Accessing Groups

All query parameters are partioned into groups, to make interacting with parameters easier. All parameter groups are accessible in the top level query_param object, which is importable from

Listing the Groups

You can list the available group objects straight from query_params. query_params is a Marvin ParameterGroupList object and behaves like a Python list object. Each group is a ParameterGroup object, which displays the name of the group and the number of parameters, paramcount, within it. The Marvin ParameterGroup object also behaves as a Python list object.

from marvin.utils.datamodel.query.base import query_params

[<ParameterGroup name=Metadata, paramcount=7>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Spaxel Metadata, paramcount=3>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Emission Lines, paramcount=13>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Kinematics, paramcount=6>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Spectral Indices, paramcount=1>,
 <ParameterGroup name=NSA Catalog, paramcount=11>]

You can also get a list of all the groups by name.

 'Spaxel Metadata',
 'Emission Lines',
 'Spectral Indices',
 'NSA Catalog']

Name Indexing

You can access an item in the list by using string name indexing. The name indexing aims to be somewhat flexible to naming and spelling convention, as long as you are close. For example, all of the following equivalently access the NSA Catalog parameter group.

query_params['NSA Catalog']
<ParameterGroup name=NSA Catalog, paramcount=11>






If you type something that is too ambiguous, you will receive an error, and request to be more specific.


KeyError: "meta is too ambiguous.  Did you mean one of ['Metadata', 'Spaxel Metadata']?"


Since query_params is a Python list object, it can be sliced (i.e. indexed) like a list.


[<ParameterGroup name=Emission Lines, paramcount=13>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Kinematics, paramcount=6>]

Listing Parameters

query_params also provides a method to list the individual parameters among any or all of the provided groups. Use the list_params method on the main object. If you wish to access individual parameters from individual groups, it is recommended to instead use the list_params access method on individual groups for grabbing specific parameters.


To list all parameters across all groups.



By Group

To list all parameters for a given group, specify the group name in the list_params method.



Multiple Groups

To list all parameters for a subset of groups, specify a list of group names.

query_params.list_params(['kin, emission'])


Input into Queries

Using query_params, it is easy to grab a set of paramters to return in a Marvin Query

from import Query

# grab the kinematic parameters
kinparams = query_params.list_params('kin')

# run a query and returning the kinematic parameters
query = Query('haflux > 25', returnparams=kinparams)
results =


[u'cube.mangaid', u'cube.plate', u'cube.plateifu', u'', 'spaxelprop.emline_gvel_ha_6564', 'spaxelprop.emline_gvel_oiii_5008', 'spaxelprop.emline_gsigma_ha_6564', 'spaxelprop.emline_gsigma_oiii_5008', 'spaxelprop.stellar_vel', 'spaxelprop.stellar_sigma', u'emline_gflux_ha_6564', u'spaxelprop.x', u'spaxelprop.y']

(u'1-209232', 8485, u'8485-1901', u'1901', -22.0634, -10.3607, 102.44, 118.802, 19.9859, 87.1722, 26.3961, 16, 16)