.. _marvin-faq: Frequently Asked Questions ========================== How do I update marvin? ----------------------- Just do ``pip install --upgrade sdss-marvin``. Marvin will get updated to the latest version, along with all the dependencies. If you want to update marvin but keep other packages in their currrent versions, do ``pip install --upgrade --upgrade-strategy only-if-needed sdss-marvin``. This will only update dependencies if marvin does need it. How do report a bug/request a feature? -------------------------------------- As Marvin is on Github, we recommend submitting a `Github Issue `_. Why does galaxy X have a thumbnail that is all black? ----------------------------------------------------- Some galaxies in MaNGA are special targets from one of our `ancillary science programs `_. These targets might end up being outside the main SDSS footprint. In these cases, the optical image retrieved using the `Image Cutout Service `_ will return a blank black field.