
General Utilities

marvin.utils.general.general.convertCoords(coords, mode='sky', wcs=None, xyorig='center', shape=None)[source]

Convert input coordinates to array indices.

Converts input positions in x, y or RA, Dec coordinates to array indices (in Numpy style) or spaxel extraction. In case of pixel coordinates, the origin of reference (either the center of the cube or the lower left corner) can be specified via xyorig.

If shape is defined (mandatory for mode='pix', optional for mode='sky') and one or more of the resulting indices are outside the size of the input shape, an error is raised.

This functions is mostly intended for internal use.

  • coords (array) – The input coordinates, as an array of shape Nx2.
  • ({'sky', 'pix'} (mode) – The type of input coordinates, either 'sky' for celestial coordinates (in the format defined in the WCS header information), or 'pix' for pixel coordinates.
  • wcs (None or astropy.wcs.WCS object) – If mode='sky', the WCS solution from which the cube coordinates can be derived.
  • xyorig (str) – If mode='pix', the reference point from which the coordinates are measured. Valid values are 'center', for the centre of the spatial dimensions of the cube, or 'lower' for the lower-left corner.
  • shape (None or array) – If mode='pix', the shape of the spatial dimensions of the cube, so that the central position can be calculated.

result (Numpy array) – An array with the same shape as coords, containing the cube index positions for the input coordinates, in Numpy style (i.e., the first element being the row and the second the column).


Determine if a string input is a plate, plateifu, or manga-id.

Parses a string object id and determines whether it is a plate ID, a plate-IFU, or MaNGA-ID designation.

Parameters:galid (str) – The string of an id name to parse
Returns:idtype (str) – String indicating either plate, plateifu, mangaid, or None
marvin.utils.general.general.mangaid2plateifu(mangaid, mode='auto', drpall=None, drpver=None)[source]

Return the plate-ifu for a certain mangaid.

Uses either the DB or the drpall file to determine the plate-ifu for a mangaid. If more than one plate-ifu are available for a certain ifu, and mode='drpall', the one with the higher SN2 (calculated as the sum of redSN2 and blueSN2) will be used. If mode='db', the most recent one will be used.

  • mangaid (str) – The mangaid for which the plate-ifu will be returned.
  • mode ({'auto', 'drpall', 'db', 'remote'}) – If 'drpall' or 'db', the drpall file or the local database, respectively, will be used. If 'remote', a request to the API will be issued. If 'auto', the local modes will be tried before the remote mode.
  • drpall (str or None) – The path to the drpall file to use. If None, the file in config.drpall will be used.
  • drpver (str or None) – The DRP version to use. If None, the one in config.drpver will be used. If drpall is defined, this value is ignored.

plateifu (str) – The plate-ifu string for the input mangaid.

marvin.utils.general.general.findClosestVector(point, arr_shape=None, pixel_shape=None, xyorig=None)[source]

Find the closest array coordinates from pixel coordinates.

Find the closest vector of array coordinates (x, y) from an input vector of pixel coordinates (x, y).

  • point – tuple Original point of interest in pixel units, order of (x,y)
  • arr_shape – tuple Shape of data array in (x,y) order
  • pixel_shape – tuple Shape of image in pixels in (x,y) order
  • xyorig – str Indicates the origin point of coordinates. Set to “relative” switches to an array coordinate system relative to galaxy center. Default is absolute array coordinates (x=0, y=0) = upper left corner



A tuple of array coordinates in x, y order

marvin.utils.general.general.getWCSFromPng(filename=None, image=None)[source]

Extract any WCS info from the metadata of a PNG image.

Extracts the WCS metadata info from the PNG optical image of the galaxy using PIL (Python Imaging Library). Converts it to an Astropy WCS object.

  • image (object) – An existing PIL image object
  • filename (str) – The full path to the image

pngwcs (WCS) – an Astropy WCS object

marvin.utils.general.general.convertImgCoords(coords, image, to_pix=None, to_radec=None)[source]

Transform the WCS info in an image.

Convert image pixel coordinates to RA/Dec based on PNG image metadata or vice_versa

  • coords (tuple) – The input coordindates to transform
  • image (str) – The full path to the image
  • to_pix (bool) – Set to convert to pixel coordinates
  • to_radec (bool) – Set to convert to RA/Dec coordinates

newcoords (tuple) – Tuple of either (x, y) pixel coordinates or (RA, Dec) coordinates

marvin.utils.general.general.getSpaxelXY(cube, plateifu, x, y)[source]

Get a spaxel from a cube in the DB.

This function is mostly intended for internal use.

  • cube (SQLAlchemy object) – The SQLAlchemy object representing the cube from which to extract the spaxel.
  • plateifu (str) – The corresponding plateifu of cube.
  • x,y (int) – The coordinates of the spaxel in the database.

spaxel (SQLAlchemy object) – The SQLAlchemy spaxel with coordinates (x, y).

marvin.utils.general.general.downloadList(inputlist, dltype='cube', **kwargs)[source]

Download a list of MaNGA objects.

Uses sdss_access to download a list of objects via rsync. Places them in your local sas path mimicing the Utah SAS.

i.e. $SAS_BASE_DIR/mangawork/manga/spectro/redux

Can download cubes, rss files, maps, modelcubes, mastar cubes, png images, default maps, or the entire plate directory. dltype=`dap` is a special keyword that downloads all DAP files. It sets binmode and daptype to ‘*’

  • inputlist (list) – Required. A list of objects to download. Must be a list of plate IDs, plate-IFUs, or manga-ids
  • dltype ({'cube', 'maps', 'modelcube', 'dap', image', 'rss', 'mastar', 'default', 'plate'}) – Indicated type of object to download. Can be any of plate, cube, image, mastar, rss, map, modelcube, or default (default map). If not specified, the dltype defaults to cube.
  • release (str) – The MPL/DR version of the data to download. Defaults to Marvin config.release.
  • bintype (str) – The bin type of the DAP maps to download. Defaults to *
  • binmode (str) – The bin mode of the DAP maps to download. Defaults to *
  • n (int) – The plan id number [1-12] of the DAP maps to download. Defaults to *
  • daptype (str) – The daptype of the default map to grab. Defaults to *
  • dir3d (str) – The directory where the images are located. Either ‘stack’ or ‘mastar’. Defaults to *
  • verbose (bool) – Turns on verbosity during rsync
  • limit (int) – A limit to the number of items to download
  • test (bool) – If True, tests the download path construction but does not download

If test=True, returns the list of full filepaths that will be downloaded

marvin.utils.general.general.getSpaxel(cube=True, maps=True, modelcube=True, x=None, y=None, ra=None, dec=None, xyorig=None, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the Spaxel matching certain coordinates.

The coordinates of the spaxel to return can be input as x, y pixels relative to``xyorig`` in the cube, or as ra, dec celestial coordinates.

This function is intended to be called by getSpaxel() or getSpaxel(), and provides shared code for both of them.

  • cube (Cube or None or bool) – A Cube object with the DRP cube data from which the spaxel spectrum will be extracted. If None, the Spaxel object(s) returned won’t contain spectral information.
  • maps (Maps or None or bool) – As cube but for the Maps object representing the DAP maps entity. If None, the Spaxel will be returned without DAP information.
  • modelcube (ModelCube or None or bool) – As cube but for the ModelCube object representing the DAP modelcube entity. If None, the Spaxel will be returned without model information.
  • x,y (int or array) – The spaxel coordinates relative to xyorig. If x is an array of coordinates, the size of x must much that of y.
  • ra,dec (float or array) – The coordinates of the spaxel to return. The closest spaxel to those coordinates will be returned. If ra is an array of coordinates, the size of ra must much that of dec.
  • xyorig ({'center', 'lower'}) – The reference point from which x and y are measured. Valid values are 'center', for the centre of the spatial dimensions of the cube, or 'lower' for the lower-left corner. This keyword is ignored if ra and dec are defined. xyorig defaults to marvin.config.xyorig.
  • kwargs (dict) – Arguments to be passed to SpaxelBase.

spaxels (list) – The Spaxel objects for this cube/maps corresponding to the input coordinates. The length of the list is equal to the number of input coordinates.

marvin.utils.general.general.get_drpall_row(plateifu, drpver=None, drpall=None)[source]

Returns a dictionary from drpall matching the plateifu.


Retrieve the default Maps path.

Uses sdss_access Path to generate a url download link to the default MAPS file for a given MPL.

  • release (str) – The release version of the data to download. Defaults to Marvin config.release.
  • plate (int) – The plate id
  • ifu (int) – The ifu number
  • mode (str) – The bintype of the default file to grab, i.e. MAPS or LOGCUBE. Defaults to MAPS
  • daptype (str) – The daptype of the default map to grab. Defaults to SPX-GAU-MILESHC

maplink (str) – The sas url to download the default maps file


Retrieve SAS url link to the DAP redux directory.

Parameters:release (str) – The release version of the data to download. Defaults to Marvin config.release.
Returns:dapredux (str) – The full redux path to the DAP MAPS
marvin.utils.general.general.get_nsa_data(mangaid, source='nsa', mode='auto', drpver=None, drpall=None)[source]

Returns a dictionary of NSA data from the DB or from the drpall file.

  • mangaid (str) – The mangaid of the target for which the NSA information will be returned.
  • source ({'nsa', 'drpall'}) – The data source. If source='nsa', the full NSA catalogue from the DB will be used. If source='drpall', the subset of NSA columns included in the drpall file will be returned.
  • mode ({'auto', 'local', 'remote'}) – See Mode Decision Tree.
  • drpver (str or None) – The version of the DRP to use, if source='drpall'. If None, uses the version set by marvin.config.release.
  • drpall (str or None) – A path to the drpall file to use if source='drpall'. If not defined, the default drpall file matching drpver will be used.

nsa_data (dict) – A dictionary containing the columns and values from the NSA catalogue for mangaid.

marvin.utils.general.general.invalidArgs(func, argdict)[source]

Return invalid arguments from an input dictionary

  • func (func) – The function or method to inspect
  • argdict (dict) – The argument dictionary to test against

A list of invalid arguments


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> testdict = {'edgecolors': 'black', 'c': 'r', 'xlim': 5, 'xlabel': 9, 'ylabel': 'y', 'ylim': 6}
>>> # test for invalid args
>>> invalidArgs(plt.scatter, testdict)
>>>  {'xlabel', 'xlim', 'ylabel', 'ylim'}
marvin.utils.general.general.missingArgs(func, argdict, arg_type='args')[source]

Return missing arguments from an input dictionary

  • func (func) – The function or method to inspect
  • argdict (dict) – The argument dictionary to test against
  • arg_type (str) – The type of arguments to test. Either (args|kwargs|req|opt). Default is required.

A list of missing arguments


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> testdict = {'edgecolors': 'black', 'c': 'r', 'xlim': 5, 'xlabel': 9, 'ylabel': 'y', 'ylim': 6}
>>> # test for missing required args
>>> missginArgs(plt.scatter, testdict)
>>> {'x', 'y'}
>>> # test for missing optional args
>>> missingArgs(plt.scatter, testdict, arg_type='opt')
>>> ['vmin', 'linewidths', 'marker', 's', 'cmap', 'verts', 'vmax', 'alpha', 'hold', 'data', 'norm']

Gets the required arguments from a function or method

Uses this difference between arguments and defaults to indicate required versus optional arguments

Parameters:func (func) – The function or method to inspect
Returns:A list of required arguments


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> getRequiredArgs(plt.scatter)
>>> ['x', 'y']

Gets the keyword arguments from a function or method

Parameters:func (func) – The function or method to inspect
Returns:A list of keyword arguments


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> getKeywordArgs(plt.scatter)
>>> ['edgecolors', 'c', 'vmin', 'linewidths', 'marker', 's', 'cmap',
>>>  'verts', 'vmax', 'alpha', 'hold', 'data', 'norm']
marvin.utils.general.general.isCallableWithArgs(func, argdict, arg_type='opt', strict=False)[source]

Test if the function is callable with the an input dictionary

  • func (func) – The function or method to inspect
  • argdict (dict) – The argument dictionary to test against
  • arg_type (str) – The type of arguments to test. Either (args|kwargs|req|opt). Default is required.
  • strict (bool) – If True, validates input dictionary against both missing and invalid keyword arguments. Default is False

Boolean indicating whether the function is callable


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> testdict = {'edgecolors': 'black', 'c': 'r', 'xlim': 5, 'xlabel': 9, 'ylabel': 'y', 'ylim': 6}
>>> # test for invalid args
>>> isCallableWithArgs(plt.scatter, testdict)
>>> False
marvin.utils.general.general.map_bins_to_column(column, indices)[source]

Maps a dictionary of array indices to column data

Takes a given data column and a dictionary of indices (see the indices key from output of the histgram data in marvin.utils.plot.scatter.hist()), and produces a dictionary with the data values from column mapped in individual bins.

  • column (list) – A column of data
  • indices (dict) – A dictionary of providing a list of array indices belonging to each bin in a histogram.

A dictionary containing, for each binid, a list of column data in that bin.


>>> # provide a list of data in each bin of an output histogram
>>> x = np.random.random(10)*10
>>> hdata = hist(x, bins=3, return_fig=False)
>>> inds = hdata['indices']
>>> pmap = map_bins_to_column(x, inds)
>>> OrderedDict([(1,
>>>   [2.5092488009906235,
>>>    1.7494530589363955,
>>>    2.5070840461208754,
>>>    2.188355400587354,
>>>    2.6987990403658992,
>>>    1.6023553861428441]),
>>>  (3, [7.9214280403215875, 7.488908995456573, 7.190598204420587]),
>>>  (4, [8.533028236560906])])

Returns the path to the DRPall file for (drpver, dapver).

marvin.utils.general.general.get_dapall_path(drpver, dapver)[source]

Returns the path to the DAPall file for (drpver, dapver).

marvin.utils.general.general.temp_setattr(ob, attrs, new_values)[source]

Temporarily set attributed on an object

Temporarily set an attribute on an object for the duration of the context manager.

  • ob (object) – A class instance to set attributes on
  • attrs (str|list) – A list of attribute names to replace
  • new_values (list) – A list of new values to set as new attribute. If new_values is None, all attributes in attrs will be set to None.


>>> c = Cube(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> print('before', c.mangaid)
>>> with temp_setattr(c, 'mangaid', None):
>>>     # do stuff
>>>     print('new', c.mangaid)
>>> print('after' c.mangaid)
>>> # Output
>>> before '1-209232'
>>> new None
>>> after '1-209232'
marvin.utils.general.general.map_dapall(header, row)[source]

Retrieves a dictionary of DAPall db column names

For a given row in the DAPall file, returns a dictionary of corresponding DAPall database columns names with the appropriate values.

  • header (Astropy header) – The primary header of the DAPall file
  • row (recarray) – A row of the DAPall binary table data

A dictionary with db column names as keys and row data as values


>>> hdu = fits.open('dapall-v2_3_1-2.1.1.fits')
>>> header = hdu[0].header
>>> row = hdu[1].data[0]
>>> dbdict = map_dapall(header, row)

Turns off the Matplotlib plt interactive mode

Context manager to temporarily disable the interactive Matplotlib plotting functionality. Useful for only returning Figure and Axes objects

Parameters:show_plot (bool) – If True, turns off the plotting


>>> with turn_off_ion(show_plot=False):
>>>     do_some_stuff

Print out a basic summary of memory usage.

Parameters:where (str) – A string description of where in the code you are summarizing memory usage

Decorator to validate a JWT and User

marvin.utils.general.general.target_status(mangaid, mode='auto', source='nsa', drpall=None, drpver=None)[source]

Check the status of a MaNGA target

Given a mangaid, checks the status of a target. Will check if target exists in the NSA catalog (i.e. is a proper target) and checks if target has a corresponding plate-IFU designation (i.e. has been observed).

Returns a string status indicating if a target has been observed, has not yet been observed, or is not a valid MaNGA target.


A status of “observed”, “not yet observed”, or “not valid target”

marvin.utils.general.general.target_is_observed(mangaid, mode='auto', source='nsa', drpall=None, drpver=None)[source]

Check if a MaNGA target has been observed or not

See target_status() for full documentation.

Returns:True if the target has been observed.
marvin.utils.general.general.target_is_mastar(plateifu, drpver=None, drpall=None)[source]

Check if a target is bright-time MaStar target

Uses the local drpall file to check if a plateifu is a MaStar target

  • plateifu (str) – The plateifu of the target
  • drpver (str) – The drpver version to check against
  • drpall (str) – The drpall file path

True if it is

marvin.utils.general.general.get_plates(drpver=None, drpall=None, release=None)[source]

Get a list of unique plates from the drpall file

  • drpver (str) – The DRP release version to load. Defaults to current marvin release
  • drpall (str) – The full path to the drpall table. Defaults to current marvin release.
  • release (str) – The marvin release

A list of plate ids

marvin.utils.general.general.get_manga_image(cube=None, drpver=None, plate=None, ifu=None, dir3d=None, local=None, public=None)[source]

Get a MaNGA IFU optical PNG image

  • cube (Cube) – A Marvin Cube instance
  • drpver (str) – The drpver version
  • plate (str|int) – The plate id
  • ifu (str|int) – An IFU designation
  • dir3d (str) – The directory for 3d data, either ‘stack’ or ‘mastar’
  • local (bool) – If True, return the local file path to the image
  • public (bool) – If True, use only DR releases

A url to an IFU MaNGA image

marvin.utils.general.general.check_versions(version1, version2)[source]

Compate two version ids against each other

Checks if version1 is greater than or equal to version2.

  • version1 (str) – The version to check
  • version2 (str) – The version to check against

A boolean indicating if version1 is >= version2

marvin.utils.general.general.get_drpall_table(drpver=None, drpall=None, hdu='MANGA')[source]

Gets the drpall table

Gets the drpall table either from cache or loads it. For releases of MPL-8 and up, galaxies are in the MANGA extension, and mastar targets are in the MASTAR extension, specified with the hdu keyword. For MPLs 1-7, there is only one data extension, which is read.

  • drpver (str) – The DRP release version to load. Defaults to current marvin release
  • drpall (str) – The full path to the drpall table. Defaults to current marvin release.
  • hdu (str) – The name of the HDU to read in. Default is ‘MANGA’

An Astropy Table

marvin.utils.general.general.get_dapall_table(drpver=None, dapver=None, dapall=None)[source]

Gets the dapall table

Gets the dapall table either from cache or loads it. For releases of MPL-6 and up.

  • drpver (str) – The DRP release version to load. Defaults to current marvin release
  • dapall (str) – The full path to the dapall table. Defaults to current marvin release.

An Astropy Table

marvin.utils.general.general.get_drpall_file(drpver=None, drpall=None)[source]

Check for/download the drpall file

Checks for existence of a local drpall file for the current release set. If not found, uses sdss_access to download it.

  • drpver (str) – The DRP version
  • drpall (str) – The local path to either the drpall file
marvin.utils.general.general.get_dapall_file(drpver=None, dapver=None, dapall=None)[source]

Check for/download the dapall file

Checks for existence of a local dapall file for the current release set. If not found, uses sdss_access to download it.

  • drpver (str) – The DRP version
  • dapver (str) – The DAP version
  • dapall (str) – The local path to either the dapall file

BPT Diagrams

marvin.utils.dap.bpt.bpt_kewley06(maps, snr_min=3, return_figure=True, use_oi=True, **kwargs)[source]

Returns a classification of ionisation regions, as defined in Kewley+06.

Makes use of the classification system defined by Kewley et al. (2006) to return classification masks for different ionisation mechanisms. If return_figure=True, produces and returns a matplotlib figure with the classification plots (based on Kewley+06 Fig. 4) and the 2D spatial distribution of classified spaxels (i.e., a map of the galaxy in which each spaxel is colour-coded based on its emission mechanism).

While it is possible to call this function directly, its normal use will be via the get_bpt() method.

  • maps (a Marvin Maps object) – The Marvin Maps object that contains the emission line maps to be used to determine the BPT classification.
  • snr_min (float or dict) – The signal-to-noise cutoff value for the emission lines used to generate the BPT diagram. If snr_min is a single value, that signal-to-noise will be used for all the lines. Alternatively, a dictionary of signal-to-noise values, with the emission line channels as keys, can be used. E.g., snr_min={'ha': 5, 'nii': 3, 'oi': 1}. If some values are not provided, they will default to SNR>=3. Note that the value sii will be applied to both [SII 6718] and [SII 6732].
  • return_figure (bool) – If True, it also returns the matplotlib figure_ of the BPT diagram plot, which can be used to modify the style of the plot.
  • use_oi (bool) – If True, uses the OI diagnostic diagram for spaxel classification.

bpt_returnbpt_kewley06 returns a dictionary of dictionaries of classification masks. The classification masks (not to be confused with bitmasks) are boolean arrays with the same shape as the Maps or Cube (without the spectral dimension) that can be used to select spaxels belonging to a certain excitation process (e.g., star forming). The returned dictionary has the following keys: 'sf' (star forming), 'comp' (composite), 'agn', 'seyfert', 'liner', 'invalid' (spaxels that are masked out at the DAP level), and 'ambiguous' (good spaxels that do not fall in any classification or fall in more than one). Each key provides access to a new dictionary with keys 'nii' (for the constraints in the diagram NII/Halpha vs OIII/Hbeta), 'sii' (SII/Halpha vs OIII/Hbeta), 'oi' (OI/Halpha vs OIII/Hbeta; only if use_oi=True), and 'global', which applies all the previous constraints at once. The 'ambiguous' mask only contains the 'global' subclassification, while the 'comp' dictionary only contains 'nii'. 'nii' is not available for 'seyfert' and 'liner'. All the global masks are unique (a spaxel can only belong to one of them) with the exception of 'agn', which intersects with 'seyfert' and 'liner'. Additionally, if return_figure=True, bpt_kewley06 will also return the matplotlib figure for the generated plot, and a list of axes for each one of the subplots.


>>> maps_8485_1901 = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> bpt_masks, fig, axes = bpt_kewley06(maps_8485_1901)

Gets the global mask for star forming spaxels

>>> sf = bpt_masks['sf']['global']

Gets the seyfert mask based only on the SII/Halpha vs OIII/Hbeta diagnostics

>>> seyfert_sii = bpt_masks['seyfert']['sii']

Star forming classification line for log([NII]/Ha).


Star forming classification line for log([SII]/Ha).


Star forming classification line for log([OI]/Ha).


Composite classification line for log([NII]/Ha).


Seyfert/LINER classification line for log([SII]/Ha).


Seyfert/LINER classification line for log([OI]/Ha).

Image Utilities

marvin.utils.general.images.getRandomImages(num=10, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None)[source]

Get a list of N random images from SAS

Deprecated since version 2.3.0: Use marvin.utils.general.images.get_random_images instead.

Retrieve a random set of images from either your local filesystem SAS or the Utah SAS. Optionally can download the images by rsync using sdss_access.

When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access the full path to the images in your local SAS. WHen as_url is True, local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the Utah SAS rsync links.

Auto mode defaults to remote.

  • num (int) – The number of images to retrieve
  • download (bool) – Set to download the images from the SAS
  • mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}) – The load mode to use. See Mode secision tree. the cube exists.
  • as_url (bool) – Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local) or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
  • verbose (bool) – Turns on verbosity during rsync
  • release (str) – The release version of the images to return

listofimages (list) – The list of images

marvin.utils.general.images.getImagesByPlate(plateid, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None)[source]

Get all images belonging to a given plate ID

Deprecated since version 2.3.0: Use marvin.utils.general.images.get_images_by_plate instead.

Retrieve all images belonging to a given plate ID from either your local filesystem SAS or the Utah SAS. Optionally can download the images by rsync using sdss_access.

When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access the full path to the images in your local SAS. WHen as_url is True, local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the Utah SAS rsync links.

Auto mode defaults to remote.

  • plateid (int) – The plate ID to retrieve the images for. Required.
  • download (bool) – Set to download the images from the SAS
  • mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}) – The load mode to use. See Mode secision tree. the cube exists.
  • as_url (bool) – Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local) or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
  • verbose (bool) – Turns on verbosity during rsync
  • release (str) – The release version of the images to return

listofimages (list) – The list of images

marvin.utils.general.images.getImagesByList(inputlist, download=False, mode=None, as_url=None, verbose=None, release=None)[source]

Get all images from a list of ids

Deprecated since version 2.3.0: Use marvin.utils.general.images.get_images_by_list instead.

Retrieve a list of images from either your local filesystem SAS or the Utah SAS. Optionally can download the images by rsync using sdss_access.

When as_url is False, both local and remote modes will allow you to access the full path to the images in your local SAS. WHen as_url is True, local mode generates the Utah SAS url links, while remote mode generates the Utah SAS rsync links.

Auto mode defaults to remote.

  • inputlist (list) – A list of plate-ifus or mangaids for the images you want to retrieve. Required.
  • download (bool) – Set to download the images from the SAS. Only works in remote mode.
  • mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}) – The load mode to use. See Mode secision tree. the cube exists.
  • as_url (bool) – Convert the list of images to use the SAS url (mode=local) or the SAS rsync url (mode=remote)
  • verbose (bool) – Turns on verbosity during rsync
  • release (str) – The release version of the images to return

listofimages (list) – The list of images you have requested

marvin.utils.general.images.showImage(path=None, plateifu=None, release=None, return_image=True, show_image=True, mode=None)[source]

Crudely and coarsely show a galaxy image that has been downloaded

Deprecated since version 2.3.0: Use marvin.tools.image.Image or show_image() instead.

This utility function quickly allows you to display a PNG IFU image that is located in your local SAS or from the remote Utah SAS. A PIL Image object is also returned which allows you to manipulate the image after the fact. See Displaying Images for example usage.

Either the path or plateifu keyword is required.

  • path (str) – A string filepath to a local IFU image
  • plateifu (str) – A plateifu designation used to look for the IFU image in your local SAS
  • return_image (bool) – If True, returns the PIL Image object for image manipulation. Default is True.
  • show_image (bool) – If True, shows the requested image that is opened internally
  • mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}) – The load mode to use. See Mode secision tree.
  • release (str) – The release version of the images to return

image (PIL Image or None) – If return_image is set, returns a PIL Image object to allow for image manipulation, else returns None.

marvin.utils.general.images.show_image(input, **kwargs)[source]

Shows a Marvin Image

This is a thin wrapper for marvin.tools.image.Image.show() See marvin.tools.image.Image for a full list of inputs and keywords. This is meant to replace showImage

marvin.utils.general.images.get_random_images(num, release=None, download=None)[source]

Get a random set of Images

Gets a random set of Marvin Images. Optionally can download them in bulk.

  • num (int) – The number of random images to grab
  • download (bool) – If True, also downloads all the images locally
  • release (str) – The release of the data to grab images for

A list of Marvin Images

marvin.utils.general.images.get_images_by_plate(plateid, download=None, release=None)[source]

Get Images by Plate

Gets Marvin Images by a plate id. Optionally can download them in bulk.

  • plateid (int) – The plate id to grab images for
  • download (bool) – If True, also downloads all the images locally
  • release (str) – The release of the data to grab images for

A list of Marvin Images

marvin.utils.general.images.get_images_by_list(inputlist, release=None, download=None)[source]

Get Images by List

Gets Marvin Images by an input list. Optionally can download them in bulk.

  • inputlist (int) – The list of ids to grab images for
  • download (bool) – If True, also downloads all the images locally
  • release (str) – The release of the data to grab images for

A list of Marvin Images

DAP DataModel Utilities

Map Plotting Utilities

marvin.utils.plot.map.mask_low_snr(value, ivar, snr_min)[source]

Mask spaxels with a signal-to-noise ratio below some threshold.

  • value (array) – Value for image.
  • ivar (array) – Inverse variance of value.
  • snr_min (float) – Minimum signal-to-noise for keeping a valid measurement.

array – Boolean array for mask (i.e., True corresponds to value to be masked out).


Mask spaxels with negative values.

This method is primarily for using a logarithmic colorbar.

Parameters:value (array) – Value for image.
Returns:array – Boolean array for mask (i.e., True corresponds to value to be masked out).
marvin.utils.plot.map.plot(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Make single panel map or one panel of multi-panel map plot.

Please see the Plotting Tutorial for examples.

  • dapmap (marvin.tools.quantities.Map) – Marvin Map object. Default is None.
  • value (array) – Data array. Default is None.
  • ivar (array) – Inverse variance array. Default is None.
  • mask (array) – Mask array. Default is None.
  • cmap (str) – Colormap (see Default Plotting Parameters for defaults).
  • percentile_clip (tuple-like) – Percentile clip (see Default Plotting Parameters for defaults).
  • sigma_clip (float) – Sigma clip. Default is False.
  • cbrange (tuple-like) – If None, set automatically. Default is None.
  • symmetric (bool) – Draw a colorbar that is symmetric around zero (see Default Plotting Parameters for default).
  • snr_min (float) – Minimum signal-to-noise for keeping a valid measurement (see Default Plotting Parameters for default).
  • log_cb (bool) – Draw a log normalized colorbar. Default is False.
  • title (str) – If None, set automatically from property (and channel) name(s). For no title, set to ‘’. Default is None.
  • title_mode (str) – The mode to generate a title automatically, if title is not set. Usually 'string' or 'latex'. Default is 'string'. See to_string() for details.
  • cblabel (str) – If None, set automatically from unit. For no colorbar label, set to ‘’. Default is None.
  • sky_coords (bool) – If True, show plot in sky coordinates (i.e., arcsec), otherwise show in spaxel coordinates. Default is False.
  • use_masks (bool, str, list) – Use DAP bitmasks. If True, use the recommended DAP masks. Otherwise provide a mask name as a string or multiple mask names as a list of strings. Default is True.
  • plt_style (str) – Matplotlib style sheet to use. Default is ‘seaborn-darkgrid’.
  • fig (matplotlib Figure object) – Use if creating subplot of a multi-panel plot. Default is None.
  • ax (matplotlib Axis object) – Use if creating subplot of a multi-panel plot. Default is None.
  • patch_kws (dict) – Keyword args to pass to matplotlib.patches.Rectangle. Default is None.
  • imshow_kws (dict) – Keyword args to pass to ax.imshow. Default is None.
  • cb_kws (dict) – Keyword args to set and draw colorbar. Default is None.
  • return_cb (bool) – Return colorbar axis. Default is False.
  • return_cbrange (bool) – Return colorbar range without drawing plot. Default is False.

fig, ax (tuple)matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.axes


>>> import marvin.utils.plot.map as mapplot
>>> maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> ha = maps['emline_gflux_ha_6564']
>>> fig, ax = mapplot.plot(dapmap=ha)
marvin.utils.plot.map.set_title(title=None, property_name=None, channel=None)[source]

Set title for map.

  • title (str) – If None, try to set automatically from property (and channel) name(s). For no title, set to ‘’. Default is None.
  • property_str (str) – Map property name. Default is None.
  • channel (str) – Map channel name. Default is None.


Colorbar Plotting Utilities

Functions for colorbars.


Make linearlab color map.

Description of linearlab palatte.

Returns:cm, cm_r (tuple)matplotlib.cm object and reversed matplotlib.cm object

Maskbit Utilities

class marvin.utils.general.maskbit.Maskbit(name, schema=None, description=None)[source]

Bases: object

A class representing a maskbit.

  • schema (DataFrame) – Maskbit schema.
  • name (str) – Name of maskbit.
  • description (str) – Description of maskbit.
get_mask(labels, mask=None, dtype=<class 'int'>)[source]

Create mask from a list of labels.

If dtype is int, then get_mask can effectively perform an OR or AND operation. However, if dtype is bool, then get_mask does an OR.

  • labels (str or list) – Labels of bits.
  • mask (int or array) – User-defined mask. If None, use self.mask. Default is None.
  • dtype – Output dtype, which must be either int or bool. Default is int.

array – Mask for given labels.


>>> maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> ha = maps['emline_gflux_ha_6564']
>>> ha.pixmask.get_mask(['NOCOV', 'LOWCOV'])
array([[3, 3, 3, ..., 3, 3, 3],
       [3, 3, 3, ..., 3, 3, 3]])
>>> ha.pixmask.get_mask(['NOCOV', 'LOWCOV'], dtype=bool)
array([[ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True,  True],
       [ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True,  True]], dtype=bool)

Convert bit labels into bits.

Parameters:labels (str or list) – Labels of bits.
Returns:list – Bits that correspond to the labels.


>>> maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> ha = maps['emline_gflux_ha_6564']
>>> ha.pixmask.labels_to_bits('DONOTUSE')
>>> ha.pixmask.labels_to_value(['NOCOV', 'LOWCOV'])
[0, 1]

Convert bit labels into a bit value.

Parameters:labels (str or list) – Labels of bits to set.
Returns:int – Integer bit value.


>>> maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> ha = maps['emline_gflux_ha_6564']
>>> ha.pixmask._labels_to_value('DONOTUSE')
>>> ha.pixmask._labels_to_value(['NOCOV', 'LOWCOV'])

Convert mask values to a list of bits set.

Parameters:values (int or array) – Mask values. If None, apply to entire Maskbit.mask array. Default is None.
Returns:list – Bits that are set.


>>> maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> ha = maps['emline_gflux_ha_6564']
>>> ha.pixmask.values_to_bits()
[[[0, 1, 4, 30],
  [0, 1, 4, 30],
  [0, 1, 4, 30]]]

Convert mask values to a list of the labels of bits set.

Parameters:values (int or array) – Mask values. If None, apply to entire Maskbit.mask array. Default is None.
Returns:list – Bits that are set.


>>> maps = Maps(plateifu='8485-1901')
>>> ha = maps['emline_gflux_ha_6564']
>>> ha.pixmask.values_to_labels()

Get names of available maskbit schemas from yanny file.

Returns:list – Names of available maskbits.
marvin.utils.general.maskbit.get_manga_target(flag_id, bitmasks, header)[source]

Get MANGA_TARGET[flag_id] flag.

  • flag_id (str) – Flag ID number (e.g., “1” for MANGA_TARGET1).
  • bitmasks (dict) – Maskbit objects.
  • header (astropy.io.fits.header.Header) – File header.


Scatter/Histogram Plotting Utilities


Compute some statistics given a data array

Computes some basic statistics given a data array, excluding NaN values. Computes and returns the following Numpy statistics: mean, standard deviation, median, and the 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentiles.

Parameters:data (list|ndarray) – A list or Numpy array of data
Returns:A dictionary of statistics values
marvin.utils.plot.scatter.hist(arr, mask=None, fig=None, ax=None, bins=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create a histogram of an array

Plots a histogram of an input column of data. Input can be a list or a Numpy array. Converts the input into a Numpy MaskedArray, applying the optional mask. If no mask is supplied, it masks any NaN values. This uses Astropy’s enhanced hist function under the hood. Accepts all the same keyword arguments as matplotlib hist method.

  • arr (list|ndarray) – An array of data to plot with. Required.
  • mask (ndarray) – A mask to use on the data, applied to the data in a Numpy Masked Array.
  • fig (plt.fig) – An optional matplotlib figure object
  • ax (plt.ax) – An optional matplotlib axis object
  • bins (int) – The number of bins to use. Default is a scott binning scheme.
  • xlabel (str|Marvin Column) – The x axis label or a Marvin DataModel Property or QueryParameter to use for display
  • ylabel (str) – The y axis label
  • title (str) – The plot title
  • rotate_title (bool) – If True, moves the title text to the right y-axis during a horizontal histogram. Default is False.
  • return_figure (bool) – If True, return the figure and axis object. Default is True.
  • kwargs (dict) – Any other keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.hist.

tuple – histogram data, matplotlib figure, and axis objects.

The histogram data returned is a dictionary containing:

    'bins': The number of bins used,
    'counts': A list of the count of objects within each bin,
    'binedges': A list of the left binedge used in defining each bin,
    'binids': An array of the same shape as input data, containing the binid of each element,
    'indices': A dictionary of a list of array indices within each bin


>>> # histogram some random data
>>> from marvin.utils.plot.scatter import hist
>>> import numpy as np
>>> x = np.random.random(100)
>>> hist_data, fig, ax = hist(x)
marvin.utils.plot.scatter.plot(x, y, **kwargs)[source]

Create a scatter plot given two columns of data

Creates a Matplotlib plot using two input arrays of data. Creates either a Matplotlib scatter plot, hexbin plot, or scatter density plot depending on the size of the input data. For data with < 1000 values, creates a scatter plot. For data with values between 1000 and 500,000, creates a hexbin plot. For data with > 500,000 values, creates a scatter density plot.

By default, will also create and display histograms for the x and y data. This can be disabled setting the “with_hist” keyword to False, or “x”, or “y” for displaying only that column. Accepts all the same keyword arguments as matplotlib scatter, hexbin, and hist methods.

See scatter-density See matplotlib.pyplot.scatter See matplotlib.pyplot.hexbin

  • x (str|list|ndarray) – The x array of data
  • y (str|list|ndarray) – The y array of data
  • data (Pandas dataframe) – Optional Pandas Dataframe. x, y specify string column names in the dataframe
  • xmask (ndarray) – A mask to apply to the x-array of data
  • ymask (ndarray) – A mask to apply to the y-array of data
  • with_hist (bool|str) – If True, creates the plot with both x,y histograms. False, disables it. If ‘x’ or ‘y’, only creates that histogram. Default is True.
  • hist_axes_visible (bool) – If True, disables the x-axis ticks for each histogram. Default is True.
  • xlim (tuple) – A tuple limited the range of the x-axis
  • ylim (tuple) – A tuple limited the range of the y-axis
  • xlabel (str|Marvin column) – The x axis label or a Marvin DataModel Property or QueryParameter to use for display
  • ylabel (str|Marvin column) – The y axis label or a Marvin DataModel Property or QueryParameter to use for display
  • bins (int|tuple) – A number or tuple specifying the number of bins to use in the histogram. Default is 50. An integer number is adopted for both x and y bins. A tuple is used to customize per axis.
  • return_figure (bool) – If True, return the figure and axis object. Default is True.
  • kwargs (dict) –

    Any other keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.scatter or matplotlib.pyplot.hist or matplotlib.pyplot.hexbin.


A tuple of the matplotlib figure, axes, and histogram data (if returned)


>>> # create a scatter plot
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from marvin.utils.scatter import plot
>>> x = np.random.random(100)
>>> y = np.random.random(100)
>>> plot(x, y)

Bundle Utilities

class marvin.utils.general.bundle.Bundle(ra, dec, size=127, use_envelope=True, local=None, plateifu=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The location, size, and shape of a MaNGA IFU bundle.

A bundle of a given size at the RA/Dec coordinates.

Setting envelope creates the hexagon at the outer boundry of the fibers, otherwise the hexagon runs through the centers of the outer fibers.

  • ra (float) – The Right Ascension of the target
  • dec (float) – The Declination of the target
  • size (int) – The fiber size of the IFU, e.g. 19 or 127
  • plateifu (str) – The plateifu of the target
  • use_envelope (bool) – Expands the hexagon area to include an envelope surrounding the hex border
  • local (bool) – If True, grabs the fiducial metrology file from a local MANGACORE
  • fibers (ndarray) – An Nx3 array of IFU fiber coordinates
  • skies (ndarray) – An Nx2 array of sky fiber coordinates. Default is unloaded. Use get_sky_coordinates() to load.
  • hexagon (ndarray) – An Nx2 array of coordinates defining the hexagon vertices

Writes out the bundle positions into a DS9 region file

Parameters:outputFile (str) – The output filename

Returns the RA, Dec coordinates for each fiber.

Parameters:size (int) – The IFU size. This extracts only the fibers for the given size
Returns:An Nx3 numpy array, each row containing [fiberid, RA, Dec]

Returns the RA, Dec coordinates of the sky fibers

An Nx2 numpy array, with each row the [RA, Dec] coordinate of the sky fiber.

Parameters:plateifu (str) – The plateifu of the target

Print the bundle to an Astropy Table


Print the hexagon to an Astropy Table

class marvin.utils.general.bundle.Cutout(ra, dec, width, height, scale=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

A Generic SDSS Cutout Image

Tool which allows to generate an image using the SDSS Skyserver Image Cutout service. See http://skyserver.sdss.org/public/en/help/docs/api.aspx#imgcutout for details.

  • ra (float) – The central Right Ascension of the cutout
  • dec (float) – The central Declination of the cutout
  • width (int) – width of cutout in arcsec
  • height (int) – height in cutout in arcsec
  • scale (float) – pixel scale in arcsec/pixel. Default is 0.198 “/pix.
  • kwargs

    Allowed boolean keyword arguments to the SDSS Image Cutout Service. Set desired keyword parameters to True to enable.

    Available kwargs are:
    • ’photo’: PhotoObjs
    • ’bound’: BoundingBox
    • ’masks’: Masks
    • ’grid’: Grid
    • ’outline’: Outline
    • ’target’: TargetObjs
    • ’fields’: Fields
    • ’invert’: Invert Image
    • ’spectra’: SpecObjs
    • ’label’: Label
    • ’plates’: Plates
  • rawurl (str) – The raw url of the cutout
  • wcs (WCS) – The WCS of the generated image
  • image (PIL.Image) – The cutout image object
  • size (int) – The image size in arcsec
  • size_pix (int) – The image size in pixels
  • center (tuple) – The image center RA, Dec
save(filename, filetype='png')[source]

Save the image cutout to a file

If the filetype is PNG, it will also save the WCS and coordinate information as metadata in the image.

  • filename (str) – The output filename
  • filetype (str) – The output file extension

Show the image cutout