Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: Brian Cherinka, José Sánchez-Gallego, and Brett Andrews
# @Date: 2017-10-31
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (
# @Last modified by: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Last modified time: 2018-08-12 13:51:26

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import warnings

import astropy.units as units
import numpy

import marvin.core.exceptions
from import Spaxel
from marvin.utils.general import maskbit
from marvin.utils.general.general import _sort_dir

[docs]class BinInfo(object): """Provides information about the bin associated with this quantity.""" def __init__(self, spaxel=None, parent=None, datamodel=None): self._spaxel = spaxel self._parent = parent self._datamodel = datamodel def __repr__(self): return '<BinInfo (binid={0.binid}, n_spaxels={1})>'.format( self, numpy.sum(self.binid_mask)) @property def binid_map(self): """Returns the binid Map associated to this quantity.""" return self._parent.get_binid(self._datamodel) @property def binid(self): """Returns the binid associated to this quantity and spaxel.""" return int(self.binid_map[self._spaxel.y, self._spaxel.x].value) @property def binid_mask(self): """Returns a mask of the spaxels with the same binid.""" return self.binid_map.value == self.binid @property def is_binned(self): """Returns `True`` if the parent object is binned.""" return self._parent.is_binned()
[docs] def get_bin_spaxels(self, lazy=True): """Returns a list of the spaxels associated with this bin. Parameters ---------- lazy : bool If ``True``, the spaxels returned will be lazy loaded. Spaxels can be fully loaded by calling their `~.Spaxel.load` method. Returns ------- spaxels : list A list of all the `.Spaxel` instances associated with this quantity binid. """ if self.binid < 0: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError( 'coordinates ({}, {}) do not correspond to a valid binid.'.format(self._spaxel.x, self._spaxel.y)) spaxel_coords = zip(*numpy.where(self.binid_map.value == self.binid)) spaxels = [] for ii, jj in spaxel_coords: spaxels.append(Spaxel(x=jj, y=ii, plateifu=self._spaxel.plateifu, release=self._spaxel.release, cube=self._spaxel._cube, maps=self._spaxel._maps, modelcube=self._spaxel._modelcube, bintype=self._spaxel.bintype, template=self._spaxel.template, lazy=lazy)) return spaxels
[docs]class QuantityMixIn(object): """A MixIn that provides common functionalities to Quantity classes.""" def __dir__(self): return_list = _sort_dir(self, self.__class__) return_list += ['value'] return return_list def _init_bin(self, spaxel=None, datamodel=None, parent=None): self.bin = BinInfo(spaxel=spaxel, datamodel=datamodel, parent=parent) @property def pixmask(self): """Maskbit instance for the pixmask flag. See :ref:`marvin-utils-maskbit` for documentation and `~marvin.utils.general.maskbit.Maskbit` for API reference. """ assert self.pixmask_flag, 'pixmask flag not set' pixmask = maskbit.Maskbit(self.pixmask_flag) pixmask.mask = self.mask return pixmask @property def masked(self): """Return a masked array. If the `~QuantityMixIn.pixmask` is set, and the maskbit contains the ``DONOTUSE`` and ``NOCOV`` labels, the returned array will be masked for the values containing those bits. Otherwise, all values where the mask is greater than zero will be masked. """ assert self.mask is not None, 'mask is not set' try: pixmask = self.pixmask except AssertionError: warnings.warn('pixmask not set. Applying full mask.', marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinUserWarning) return, mask=(self.mask > 0)) labels = pixmask.schema.label.tolist() if 'DONOTUSE' in labels and 'NOCOV' in labels: return, mask=self.pixmask.get_mask(['DONOTUSE', 'NOCOV']) > 0) elif 'DONOTUSE' in labels: return, mask=self.pixmask.get_mask('DONOTUSE') > 0) else: return, mask=(self.mask > 0)) @property def error(self): """Compute the standard deviation of the measurement.""" if hasattr(self, '_std') and self._std is not None: return self._std if self.ivar is None: return None numpy.seterr(divide='ignore') return numpy.sqrt(1. / self.ivar) * self.unit @property def snr(self): """Return the signal-to-noise ratio for each spaxel in the map.""" return numpy.abs(self.value * numpy.sqrt(self.ivar))
[docs] def descale(self): """Returns a copy of the object in which the scale is unity. Example: >>> dc.unit Unit("1e-17 erg / (Angstrom cm2 s spaxel)") >> dc[100, 15, 15] <DataCube 0.270078063011169 1e-17 erg / (Angstrom cm2 s spaxel)> >>> dc_descaled = dc.descale() >>> d_descaled.unit Unit("Angstrom cm2 s spaxel") >>> dc[100, 15, 15] <DataCube 2.70078063011169e-18 erg / (Angstrom cm2 s spaxel)> """ if self.unit.scale == 1: return self value_descaled = self.value * self.unit.scale value_unit = units.CompositeUnit(1, self.unit.bases, self.unit.powers) if self.ivar is not None: ivar_descaled = self.ivar / (self.unit.scale ** 2) else: ivar_descaled = None return self.__class__(value_descaled, self.wavelength, unit=value_unit, ivar=ivar_descaled, mask=self.mask)