.. _whats-new: What's new in Marvin ==================== 2.2.6 (August 2018) ------------------- .. attention:: This is a critical bugfix release that corrects a problem that could affect your science results. Please update as soon as possible and check whether your analysis has been impacted by this bug. This version fixes a critical bug when retrieving the spaxels associated with a bin, as well as a problem with the calculation of the inverse variance for deredden datacubes. It also simplifies the library namespace allowing for easier access to the most used Tools. Critical bugfixes ***************** Spaxels associated with a bin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In version 2.2 we introduced the concept of :ref:`Bin ` as a collection of spaxels that belong to the same binning unit. As part of the API, one can use the `~marvin.tools.spaxel.Bin.spaxels` attribute to access a list of the spaxels that are included in the bin. The bug now fixed caused a list of incorrect spaxels to be associated with the bin, due to an inversion in the ``(x, y)`` order of the spaxels. *Before* 2.2.6 one would get :: >>> cube = Cube('8485-1901') >>> maps = cube.getMaps('HYB10') >>> bb = maps[22, 14] >>> bb.spaxels [`__ for this version to understand what has changed. MPL-7 is now the default release when Marvin is imported. In MPL-7 we have made ``HYB10`` the default bintype. Hybrid-binned ``Maps`` and ``ModelCubes`` use different binning schemes depending on the property measured. Before using ``HYB10`` make sure you read `the documentation `__ and understand how to use the data. For ``HYB10`` the `~marvin.tools.spaxel.Bin` class is somehow limited, since it does not allow for different binning schemes depending on the measured quantity. We are planning a major reimplementation of how bins are handled, which we will release with Marvin 2.3.0. In the meantime, please be aware of these limitations when using ``HYB10``. Simplifying the namespace ************************** Prior to 2.2.6 accessing different Tools classes was inconvenient since one would need to import them independently (e.g., ``from marvin.tools.cube import Cube``, ``from marvin.tools.maps import Maps``, etc.) This version makes access easier by exposing all the Tools from the ``marvin.tools`` namespace so that you can now do :: import marvin cube = marvin.tools.Cube('8485-1901') maps = marvin.tools.Maps('7443-12701') Passing keyword arguments to `Spectrum.plot ` ********************************************************************************************* Extra arguments passed to `Spectrum.plot ` are now redirected to `matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. This provides extra flexibility for your plots. For instance, you can now set labels for the legend associated with your plot :: ax = spectrum.plot(use_std=True, label='flux') ax.plot(spectrum.wavelength, model_flux, label='model') ax.legend() Stellar Sigma Correction ************************ For MPL-6, we now raise an explicit error when attempting to apply the correction to ``stellar_sigma``, using the ``inst_sigma_correction`` method. The error message now suggests to upgrade to MPL-7 data. For the web display of the ``stellar_sigma`` and ``emline_gsigma`` maps, we now apply the sigma correction automatically. The corrected map is indicated via **Corrected: stellar_sigma** map title. | 2.2 (January 2018) ------------------ Marvin 2.2.0 brings significant improvements in the way you interact with MaNGA data. Try the :ref:`Jupyter Notebook` for a small sample. * `MPL-6 `_ compatible * New DRP, DAP, and Query :ref:`Datamodels ` * :ref:`Cubes`, :ref:`Maps`, and :ref:`ModelCubes` now use Astropy Quantities, i.e. encapsulating a measurement with its associated parameters (e.g., unit, mask, or inverse variance) * Improved Bin class * Fuzzy Searching and Tab Completion * New access to DAPall data on `Maps` and `ModelCubes` * :ref:`Scatter ` and :ref:`Histogram ` Plotting * Improved Query :ref:`Results ` Handling and Integrated :ref:`Plotting ` * New :ref:`MaskBit ` class | 2.1.4 (August 2017) ------------------- * Refactored the Query Page in Marvin Web: Adds more intuitive parameters naming in dropdown. Adds Guided Marvin Query Builder, using `Jquery Query Builder `_. See the Search page section of :doc:`Web Docs `. * Adds Galaxy Postage Stamp view of the result set from a Marvin Query in the Web * Adds Rate Limiting for the Marvin API. Adopts a limit of 200 requests/min on all routes and 60/min for queries. * Adds new query_params object in Marvin Tools for improved navigation and selection of available query parameters. See updated documentation for :doc:`Queries ` and :doc:`Query Params ` * Adds ability for creating custom maps (using custom values and masks) with Marvin Plotting framework. See updated :doc:`Plotting Tutorial ` * New Sidebar in Marvin Documentation for easier navigation. * New Marvin :doc:`Getting Started ` Page. * New Marvin :doc:`Exercises ` for showcasing utilization of Marvin in science workflows * Numerous bug fixes. See `Changelog `_ for full account of all Github Issues closed. | 2.1.3 (May 2017) ---------------- * Slicing in tool objects now behaves as in a Numpy array. That means that `cube[i, j]` returns the same result as `cube.getSpaxel(x=j, y=i, xyorig='lower')`. * Now it is possible to query on absolute magnitude colours from NSA's `elpetro_absmag`. Absolute magnitudes are now the default for plotting on the web. * The data file for the default colormap for Map.plot() ("linear_Lab") is now included in pip version of Marvin and does not throw invalid `FileNotFoundError` if the data file is missing. * Query shortcuts are now only applied on full words, to avoid blind replacements. This fixes a bug that made parameters such as `elpetro_absmag_r` being replaced by `elpetro_absmaelpetro_mag_g_r`. * Refactored :doc:`Map ` plotting methods into :doc:`Utilities `. * Map plotting now accepts user-defined ``value``, ``ivar``, and ``mask`` arrays (e.g., BPT masks). * It is possible to create multi-panel map plots. * All plotting code no longer overwrites matplotlib rcParams. * Map plotting has new default gray/hatching scheme for data quality (in tools and web): * gray: spaxels with NOCOV. * hatched: spaxels with bad data (UNRELIABLE and DONOTUSE) or S/N below some minimum value. * colored: good data. * Map plotting no longer masks spaxels near zero velocity contour because by default (in tools and web), there is no minimum signal-to-noise ratio for velocity plots. * New tutorials: :doc:`tutorials/plotting` and :doc:`tutorials/lean-tutorial`. | 2.1 (February 2017) ------------------- * Marvin is now minimally compliant with Python 3.5+ * ``_ now points to Marvin 2 (instead of Marvin 1). * The NSA catalog information is now available via **Cube.nsa** in Marvin Cubes. * Marvin :ref:`marvin-web` now has a new :ref:`nsa_display` tab with interactive scatter, and box-and-whisker plots. * Marvin :ref:`marvin-web` has more python tips for working with Marvin :ref:`marvin-tools` objects. * Marvin now uses Sentry to catch and send errors. * Marvin :ref:`marvin-maps` now include the ability to make and plot a :ref:`marvin-bpt` diagram. * Marvin :ref:`marvin-maps` have updated plotting display and now include a new signal-to-noise (snr) attribute on each map. * Check out the :ref:`visual-guide`. * Marvin Spaxels now include ``ra`` and ``dec`` as properties. * Streamlined list of query parameters both in the :ref:`marvin-web` and :ref:`marvin-tools`. Added new parameter ``ha_to_hb`` ratio. * Marvin has updated the :ref:`marvin-images` functions for downloading, showing, and locating. * New **check_marvin** utility to provide some basic system checks with regards to Marvin * Marvin :ref:`marvin-web` now has a "Provide Feedback" button in the navbar that directly links to a New Issue in Github. * See `Changelog `_ for more. | 2.0 Beta (November 2016) ------------------------ * Brand new painless installation (pip install sdss-marvin) * New Marvin Tools (Maps, Bin, ModelCube) * Pickling of Marvin Tools, Queries, and Results (i.e. local save and restore) * DAP Spaxel ("Zonal") Queries * Dynamic DAP Map display in the web, with point-and-click spaxel * For MPL-5+, display of model fits in spectrum view in the web * Versions simplified from mpl, drp, dap down to release * API :ref:`marvin-authentication` | 2.0 Alpha (June 2016) --------------------- Marvin 2.0 is a complete overhaul of Marvin 1.0, converting Marvin into a full suite of interaction tools. Marvin 2.0 introduces two new modes of operations, :doc:`tools` and :doc:`api`, to the Marvin environment, and introduces an extensive redesign of the `Marvin web app `_. The major improvements and additions in this release: * :doc:`core/data-access-modes`: a new mode based navigation system that allows you to seamlessly interact with MaNGA data no matter where it is. * :doc:`../tools`: a python package for accessing and interacting with MaNGA data, whether the files are in your computer or they need to be retrieved remotely via the API. * :doc:`../api`: remotely grab the data you are looking for as JSONs to integrate directly into your local scripts * :doc:`../query`: a tool to harness the full statistical power of the MaNGA data set by querying the :ref:`marvin-databases`. * A completely overhauled :doc:`../web` interface, including: * A more powerful :ref:`web-search` with an intuitive pseudo-natural language search capability. * A simple and clean Plate and Galaxy detail page. * Interactive spectrum selection from the galaxy image. * An image roulette if you are feeling lucky.