.. _marvin-datamodels: ========== DataModels ========== Marvin contains datamodels for each of the releases of MaNGA dataset. The links below contain full descriptions of what is available for each release. Each release contains a variety of datamodels. * **DRP** datamodel: describes the output of the MaNGA Data Reduction Pipeline. * **DAP** datamodel: describes the output of the MaNGA Data Analysis Pipeline. * :ref:`Query datamodel `: describes all of the available parameters one can query on using Marvin. * **Maskbit** datamodel: describes the designated targeting and quality bits and flags used by MaNGA Generally all datamodels provide a `parameter/property name`, `description`, `units`, its corresponding name in its respective FITS file, and corresponding database schema, table, and column name. By Release ---------- * :ref:`datamodel-dr15` * :ref:`datamodel-mpl7` * :ref:`datamodel-mpl6` * :ref:`datamodel-mpl5` * :ref:`datamodel-mpl4` DRP Datamodel ------------- The DRP datamodel contains two descriptors of MaNGA data, **spectra** and **datacubes**. **spectra** are 1-d arrays of data, while **datacubes** are 3-d arrays of data. DAP Datamodel ------------- The DAP datamodel contains four descriptors of ManGA data, **bintypes**, **templates**, **models**, and **properties**. **Bintypes** and **templates** describe the stellar template library and binning scheme used by the MaNGA DAP. **Properties** represent the available 2-d outputs of the DAP, (e.g. MAPS), while **models** represent the model-fitting used by the DAP, (e.g. MODELCUBES) Query Datamodel --------------- The Query datamodel contains a list of all available queryable parameters for a given release. The important columns being the **Group** and **full name**. See the :ref:`How to Guide` for a full description of how to use the query datamodel. Maskbit Datamodel ----------------- The Maskbit datamodel contains a description of targeting and quality flags used in the DRP, DAP, and by the Targeting Catalogs.