Source code for marvin.utils.general.bundle

# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego
# @Date:   2014-04-18 00:21:02
# @Last modified by:   Brian Cherinka
# @Last Modified time: 2018-08-08 14:05:43

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import requests
import warnings
import PIL

from astropy import table
from import ascii
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinError, MarvinUserWarning
from marvin.utils import yanny

if sys.version_info.major == 2:
    from cStringIO import StringIO as stringio
    from io import StringIO as stringio
    from io import BytesIO as bytesio

# cached yanny metrology and plateholes objects

[docs]class Bundle(object): """The location, size, and shape of a MaNGA IFU bundle. A bundle of a given size at the RA/Dec coordinates. Setting envelope creates the hexagon at the outer boundry of the fibers, otherwise the hexagon runs through the centers of the outer fibers. Parameters: ra (float): The Right Ascension of the target dec (float): The Declination of the target size (int): The fiber size of the IFU, e.g. 19 or 127 plateifu (str): The plateifu of the target use_envelope (bool): Expands the hexagon area to include an envelope surrounding the hex border local (bool): If True, grabs the fiducial metrology file from a local MANGACORE Attributes: fibers (ndarray): An Nx3 array of IFU fiber coordinates skies (ndarray): An Nx2 array of sky fiber coordinates. Default is unloaded. Use :meth:`get_sky_coordinates` to load. hexagon (ndarray): An Nx2 array of coordinates defining the hexagon vertices """ def __init__(self, ra, dec, size=127, use_envelope=True, local=None, plateifu=None, **kwargs): self.ra = float(ra) self.dec = float(dec) self.size = size self.plateifu = plateifu self.simbMapFile = None self.plateholes_file = None if self.size not in [7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127]: self.hexagon = None return self.simbMap = self._get_simbmap_file(local=local) # get the fiber coordinates self.skies = None self.fibers = self.get_fiber_coordinates(size=size) # get the hexagon coordinates self.hexagon = self._calculate_hexagon(use_envelope=use_envelope) def __repr__(self): return '<Bundle (ra={0}, dec={1}, ifu={2})>'.format(self.ra, self.dec, self.size) def _get_a_file(self, filename, local=None): ''' Retrieve a file served locally or remotely over the internet Will retrieve a local filename or grab the file contents remotely from the SAS Parameters: filename (str): Full filepath to load local (bool): If True, does a local system check Returns: A file object to be read in by Yanny ''' if local: if not os.path.exists(filename): raise MarvinError('No {0} file found locally.'.format(filename)) else: fileobj = filename else: r = requests.get(filename) if not r.ok: raise MarvinError('Could not retrieve {0} file remotely'.format(filename)) else: fileobj = stringio(r.content.decode()) return fileobj def _read_in_yanny(self, filename, local=None): ''' Read in a yanny file object Reads in a local or remote data object as a Yanny file Parameters: filename (str): Full filepath to load local (bool): If True, does a local system check Returns: A Yanny object ''' fileobj = self._get_a_file(filename, local=local) try: data = yanny.yanny(fileobj, np=True) except Exception as e: raise MarvinError('Cannot read file {0}. {1}'.format(filename, e)) return data def _get_simbmap_file(self, local=None): ''' Retrieves the metrology file locally or remotely Reads in fresh metrology data or grabs it from cache if available Parameters: local (bool): If True, does a local system check Returns: The metrology object data ''' # create the file path rel_path = u'metrology/fiducial/manga_simbmap_127.par' if local: base_path = os.environ['MANGACORE_DIR'] else: base_path = u'' self.simbMapFile = os.path.join(base_path, rel_path) # read in the Yanny object global SIMOBJ if SIMOBJ is None: simbmap_data = self._read_in_yanny(self.simbMapFile, local=local) SIMOBJ = simbmap_data['SIMBMAP'] return SIMOBJ def _get_plateholes_file(self, plate=None, local=None): ''' Retrieves the platesholes file locally or remotely Reads in fresh plateHoles data or grabs it from cache if available Parameters: plate (int): The plateid to load the plateHoles file for local (bool): If True, does a local system check Returns: The plateHoles object data ''' # check for plate if not plate and not self.plateifu: raise MarvinError('Must have the plate id to get the correct plateholes file') elif not plate and self.plateifu: plate, ifu = self.plateifu.split('-') # create the file path pltgrp = '{:04d}XX'.format(int(plate) // 100) rel_path = u'platedesign/plateholes/{0}/plateHolesSorted-{1:06d}.par'.format(pltgrp, int(plate)) if local: base_path = os.environ['MANGACORE_DIR'] else: base_path = u'' self.platesholes_file = os.path.join(base_path, rel_path) # read in the Yanny object global PLATEHOLES if PLATEHOLES is None: plateholes_data = self._read_in_yanny(self.platesholes_file, local=local) PLATEHOLES = plateholes_data['STRUCT1'] return PLATEHOLES @staticmethod def _get_sky_fibers(data, ifu): """ Return the sky fibers associated with each galaxy. Parameters: data (object): the plateHoles object data ifu (int): The ifu design of the target Returns: A numpy array of tuples of sky fiber RA, Dec coordinates """ sky_fibers = data[data['targettype'] == 'SKY'] sky_block = sky_fibers['block'] == int(ifu) zip_data = list(zip(sky_fibers[sky_block]['target_ra'], sky_fibers[sky_block]['target_dec'])) skies = np.array(zip_data) return skies
[docs] def get_sky_coordinates(self, plateifu=None): ''' Returns the RA, Dec coordinates of the sky fibers An Nx2 numpy array, with each row the [RA, Dec] coordinate of the sky fiber. Parameters: plateifu (str): The plateifu of the target ''' plateifu = plateifu or self.plateifu if not plateifu: raise MarvinError('Need the plateifu to get the corresponding sky fibers') else: plate, ifu = plateifu.split('-') data = self._get_plateholes_file(plate=plate) self.skies = self._get_sky_fibers(data, ifu)
[docs] def get_fiber_coordinates(self, size=None): """ Returns the RA, Dec coordinates for each fiber. Parameters: size (int): The IFU size. This extracts only the fibers for the given size Returns: An Nx3 numpy array, each row containing [fiberid, RA, Dec] """ fibreWorld = np.zeros((len(self.simbMap), 3), float) raOffDeg = self.simbMap['raoff'] / 3600. / np.cos(self.dec * np.pi / 180.) decOffDeg = self.simbMap['decoff'] / 3600. fibreWorld[:, 0] = self.simbMap['fnumdesign'] fibreWorld[:, 1] = self.ra + raOffDeg fibreWorld[:, 2] = self.dec + decOffDeg # extract only the fibers for the specified IFU size if size: fibreWorld = fibreWorld[fibreWorld[:, 0] <= size] return fibreWorld
def _calculate_hexagon(self, use_envelope=True): """ Calculates the vertices of the bundle hexagon. """ simbMapSize = self.simbMap[self.simbMap['fnumdesign'] <= self.size] middleRow = simbMapSize[simbMapSize['decoff'] == 0] topRow = simbMapSize[simbMapSize['decoff'] == np.max(simbMapSize['decoff'])] bottopRow = simbMapSize[simbMapSize['decoff'] == np.min(simbMapSize['decoff'])] vertice0 = middleRow[middleRow['raoff'] == np.max(middleRow['raoff'])] vertice3 = middleRow[middleRow['raoff'] == np.min(middleRow['raoff'])] vertice1 = topRow[topRow['raoff'] == np.max(topRow['raoff'])] vertice2 = topRow[topRow['raoff'] == np.min(topRow['raoff'])] vertice5 = bottopRow[bottopRow['raoff'] == np.max(bottopRow['raoff'])] vertice4 = bottopRow[bottopRow['raoff'] == np.min(bottopRow['raoff'])] hexagonOff = np.array( [[vertice0['raoff'][0], vertice0['decoff'][0]], [vertice1['raoff'][0], vertice1['decoff'][0]], [vertice2['raoff'][0], vertice2['decoff'][0]], [vertice3['raoff'][0], vertice3['decoff'][0]], [vertice4['raoff'][0], vertice4['decoff'][0]], [vertice5['raoff'][0], vertice5['decoff'][0]]]) # This array increases the area of the hexagon so that it is an # envelope of the bundle. if use_envelope: halfFibre = 1. hexagonExtra = np.array( [[halfFibre, 0.0], [halfFibre, halfFibre], [-halfFibre, halfFibre], [-halfFibre, 0.0], [-halfFibre, -halfFibre], [halfFibre, -halfFibre]]) hexagonOff += hexagonExtra raOffDeg = hexagonOff[:, 0] / 3600. / np.cos(self.dec * np.pi / 180.) decOffDeg = hexagonOff[:, 1] / 3600. hexagon = hexagonOff.copy() hexagon[:, 0] = self.ra + raOffDeg hexagon[:, 1] = self.dec + decOffDeg return hexagon
[docs] def create_DS9_regions(self, outputFile=None): ''' Writes out the bundle positions into a DS9 region file Parameters: outputFile (str): The output filename ''' if outputFile is None: outputFile = 'bundlePositionsDS9.reg' radius = 1. / 3600. template = """ global color=green font="helvetica 10 normal roman" wcs=wcs """ template.strip().replace('\n', ' ') for fibre in self.fibers: template += ('\nfk5;circle({0:.10f},{1:.10f},' '{2:.10f}) #text = {{{3}}}').format( fibre[1], fibre[2], radius, int(fibre[0])) template += '\n' out = open(outputFile, 'w') out.write(template) out.close()
[docs] def print_bundle(self): ''' Print the bundle to an Astropy Table ''' tt = table.Table(self.fibers, names=['fnumdesign', 'RA', 'Dec'], dtype=[int, float, float]) ascii.write(tt, format='fixed_width_two_line', formats={'RA': '{0:.12f}', 'Dec': '{0:.12f}'})
[docs] def print_hexagon(self): ''' Print the hexagon to an Astropy Table ''' tt = table.Table(self.hexagon, names=['RA', 'Dec'], dtype=[float, float]) ascii.write(tt, format='fixed_width_two_line', formats={'RA': '{0:.12f}', 'Dec': '{0:.12f}'})
[docs]class Cutout(object): """ A Generic SDSS Cutout Image Tool which allows to generate an image using the SDSS Skyserver Image Cutout service. See for details. Parameters: ra (float): The central Right Ascension of the cutout dec (float): The central Declination of the cutout width (int): width of cutout in arcsec height (int): height in cutout in arcsec scale (float): pixel scale in arcsec/pixel. Default is 0.198 "/pix. kwargs: Allowed boolean keyword arguments to the SDSS Image Cutout Service. Set desired keyword parameters to True to enable. Available kwargs are: - 'photo': PhotoObjs - 'bound': BoundingBox - 'masks': Masks - 'grid': Grid - 'outline': Outline - 'target': TargetObjs - 'fields': Fields - 'invert': Invert Image - 'spectra': SpecObjs - 'label': Label - 'plates': Plates Attributes: rawurl (str): The raw url of the cutout wcs (WCS): The WCS of the generated image image (PIL.Image): The cutout image object size (int): The image size in arcsec size_pix (int): The image size in pixels center (tuple): The image center RA, Dec """ def __init__(self, ra, dec, width, height, scale=None, **kwargs): self.rawurl = ("" "ra={ra}&dec={dec}&scale={scale}&width={width_pix}&height={height_pix}&opt={opts}&query=") self.ra = ra self.dec = dec self.scale = scale or 0.198 # default arcsec/pixel self.image = None = np.array([ra, dec]) self.size = np.array([width, height], dtype=int) self.coords = {'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'width': width, 'height': height, 'scale': self.scale} self._get_pix_size() if max(self.size_pix) >= 2048: raise MarvinError('Requested image size is too large. ' 'The Skyserver image cutout can only return a size up to 2048 pixels') self._define_wcs() self._get_cutout(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): return ('<Cutout (ra={0}, dec={1}, scale={2}, height={3}, ' 'width={4})>'.format(self.ra, self.dec, self.scale, *self.size_pix)) def _get_pix_size(self): """height,width converted from arcsec->pixels""" self.coords['height_pix'] = int(round(self.coords['height'] / self.scale)) self.coords['width_pix'] = int(round(self.coords['width'] / self.scale)) self.size_pix = np.array((self.coords['height_pix'], self.coords['width_pix'])) def _define_wcs(self): """ Given what we know about the scale of the image, define a nearly-correct world coordinate system to use with it. """ w = WCS(naxis=2) w.wcs.crpix = self.size_pix / 2 w.wcs.crval = = np.array([[-1, 0], [0, 1]]) * self.scale / 3600. w.wcs.ctype = ['RA---TAN', 'DEC--TAN'] w.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg'] w.wcs.radesys = 'ICRS' w.wcs.equinox = 2000.0 self.wcs = w def _wcs_to_dict(self): ''' Convert and return the WCS as a dictionary''' wcshdr = None if self.wcs: wcshdr = self.wcs.to_header() wcshdr = dict(wcshdr) wcshdr = {key: str(val) for key, val in wcshdr.items()} return wcshdr def _make_metadata(self, filetype=None): ''' Make the meta data for the image ''' if 'png' in filetype: meta = PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngInfo() else: meta = None warnings.warn('Can only save WCS metadata with PNG filetype', MarvinUserWarning) if meta: info = {key: str(val) for key, val in} for row in info: meta.add_text(row, info[row]) return meta def _update_info(self): ''' Update the image info dictionary ''' for key, value in if isinstance(value, tuple):[key] = value[0] wcsdict = self._wcs_to_dict() = wcsdict['wdthpix'] ='width_pix')['hghtpix'] ='height_pix') def _add_options(self, **kwargs): allowed = {'grid': 'G', 'label': 'L', 'photo': 'P', 'spectra': 'S', 'target': 'T', 'outline': 'O', 'bound': 'B', 'fields': 'F', 'masks': 'M', 'plates': 'Q', 'invert': 'I'} opts = [] for key, value in kwargs.items(): assert key in allowed.keys(), 'Cutout keyword must be one of: {0}'.format(allowed.keys()) assert isinstance(value, (bool, type(None))), 'Cutout value can only be a Boolean' if value: opts.append(allowed[key]) self.coords['opts'] = ''.join(opts) def _get_cutout(self, **kwargs): """ Gets an image cutout Get a cutout around a point, centered at some RA, Dec (in decimal degrees), and spanning width,height (in arcseconds) in size. Parameters: kwargs: Allowed keywords into the SDSS Skyserver Image Cutout """ # add options self._add_options(**kwargs) # retrieve the image url = self.rawurl.format(**self.coords) response = requests.get(url) if not response.ok: raise MarvinError('Cannot retrieve image cutout') else: base_image = response.content ioop = stringio if sys.version_info.major == 2 else bytesio self.image = self._update_info()
[docs] def save(self, filename, filetype='png'): ''' Save the image cutout to a file If the filetype is PNG, it will also save the WCS and coordinate information as metadata in the image. Parameters: filename (str): The output filename filetype (str): The output file extension ''' filename, fileext = os.path.splitext(filename) extlist = ['.png', '.bmp', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tiff', '.gif', '.ppm'] assert fileext.lower() in extlist, 'Specified filename not of allowed image type: png, gif, tiff, jpeg, bmp' meta = self._make_metadata(filetype=filetype), filetype, pnginfo=meta)
[docs] def show(self): ''' Show the image cutout ''' if self.image: