.. Marvin documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Apr 10 08:50:42 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. role:: header_no_toc :class: class_header_no_toc .. title:: Marvin documentation :tocdepth: 2 .. image:: _static/logo5_lores.jpg :width: 600px :align: center :alt: MaNGA logo | .. rubric:: :header_no_toc:`Welcome to Marvin's documentation!` Marvin is the ultimate tool to visualise and analyse MaNGA data. It is developed and maintained by the MaNGA team. Check out the `Marvin Github `_ page. If you are using Marvin in any way (Web, API, or Tools) to do your science, please remember to :ref:`acknowledge and cite` us in your paper! | Introduction ============ * :doc:`What's New in Marvin ` * :doc:`Changelog ` * :ref:`Known issues ` .. * :ref:`TODOs ` | Marvin at a Glance ================== * :doc:`overview` * :doc:`installation` * :doc:`faq` * :doc:`getting-started` * :doc:`tutorials` * :doc:`exercises` * :doc:`cheatsheet` * :doc:`contributing/contributing` | Components ========== * :doc:`core` * :doc:`core/config` * :doc:`core/data-access-modes` * :doc:`core/downloads` * :doc:`tools/quantities` * :doc:`tools` * :doc:`query` * :doc:`results` * :doc:`tools/plate` * :doc:`tools/image` * :doc:`tools/cube` * :doc:`tools/modelcube` * :doc:`tools/maps` * :doc:`tools/bpt` * :doc:`tools/map` * :doc:`tools/enhanced-map` * :doc:`tools/spaxel` * :doc:`tools/bin` * :doc:`tools/metadata` * :doc:`utils` * :doc:`Image ` * :doc:`Map Plotting ` * :doc:`Scatter Plotting ` * :doc:`Histogram Plotting ` * :doc:`Maskbit ` * :doc:`api` * :doc:`web` * :doc:`datamodel/datamodels` * :doc:`datamodel/dr15` * :doc:`datamodel/mpl7` * :doc:`datamodel/mpl6` * :doc:`datamodel/mpl5` * :doc:`datamodel/mpl4` | .. General Reference .. ================= .. .. toctree:: .. :titlesonly: .. :maxdepth: 1 .. maps-properties-channels .. Available Query Parameters .. tools/visual-guide | API/Code Reference ================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api/general api/api api/tools api/mixins api/quantities api/queries api/utils api/web api/db api/brain/api api/brain/utils | Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`