac user password Returns: A dictionary of user info specifying if the user has authenticated and is valid ''' try: from inspection.marvin import Inspection except ImportError as e: from brain.core.inspection import Inspection auth = md5("{0}:AS3Trac:{1}".format(username, password).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if username and password else None result = {'is_valid': False} try: inspection = Inspection(session, username=username, auth=auth) except Exception as e: result['status'] = -1 result['message'] = str(e) else: result = inspection.result() result['is_valid'] = inspection.ready return result
[docs]def collaboration_authenticate(username=None, password=None, verbose=None): ''' Authenticate with Trac using Collaboration Authenticate using the SDSS collaboration python package Parameters: username (str): The Trac username password (str): The Trac user password Returns: A dictionary of user info specifying if the user has authenticated and is valid ''' result = {'is_valid': False, 'status': -1} # try to import the package try: from import Credential except ImportError as e: result['message'] = str(e) return result # get credentials try: cred = Credential(username=username, password=password, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: result['message'] = str(e) else: cred.authenticate_via_trac() result['is_valid'] = cred.authenticated is True if cred.authenticated: result['status'] = 1 cred.set_member() result['member'] = cred.member if cred.member: result['user'] = cred.member.username result['fullname'] = cred.member.fullname else: result['user'] = username return result
[docs]def validate_user(username, password, htpassfile=None, request=None): ''' Validate the User with htpassfile or Trac Tries to validate a user first with a user login from the htpassfile, and second from a Trac wiki account. Parameters: username (str): The login user id password (str): The login user password htpassfile (str): Optional. The full path to an htpassfile. request (Request): The Flask request object Returns: A tuple of (boolean if the user is valid, the username, and the results dictionary) ''' from brain import bconfig result = {} # validate the user with htpassfile or trac username is_valid = False user = None # try from request if not htpassfile and request: htpassfile = request.environ.get('HTPASSFILE', None) # try from brain config if not htpassfile and hasattr(bconfig, '_htpass_path'): htpassfile = bconfig._htpass_path # validate user if username == 'sdss': if htpassfile: htpass = HtpasswdFile(htpassfile) is_valid = htpass.check_password(username, password) user = username else: result['error'] = 'No valid htpasswd file found!' else: result = collaboration_authenticate(username=username, password=password) is_valid = result['is_valid'] user = result.get('user', None) return is_valid, user, result
[docs]def get_db_user(username, password, dbsession=None, user_model=None, request=None): ''' Get a User from a database session Gets a User object from the database User table. If the User does not exists, adds the User. Parameters: username (str): The user id password (str): The user password dbsession (db.Session): The SQLAlchemy database session object user_model (Model): The SQLALchemy User ModelClass request (Request): The Flask request object Returns: The database User object. ''' if not dbsession: return None if user_model: assert hasattr(user_model, 'set_password'), 'User Model must have the set_password method!' assert hasattr(user_model, 'check_password'), 'User Model must have the check_password method!' user = dbsession.query(user_model).filter(user_model.username == username).one_or_none() with dbsession.begin(): if not user: # add new user user = user_model(username=username, login_count=1) user.set_password(password) dbsession.add(user) else: user.update_stats(request=request) return user
[docs]def build_routemap(app): ''' Builds a Flask Web App's dictionary of routes Constructs a dictionary containing all the routes defined inside a given Flask Web App. The route endpoints are deconstructed into a set of nested dictionaries of the form [blueprint][endpoint], which contains a methods and a url key. The url key returns the full route path. E.g. the API route to get a cube, which has a name "getCube" is expressed as ['api']['getCube']. To access the url, ['api']['getCube']['url'] returns "/marvin/api/cubes/{name}/" Parameters: app (Flask Application): The Flask app to extract routes from Returns: A dict of all routes ''' output = {} for rule in app.url_map.iter_rules(): # get options options = {} for arg in rule.arguments: options[arg] = '[{0}]'.format(arg) options['_external'] = False # get endpoint fullendpoint = rule.endpoint esplit = fullendpoint.split('.') grp, endpoint = esplit[0], None if len(esplit) == 1 else esplit[1] output.setdefault(grp, {}).update({endpoint: {}}) # get methods methods = ','.join(rule.methods) output[grp][endpoint]['methods'] = methods # build url try: rawurl = url_for(fullendpoint, **options) except ValueError as e: raise BrainError('Error generating url for {0}: {1}'.format(fullendpoint, e)) url = unquote(rawurl).replace('[', '{').replace(']', '}') output[grp][endpoint]['url'] = url return output