Saving Queries

For large or many queries, you may not want to recreate them every single session. Using Python pickling, Marvin can save your queries locally, and restore them later for use again. Marvin will save the query locally as a binary pickle object, which can be restored later.


To save your query, use the save method on your query. save accepts as argument a filename. If you do not specify a directory, the file will be saved in your user directory by default. If you do not specify a filename, Marvin will generate one for you.

# make a query
query = Query(search_filter='nsa.z < 0.1')
Marvin Query(filter=nsa.z < 0.1, mode=u'remote', limit=100, sort=None, order=u'asc')

# save it for later'myquery')


To restore a previously saved query, use the restore method. Restoring is a Marvin Query class method. That means you run it from the class itself after import, instead of from your instance object.

# import the Query class
from import Query

# Restore a saved query from a pickle file
newq = Query.restore('/Users/Brian/myquery.mpf')

# Your query is now loaded
Marvin Query(filter=nsa.z < 0.1, mode='remote', limit=100, sort=None, order='asc')
'nsa.z < 0.1'