.. _marvin-sample-selection-tutorial: ========================= Sample Selection Tutorial ========================= Select Main Sample Galaxies --------------------------- To select the Main Sample galaxies (Primary + Secondary + Color Enhanced samples), we need to download the `MPL-5 DRPall file `_ and put it in the expected directory ``$SAS_BASE_DIR/mangawork/manga/spectro/redux/v2_0_1/``. For more information on the location of your ``$SAS_BASE_DIR`` environment variable, see the :ref:`Getting Started ` page. Let's open the DRPall file: .. code-block:: python import os from astropy.io import fits from marvin import config config.setRelease('MPL-5') drpver, __ = config.lookUpVersions() drpall_path = os.path.join(os.environ['SAS_BASE_DIR'], 'mangawork', 'manga', 'spectro', 'redux', drpver, 'drpall-{}.fits'.format(drpver)) drpall = fits.open(drpall_path) data = drpall[1].data The Main Sample consists of the Primary, Secondary, and Color-Enhanced Samples, which correspond to `MNGTARG1 `_ bits 10, 11, and 12, respectively. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np primary = data['mngtarg1'] & 2**10 # 1278 galaxies secondary = data['mngtarg1'] & 2**11 # 947 galaxies color_enhanced = data['mngtarg1'] & 2**12 # 447 galaxies main_sample = np.logical_or.reduce((primary, secondary, color_enhanced)) # 2672 galaxies plateifus = data['plateifu'][main_sample] Now we can use the :func:`~marvin.utils.general.general.downloadList` function to download all of the files of type ``map`` (other valid ``dltypes``: ``map``, ``image``, ``rss``, ``mastar``, ``default``, or ``plate``). .. code-block:: python from marvin.utils.general import downloadList downloadList(plateifus, dltype='map') |