Source code for marvin.contrib.vacs.visual_morph

# !usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.
# @Author: Brian Cherinka
# @Date:   2018-10-11 17:51:43
# @Last modified by:   Brian Cherinka
# @Last Modified time: 2018-11-29 17:23:15

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
from marvin import log

from .base import VACMixIn, VACTarget

[docs]class VMORPHOVAC(VACMixIn): """Provides access to the MaNGA-VISUAL-MORPHOLOGY VAC. VAC name: manga_visual_morpho URL: Description: A new morphology catalogue is presented in this VAC, based on a pure visual morphological classification. This catalogue contains the T-Type morphology, visual attributes (barred, edge-on, tidal debris) and the CAS parameters (Concentration, Asymmetry and Clumpiness; from the DESI images. Authors: J. Antonio Vazquez-Mata and Hector Hernandez-Toledo """ # hidden from DR17 until future notice _hidden = True _hidden_for = 'DR17' # Required parameters name = 'visual_morphology' description = 'Returns visual morphology data' version = {'DR16': '1.0.1', 'DR17': '2.0.1', 'MPL-11': '2.0.1'} display_name = 'Visual Morphology' url = '' # optional Marvin Tools to attach your vac to include = (, # Required method
[docs] def set_summary_file(self, release): ''' Sets the path to the Visual Morphology summary file ''' # define the variables to build a unique path to your VAC file self.path_params = {"vmver": self.version[release]} # get_path returns False if the files do not exist locally self.summary_file = self.get_path('mangaVmorpho', path_params=self.path_params)
# Required method
[docs] def get_target(self, parent_object): ''' Accesses VAC data for a specific target from a Marvin Tool object ''' if parent_object.release == 'DR16': log.warning('You are accessing outdated DR16 data for this VAC. This target has updated data in DR17. We recommend using the new data release instead.') # get any parameters you need from the parent object plateifu = parent_object.plateifu # download the vac from the SAS if it does not already exist locally if not self.file_exists(self.summary_file): self.summary_file = self.download_vac('mangaVmorpho', path_params=self.path_params) # get path to ancillary VAC files if parent_object.release == 'DR16': # for DR16 SDSS/DESI mosaic images self.update_path_params({'plateifu': plateifu, 'survey': '*'}) sdss_mos, desi_mos= self._get_mosaics(self.path_params) # create container for more complex return data vmdata = VizMorphTarget(plateifu, vacfile=self.summary_file, sdss=sdss_mos, desi=desi_mos) elif parent_object.release in ['DR17', 'MPL-11']: # for DR17 combined mosaic images self.update_path_params({'plateifu': plateifu}) mos_mos = self._check_mosaic('mos', self.path_params) # create container for more complex return data vmdata = VizMorphTarget(plateifu, vacfile=self.summary_file, mos=mos_mos) return vmdata
def _get_mosaics(self, path_params): ''' Get the mosaic images for SDSS and DESI surveys for DR16 Parameters: path_params (dict): The sdss_access keyword parameters to define a file path Returns: The SDSS and DESI local image filepaths ''' sdss_mosaic = self._check_mosaic('sdss', path_params) desi_mosaic = self._check_mosaic('desi', path_params) return sdss_mosaic, desi_mosaic def _check_mosaic(self, survey, path_params): ''' Get a mosaic image file for a survey path Checks for local existence of the mosaic image filepath. If it does not exists, it downloads it. Parameters: survey (str): The survey to download. Either sdss or desi in DR16; or mos in DR17 path_params (dict): The sdss_access keyword parameters to define a file path Returns: The mosaic image file path ''' path_params['survey'] = survey mosaic = self.get_path('mangaVmorphoImgs', path_params=path_params) # download the mosaic file (downloads both surveys at once) if not self.file_exists(mosaic): pp = path_params.copy() pp['survey'] = '*' mosaics = self.download_vac('mangaVmorphoImgs', path_params=pp) # get the path again for the single survey mosaic = self.get_path('mangaVmorphoImgs', path_params=path_params) return mosaic
[docs]class VizMorphTarget(VACTarget): ''' A customized target class to also display morphology mosaics This class handles data from both the Visual Morphology summary file and the individual image files. Row data from the summary file for the given target is returned via the `data` property. Images can be displayed via the the `show_mosaic` method. Parameters: targetid (str): The plateifu or mangaid designation vacfile (str): The path of the VAC summary file sdss (str): The path to the DR16 SDSS image mosaic desi (str): The path to the DR16 DESI image mosaic mos (str): The path to the DR17 combined image mosaic Attributes: data: The target row data from the main VAC file targetid (str): The target identifier ''' def __init__(self, targetid, vacfile, sdss=None, desi=None, mos=None): super(VizMorphTarget, self).__init__(targetid, vacfile) self._sdss_img = sdss self._desi_img = desi self._mos_img = mos
[docs] def show_mosaic(self, survey=None): ''' Show the mosaic image for the given survey in DR16 or the combined in DR17 Displays the mosaic image of visual morphology classification for the given survey as a Matplotlib Figure/Axis object. Parameters: survey (str): The survey name. Can be either "sdss" or "desi" for DR16; or "mos" for DR17 Returns: A matplotlib axis object ''' #print('NOTE: For DR16, must specify either survey: sdss or desi. For DR17 must write: mos') if survey == 'sdss': impath = self._sdss_img fsize = (15,5) elif survey == 'desi': impath = self._desi_img fsize = (10,5) elif survey == 'mos': impath = self._mos_img fsize = (20,5) else: raise ValueError('survey must be either "sdss" or "desi" for DR16, or "mos" for DR17') imdata = mpimg.imread(impath) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = fsize) ax.imshow(imdata) title = '{0} Mosaic'.format(survey.upper()) fig.suptitle(title) return ax