Using a Query

This page describes how to interact with a Marvin Query.

Applying a Filter

The searchfilter keyword is a pseudo-natural language string dictating the filter conditions on your query. It is most similar to an SQL where clause. It’s pseudo-natural language because you can type the condition almost as you would say it. The pseudo-SQL syntax of the condition takes the form of “parameter operand value”.

Filters can be simple, using a single parameter: nsa.z < 0.1. Or complex, using a combination of many parameters: (nsa.sersic_logmass < 10 or nsa.sersic_n < 2) and (haflux > 25 or emline_sew_ha_6564 > 6).

See the Boolean Search Tutorial tutorial on how to design search filters. See the Example Filter Conditions for examples of how to write MaNGA specific filter strings. When you want to perform a new query or update an old query, currently, you must create a new query, or run q.reset().

Functional Filters

Marvin can also accept filters in functional form. We currently only have one available, npergood. This function returns the number of galaxies that have spaxels satisfying a given condition above some percentage. For example, to return galaxies that have H-alpha flux > 25 in more than 20% of their spaxels, the filter is

myfilter = 'npergood(haflux > 25) > 20'

Handling Return Parameters

Queries will always return a set of default parameters: the galaxy mangaid, plateifu, plate id, and ifu design name. You can return addtional parameters beyond the defaults and those used in the filter with the returnparams keyword. This takes a list of paramater names. All of the available parameters are contained in the Query datamodel attribute. To learn more about query parameters, see the Query Datamodel.

query = Query(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1', returnparams=['cube.ra', 'cube.dec'])
results =

<ParameterGroup name=Columns, n_parameters=7>
 [<QueryParameter full=cube.mangaid, name=mangaid, short=mangaid, remote=mangaid, display=Manga-ID>,
 <QueryParameter full=cube.plate, name=plate, short=plate, remote=plate, display=Plate>,
 <QueryParameter full=cube.plateifu, name=plateifu, short=plateifu, remote=plateifu, display=Plate-IFU>,
 <QueryParameter, name=ifu_name, short=ifu_name, remote=ifu_name, display=Name>,
 <QueryParameter full=cube.ra, name=ra, short=ra, remote=ra, display=RA>,
 <QueryParameter full=cube.dec, name=dec, short=dec, remote=dec, display=Dec>,
 <QueryParameter full=nsa.z, name=z, short=z, remote=z, display=Redshift>]

ResultRow(mangaid=u'1-209232', plate=8485, plateifu=u'8485-1901', ifu_name=u'1901', ra=232.544703894, dec=48.6902009334, z=0.0407447)

Alternatively you can set them after you create the query but before you run it.

query = Query(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1')
query.set_returnparams(['cube.ra', 'cube.dec'])
results =

<ParameterGroup name=Columns, n_parameters=7>
 [<QueryParameter full=cube.mangaid, name=mangaid, short=mangaid, remote=mangaid, display=Manga-ID>,
 <QueryParameter full=cube.plate, name=plate, short=plate, remote=plate, display=Plate>,
 <QueryParameter full=cube.plateifu, name=plateifu, short=plateifu, remote=plateifu, display=Plate-IFU>,
 <QueryParameter, name=ifu_name, short=ifu_name, remote=ifu_name, display=Name>,
 <QueryParameter full=cube.ra, name=ra, short=ra, remote=ra, display=RA>,
 <QueryParameter full=cube.dec, name=dec, short=dec, remote=dec, display=Dec>,
 <QueryParameter full=nsa.z, name=z, short=z, remote=z, display=Redshift>]

We provide a subset of common, “vetted” parameters we call best. You can quickly access these parameters using the get_available_params method. This returns the best subset of the query datamodel structure by default (see Best Parameters and the Query Datamodel).

# get the vetted query_params structure
query = Query()
params = query.get_available_params()

# number of vetted parameters

[<ParameterGroup name=Metadata, paramcount=7>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Spaxel Metadata, paramcount=3>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Emission Lines, paramcount=13>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Kinematics, paramcount=6>,
 <ParameterGroup name=Spectral Indices, paramcount=1>,
 <ParameterGroup name=NSA Catalog, paramcount=11>]

You can also retrieve a list of all available parameters in Marvin. A lot of these parameters have not yet been vetted and may not work, so use at your own risk. Inform us if you want any of these parameters included in the vetted list.

# get all the query parameters
query = Query()
params = query.get_available_params('all')

# number of parameters (for MPL-5)


Sorting the Query Results

You can return your results pre-sorted by some parameter using the sort keyword.

query = Query(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1', sort='nsa.z')
results =

<ResultSet(set=1/1, index=0:2, count_in_set=2, total=2)>
[ResultRow(mangaid=u'12-98126', plate=7443, plateifu=u'7443-12701', ifu_name=u'12701', ra=230.50746239, dec=43.53234133, z=0.020478),
 ResultRow(mangaid=u'1-209232', plate=8485, plateifu=u'8485-1901', ifu_name=u'1901', ra=232.544703894, dec=48.6902009334, z=0.0407447)]

Changing the Result Limit

For queries that contain less than 1000 results, Marvin will return the entire result set. For results above 1000 rows, Marvin will paginate the results and return only the first 100 rows. You can change this number with the limit keyword.

# return the first 10,000 rows
query = Query(searchfilter='haflux > 25', limit=10000)
results =
Results contain of a total of 67186, only returning the first 10000 results

print(results.count, results.totalcount)
10000, 67186

One-Step Querying

You can create and run a query in a single step using the doQuery convienence function. doQuery accepts all the same arguments and keywords as Query.

# import it
from import doQuery

# run the query and retrieve the results in one step
query, results = doQuery(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1')

Showing a Query

You can see the SQL-constructed query using the show method. Note that this will only work if you happen to have a local MaNGA database and are running your queries locally. Normally this will return a warning message that you cannot see this remotely. To see a remote query, use the showQuery method on your Results.

# show the SQL constructed query
query = Query(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1')

Query Timing

Query requests have a default timeout of 5 minutes. Most queries should finish within this time. However, for time-consuming queries, you may wish to follow these guidelines: Query Best Practices.