.. _marvin-jupyter: Jupyter Notebooks ================= .. _marvin-jupyter-new22: What's New in Marvin 2.2 ------------------------ This notebook briefly describes some of the new features seen in Marvin 2.2. :download:`What's New in Marvin 2.2 <../jupyter/whats_new_v22.ipynb>` What's New in Marvin 2.1 ------------------------ This notebook briefly describes some of the new features seen in Marvin 2.1. :download:`What's New in Marvin 2.1 <../jupyter/whats_new_v21.ipynb>` Shanghai Workshop Tutorials --------------------------- These notebooks were designed and used for the MaNGA Meeting and School in Shanghai in November 2016. These are composed of bits and pieces of the other notebooks, are a bit longer, with some additional material not yet covered in their own invididual notebooks. Marvin Tools ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This notebook covers some basics of :ref:`marvin-tools` features, including Cube, Spaxel, Maps, ModelCube, and Bin. :download:`Shanghai Demo Tools <../jupyter/Shanghai_Demo_Tools.ipynb>` Marvin Queries ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This notebook covers some basics of :ref:`marvin-query`, how to construct them, use them in your workflow, and convert the results into Marvin Tools to utilize their functionality. :download:`Shanghai Demo Queries <../jupyter/Shanghai_Demo_Queries.ipynb>` First Steps Notebook -------------------- This notebook takes you through the examples listed on the Marvin :ref:`marvin-first-steps` page. :download:`First Steps Notebook <../jupyter/first-steps.ipynb>` My First Query -------------- This notebook takes you through how to use the Marvin queries. :download:`Marvin Queries Notebook <../jupyter/my-first-query.ipynb>` Query Results ---------------- This notebook describes what you can do with your query results once you have some. :download:`Marvin Results Notebook <../jupyter/my_query_results.ipynb>` Sub-Spaxel Queries ------------------ Also called DAP Zonal Queries. This notebook details a bit on how to perform queries on spaxel regions. :download:`Spaxel Queries Notebook <../jupyter/dap_spaxel_queries.ipynb>` DAP Maps -------- This notebooks takes a look at the Marvin Maps object and its interface to the DAP MAPS product. :download:`DAP Maps Notebook <../jupyter/dap_maps.ipynb>` Saving and Restoring -------------------- This notebook describes how you can save your Marvin objects, queries, and results to your local filesystem, using Python pickling, and restore them any time later. :download:`Saving and Restoring Notebook <../jupyter/saving_and_restoring.ipynb>`