Source code for marvin.utils.general.general

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego
# @Date: Nov 1, 2017
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-Clause
# @Copyright: José Sánchez-Gallego

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections
import inspect
import sys
import warnings
import contextlib
import re

from collections import OrderedDict
from builtins import range

import numpy as np

from scipy.interpolate import griddata
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import PIL

from astropy import table
from astropy import wcs
from astropy.units.quantity import Quantity

import marvin

from marvin import log
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinError, MarvinUserWarning
from marvin.utils.datamodel.dap.plotting import get_default_plot_params

    from sdss_access import RsyncAccess, AccessError
except ImportError as e:
    RsyncAccess = None

    from sdss_access.path import Path
except ImportError as e:
    Path = None

    import pympler.summary
    import pympler.muppy
    import psutil
except ImportError as e:
    pympler = None
    psutil = None

# General utilities
__all__ = ('convertCoords', 'parseIdentifier', 'mangaid2plateifu', 'findClosestVector',
           'getWCSFromPng', 'convertImgCoords', 'getSpaxelXY',
           'downloadList', 'getSpaxel', 'get_drpall_row', 'getDefaultMapPath',
           'getDapRedux', 'get_nsa_data', '_check_file_parameters', 'get_plot_params',
           'invalidArgs', 'missingArgs', 'getRequiredArgs', 'getKeywordArgs',
           'isCallableWithArgs', 'map_bins_to_column', '_sort_dir',
           'get_dapall_file', 'temp_setattr', 'map_dapall', 'turn_off_ion', 'memory_usage')

drpTable = {}

[docs]def getSpaxel(cube=True, maps=True, modelcube=True, x=None, y=None, ra=None, dec=None, xyorig=None, **kwargs): """Returns the |spaxel| matching certain coordinates. The coordinates of the spaxel to return can be input as ``x, y`` pixels relative to``xyorig`` in the cube, or as ``ra, dec`` celestial coordinates. This function is intended to be called by :func:`` or :func:``, and provides shared code for both of them. Parameters: cube (:class:`` or None or bool) A :class:`` object with the DRP cube data from which the spaxel spectrum will be extracted. If None, the |spaxel| object(s) returned won't contain spectral information. maps (:class:`` or None or bool) As ``cube`` but for the :class:`` object representing the DAP maps entity. If None, the |spaxel| will be returned without DAP information. modelcube (:class:`` or None or bool) As ``cube`` but for the :class:`` object representing the DAP modelcube entity. If None, the |spaxel| will be returned without model information. x,y (int or array): The spaxel coordinates relative to ``xyorig``. If ``x`` is an array of coordinates, the size of ``x`` must much that of ``y``. ra,dec (float or array): The coordinates of the spaxel to return. The closest spaxel to those coordinates will be returned. If ``ra`` is an array of coordinates, the size of ``ra`` must much that of ``dec``. xyorig ({'center', 'lower'}): The reference point from which ``x`` and ``y`` are measured. Valid values are ``'center'``, for the centre of the spatial dimensions of the cube, or ``'lower'`` for the lower-left corner. This keyword is ignored if ``ra`` and ``dec`` are defined. ``xyorig`` defaults to ``marvin.config.xyorig.`` kwargs (dict): Arguments to be passed to ``. Returns: spaxels (list): The |spaxel| objects for this cube/maps corresponding to the input coordinates. The length of the list is equal to the number of input coordinates. .. |spaxel| replace:: :class:`` """ # TODO: for now let's put these imports here, but we should fix the # circular imports soon. import import import import # Checks that the cube and maps data are correct assert cube or maps or modelcube, \ 'Either cube, maps, or modelcube needs to be specified.' assert isinstance(cube, (, bool)), \ 'cube is not an instance of Cube or a boolean' assert isinstance(maps, (, bool)), \ 'maps is not an instance of Maps or a boolean' assert isinstance(modelcube, (, bool)), \ 'modelcube is not an instance of ModelCube or a boolean' # Checks that we have the correct set of inputs. if x is not None or y is not None: assert ra is None and dec is None, 'Either use (x, y) or (ra, dec)' assert x is not None and y is not None, 'Specify both x and y' inputMode = 'pix' isScalar = np.isscalar(x) x = np.atleast_1d(x) y = np.atleast_1d(y) coords = np.array([x, y], np.float).T elif ra is not None or dec is not None: assert x is None and y is None, 'Either use (x, y) or (ra, dec)' assert ra is not None and dec is not None, 'Specify both ra and dec' inputMode = 'sky' isScalar = np.isscalar(ra) ra = np.atleast_1d(ra) dec = np.atleast_1d(dec) coords = np.array([ra, dec], np.float).T else: raise ValueError('You need to specify either (x, y) or (ra, dec)') if not xyorig: xyorig = marvin.config.xyorig if isinstance(maps, ww = maps.wcs if inputMode == 'sky' else None cube_shape = maps._shape elif isinstance(cube, ww = cube.wcs if inputMode == 'sky' else None cube_shape = cube._shape elif isinstance(modelcube, ww = modelcube.wcs if inputMode == 'sky' else None cube_shape = modelcube._shape iCube, jCube = zip(convertCoords(coords, wcs=ww, shape=cube_shape, mode=inputMode, xyorig=xyorig).T) _spaxels = [] for ii in range(len(iCube[0])): _spaxels.append([0][ii], iCube[0][ii], cube=cube, maps=maps, modelcube=modelcube, **kwargs)) if len(_spaxels) == 1 and isScalar: return _spaxels[0] else: return _spaxels
[docs]def convertCoords(coords, mode='sky', wcs=None, xyorig='center', shape=None): """Convert input coordinates to array indices. Converts input positions in x, y or RA, Dec coordinates to array indices (in Numpy style) or spaxel extraction. In case of pixel coordinates, the origin of reference (either the center of the cube or the lower left corner) can be specified via ``xyorig``. If ``shape`` is defined (mandatory for ``mode='pix'``, optional for ``mode='sky'``) and one or more of the resulting indices are outside the size of the input shape, an error is raised. This functions is mostly intended for internal use. Parameters: coords (array): The input coordinates, as an array of shape Nx2. mode ({'sky', 'pix'}: The type of input coordinates, either `'sky'` for celestial coordinates (in the format defined in the WCS header information), or `'pix'` for pixel coordinates. wcs (None or ``astropy.wcs.WCS`` object): If ``mode='sky'``, the WCS solution from which the cube coordinates can be derived. xyorig (str): If ``mode='pix'``, the reference point from which the coordinates are measured. Valid values are ``'center'``, for the centre of the spatial dimensions of the cube, or ``'lower'`` for the lower-left corner. shape (None or array): If ``mode='pix'``, the shape of the spatial dimensions of the cube, so that the central position can be calculated. Returns: result (Numpy array): An array with the same shape as ``coords``, containing the cube index positions for the input coordinates, in Numpy style (i.e., the first element being the row and the second the column). """ coords = np.atleast_2d(coords) assert coords.shape[1] == 2, 'coordinates must be an array Nx2' if mode == 'sky': assert wcs, 'if mode==sky, wcs must be defined.' coordsSpec = np.ones((coords.shape[0], 3), np.float32) coordsSpec[:, :-1] = coords cubeCoords = wcs.wcs_world2pix(coordsSpec, 0) cubeCoords = np.fliplr(np.array(np.round(cubeCoords[:, :-1]), elif mode in ['pix', 'pixel']: assert xyorig, 'if mode==pix, xyorig must be defined.' x = coords[:, 0] y = coords[:, 1] assert shape is not None, 'if mode==pix, shape must be defined.' shape = np.atleast_1d(shape) if xyorig == 'center': yMid, xMid = shape / 2. xCube = np.round(xMid + x) yCube = np.round(yMid + y) elif xyorig == 'lower': xCube = np.round(x) yCube = np.round(y) else: raise ValueError('xyorig must be center or lower.') cubeCoords = np.array([yCube, xCube], else: raise ValueError('mode must be pix or sky.') if shape is not None: if ((cubeCoords < 0).any() or (cubeCoords[:, 0] > (shape[0] - 1)).any() or (cubeCoords[:, 1] > (shape[1] - 1)).any()): raise MarvinError('some indices are out of limits.' '``xyorig`` is currently set to "{0}". ' 'Try setting ``xyorig`` to "{1}".' .format(xyorig, 'center' if xyorig is 'lower' else 'lower')) return cubeCoords
[docs]def mangaid2plateifu(mangaid, mode='auto', drpall=None, drpver=None): """Return the plate-ifu for a certain mangaid. Uses either the DB or the drpall file to determine the plate-ifu for a mangaid. If more than one plate-ifu are available for a certain ifu, and ``mode='drpall'``, the one with the higher SN2 (calculated as the sum of redSN2 and blueSN2) will be used. If ``mode='db'``, the most recent one will be used. Parameters: mangaid (str): The mangaid for which the plate-ifu will be returned. mode ({'auto', 'drpall', 'db', 'remote'}): If `'drpall'` or ``'db'``, the drpall file or the local database, respectively, will be used. If ``'remote'``, a request to the API will be issued. If ``'auto'``, the local modes will be tried before the remote mode. drpall (str or None): The path to the drpall file to use. If None, the file in ``config.drpall`` will be used. drpver (str or None): The DRP version to use. If None, the one in ``config.drpver`` will be used. If ``drpall`` is defined, this value is ignored. Returns: plateifu (str): The plate-ifu string for the input ``mangaid``. """ from marvin import config, marvindb from marvin.api.api import Interaction # The modes and order over which the auto mode will loop. autoModes = ['db', 'drpall', 'remote'] assert mode in autoModes + ['auto'], 'mode={0} is not valid'.format(mode) config_drpver, __ = config.lookUpVersions() drpver = drpver if drpver else config_drpver drpall = drpall if drpall else config._getDrpAllPath(drpver=drpver) if mode == 'drpall': if not drpall: raise ValueError('no drpall file can be found.') # Loads the drpall table if it was not cached from a previos session. if drpver not in drpTable: drpTable[drpver] = mangaids = np.array([mm.strip() for mm in drpTable[drpver]['mangaid']]) plateifus = drpTable[drpver][np.where(mangaids == mangaid)] if len(plateifus) > 1: warnings.warn('more than one plate-ifu found for mangaid={0}. ' 'Using the one with the highest SN2.'.format(mangaid), MarvinUserWarning) plateifus = plateifus[ [np.argmax(plateifus['bluesn2'] + plateifus['redsn2'])]] if len(plateifus) == 0: raise ValueError('no plate-ifus found for mangaid={0}'.format(mangaid)) return plateifus['plateifu'][0] elif mode == 'db': if not marvindb.isdbconnected: raise MarvinError('no DB connection found') if not drpver: raise MarvinError('drpver not set.') cubes = marvindb.session.query(marvindb.datadb.Cube).join( marvindb.datadb.PipelineInfo, marvindb.datadb.PipelineVersion).filter( marvindb.datadb.Cube.mangaid == mangaid, marvindb.datadb.PipelineVersion.version == drpver).all() if len(cubes) == 0: raise ValueError('no plate-ifus found for mangaid={0}'.format(mangaid)) elif len(cubes) > 1: warnings.warn('more than one plate-ifu found for mangaid={0}. ' 'Using a the one with the higest SN2'.format(mangaid), MarvinUserWarning) total_sn2 = [float(cube.header['BLUESN2']) + float(cube.header['REDSN2']) for cube in cubes] cube = cubes[np.argmax(total_sn2)] else: cube = cubes[0] return '{0}-{1}'.format(cube.plate, elif mode == 'remote': try: # response = Interaction('api/general/mangaid2plateifu/{0}/'.format(mangaid)) url = marvin.config.urlmap['api']['mangaid2plateifu']['url'] response = Interaction(url.format(mangaid=mangaid)) except MarvinError as e: raise MarvinError('API call to mangaid2plateifu failed: {0}'.format(e)) else: plateifu = response.getData(astype=str) if not plateifu: if 'error' in response.results and response.results['error']: raise MarvinError(response.results['error']) else: raise MarvinError('API call to mangaid2plateifu failed with error unknown.') return plateifu elif mode == 'auto': for mm in autoModes: try: plateifu = mangaid2plateifu(mangaid, mode=mm, drpver=drpver, drpall=drpall) return plateifu except: continue raise MarvinError( 'mangaid2plateifu was not able to find a plate-ifu for ' 'mangaid={0} either local or remotely.'.format(mangaid))
[docs]def findClosestVector(point, arr_shape=None, pixel_shape=None, xyorig=None): """Find the closest array coordinates from pixel coordinates. Find the closest vector of array coordinates (x, y) from an input vector of pixel coordinates (x, y). Parameters: point : tuple Original point of interest in pixel units, order of (x,y) arr_shape : tuple Shape of data array in (x,y) order pixel_shape : tuple Shape of image in pixels in (x,y) order xyorig : str Indicates the origin point of coordinates. Set to "relative" switches to an array coordinate system relative to galaxy center. Default is absolute array coordinates (x=0, y=0) = upper left corner Returns: minind : tuple A tuple of array coordinates in x, y order """ # set as numpy arrays arr_shape = np.array(arr_shape, dtype=int) pixel_shape = np.array(pixel_shape, dtype=int) # compute midpoints xmid, ymid = arr_shape / 2 xpixmid, ypixmid = pixel_shape / 2 # default absolute array coordinates xcoords = np.array([0, arr_shape[0]], dtype=int) ycoords = np.array([0, arr_shape[1]], dtype=int) # split x,y coords and pixel coords x1, x2 = xcoords y1, y2 = ycoords xpix, ypix = pixel_shape # build interpolates between array coordinates and pixel coordinates points = [[x1, y1], [x1, y2], [xmid, ymid], [x2, y1], [x2, y2]] values = [[0, ypix], [0, 0], [xpixmid, ypixmid], [xpix, ypix], [xpix, 0]] # full image # values = [[xpixmid-xmid, ypixmid+ymid], [xpixmid-xmid, ypixmid-ymid], [xpixmid, ypixmid], [xpixmid+xmid, ypixmid+ymid], [xpixmid+xmid, ypixmid-ymid]] # pixels based on arr_shape #values = [[xpixmid-x2, ypixmid+y2], [xpixmid-x2, ypixmid-y2], [xpixmid, ypixmid], [xpixmid+x2, ypixmid+y2], [xpixmid+x2, ypixmid-y2]] # pixels based on arr_shape # make 2d array of array indices in absolute or (our) relative coordindates arrinds = np.mgrid[x1:x2, y1:y2].swapaxes(0, 2).swapaxes(0, 1) # interpolate a new 2d pixel coordinate array final = griddata(points, values, arrinds) # find minimum array vector closest to input coordinate point diff = np.abs(point - final) prod = diff[:, :, 0] * diff[:, :, 1] minind = np.unravel_index(prod.argmin(), arr_shape) # toggle relative array coordinates if xyorig in ['relative', 'center']: minind = np.array(minind, dtype=int) xmin = minind[0] - xmid ymin = ymid - minind[1] minind = (xmin, ymin) return minind
[docs]def getWCSFromPng(image): """Extract any WCS info from the metadata of a PNG image. Extracts the WCS metadata info from the PNG optical image of the galaxy using PIL (Python Imaging Library). Converts it to an Astropy WCS object. Parameters: image (str): The full path to the image Returns: pngwcs (WCS): an Astropy WCS object """ pngwcs = None try: image = except Exception as e: raise MarvinError('Cannot open image {0}: {1}'.format(image, e)) # get metadata meta = if image else None # parse the image metadata mywcs = {} if meta and 'WCSAXES' in meta.keys(): for key, val in meta.items(): try: val = float(val) except Exception as e: pass mywcs.update({key: val}) tmp = mywcs.pop('WCSAXES') # Construct Astropy WCS if mywcs: pngwcs = wcs.WCS(mywcs) # Close the image image.close() return pngwcs
[docs]def convertImgCoords(coords, image, to_pix=None, to_radec=None): """Transform the WCS info in an image. Convert image pixel coordinates to RA/Dec based on PNG image metadata or vice_versa Parameters: coords (tuple): The input coordindates to transform image (str): The full path to the image to_pix (bool): Set to convert to pixel coordinates to_radec (bool): Set to convert to RA/Dec coordinates Returns: newcoords (tuple): Tuple of either (x, y) pixel coordinates or (RA, Dec) coordinates """ try: wcs = getWCSFromPng(image) except Exception as e: raise MarvinError('Cannot get wcs info from image {0}: {1}'.format(image, e)) if to_radec: try: newcoords = wcs.all_pix2world([coords], 1)[0] except AttributeError as e: raise MarvinError('Cannot convert coords to RA/Dec. No wcs! {0}'.format(e)) if to_pix: try: newcoords = wcs.all_world2pix([coords], 1)[0] except AttributeError as e: raise MarvinError('Cannot convert coords to image pixels. No wcs! {0}'.format(e)) return newcoords
[docs]def parseIdentifier(galid): """Determine if a string input is a plate, plateifu, or manga-id. Parses a string object id and determines whether it is a plate ID, a plate-IFU, or MaNGA-ID designation. Parameters: galid (str): The string of an id name to parse Returns: idtype (str): String indicating either plate, plateifu, mangaid, or None """ galid = str(galid) hasdash = '-' in galid if hasdash: galidsplit = galid.split('-') if int(galidsplit[0]) > 6500: idtype = 'plateifu' else: idtype = 'mangaid' else: # check for plate if galid.isdigit(): if len(galid) > 3: idtype = 'plate' else: idtype = None else: idtype = None return idtype
[docs]def getSpaxelXY(cube, plateifu, x, y): """Get a spaxel from a cube in the DB. This function is mostly intended for internal use. Parameters: cube (SQLAlchemy object): The SQLAlchemy object representing the cube from which to extract the spaxel. plateifu (str): The corresponding plateifu of ``cube``. x,y (int): The coordinates of the spaxel in the database. Returns: spaxel (SQLAlchemy object): The SQLAlchemy spaxel with coordinates ``(x, y)``. """ import sqlalchemy mdb = marvin.marvindb try: spaxel = mdb.session.query(mdb.datadb.Spaxel).filter_by(cube=cube, x=x, y=y).one() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as e: raise MarvinError('Could not retrieve spaxel for plate-ifu {0} at position {1},{2}: No Results Found: {3}'.format(plateifu, x, y, e)) except Exception as e: raise MarvinError('Could not retrieve cube for plate-ifu {0} at position {1},{2}: Unknown exception: {3}'.format(plateifu, x, y, e)) return spaxel
[docs]def getDapRedux(release=None): """Retrieve SAS url link to the DAP redux directory. Parameters: release (str): The release version of the data to download. Defaults to Marvin config.release. Returns: dapredux (str): The full redux path to the DAP MAPS """ if not Path: raise MarvinError('sdss_access is not installed') else: sdss_path = Path() release = release or marvin.config.release drpver, dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release) # hack a url version of MANGA_SPECTRO_ANALYSIS dapdefault = sdss_path.dir('mangadefault', drpver=drpver, dapver=dapver, plate=None, ifu=None) dappath = dapdefault.rsplit('/', 2)[0] dapredux = sdss_path.url('', full=dappath) return dapredux
[docs]def getDefaultMapPath(**kwargs): """Retrieve the default Maps path. Uses sdss_access Path to generate a url download link to the default MAPS file for a given MPL. Parameters: release (str): The release version of the data to download. Defaults to Marvin config.release. plate (int): The plate id ifu (int): The ifu number bintype (str): The bintype of the default file to grab, i.e. MAPS or LOGCUBE. Defaults to MAPS daptype (str): The daptype of the default map to grab. Defaults to SPX-GAU-MILESHC Returns: maplink (str): The sas url to download the default maps file """ if not Path: raise MarvinError('sdss_access is not installed') else: sdss_path = Path() # Get kwargs release = kwargs.get('release', marvin.config.release) drpver, dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release) plate = kwargs.get('plate', None) ifu = kwargs.get('ifu', None) daptype = kwargs.get('daptype', 'SPX-GAU-MILESHC') bintype = kwargs.get('bintype', 'MAPS') # get the sdss_path name by MPL # TODO: this is likely to break in future MPL/DRs. Just a heads up. if '4' in release: name = 'mangadefault' else: name = 'mangadap5' # construct the url link to default maps file maplink = sdss_path.url(name, drpver=drpver, dapver=dapver, mpl=release, plate=plate, ifu=ifu, daptype=daptype, mode=bintype) return maplink
[docs]def downloadList(inputlist, dltype='cube', **kwargs): """Download a list of MaNGA objects. Uses sdss_access to download a list of objects via rsync. Places them in your local sas path mimicing the Utah SAS. i.e. $SAS_BASE_DIR/mangawork/manga/spectro/redux Can download cubes, rss files, maps, mastar cubes, png images, default maps, or the entire plate directory. Parameters: inputlist (list): Required. A list of objects to download. Must be a list of plate IDs, plate-IFUs, or manga-ids dltype ({'cube', 'map', 'image', 'rss', 'mastar', 'default', 'plate'}): Indicated type of object to download. Can be any of plate, cube, imagea, mastar, rss, map, or default (default map). If not specified, the dltype defaults to cube. release (str): The MPL/DR version of the data to download. Defaults to Marvin config.release. bintype (str): The bin type of the DAP maps to download. Defaults to * binmode (str): The bin mode of the DAP maps to download. Defaults to * n (int): The plan id number [1-12] of the DAP maps to download. Defaults to * daptype (str): The daptype of the default map to grab. Defaults to * dir3d (str): The directory where the images are located. Either 'stack' or 'mastar'. Defaults to * verbose (bool): Turns on verbosity during rsync limit (int): A limit to the number of items to download Returns: NA: Downloads """ # Get some possible keywords # Necessary rsync variables: # drpver, plate, ifu, dir3d, [mpl, dapver, bintype, n, mode] verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', None) as_url = kwargs.get('as_url', None) release = kwargs.get('release', marvin.config.release) drpver, dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=release) bintype = kwargs.get('bintype', '*') binmode = kwargs.get('binmode', '*') daptype = kwargs.get('daptype', '*') dir3d = kwargs.get('dir3d', '*') n = kwargs.get('n', '*') limit = kwargs.get('limit', None) # check for sdss_access if not RsyncAccess: raise MarvinError('sdss_access not installed.') # Assert correct dltype dltype = 'cube' if not dltype else dltype assert dltype in ['plate', 'cube', 'mastar', 'rss', 'map', 'image', 'default'], 'dltype must be one of plate, cube, mastar, image, rss, map, default' # Assert correct dir3d if dir3d != '*': assert dir3d in ['stack', 'mastar'], 'dir3d must be either stack or mastar' # Parse and retrieve the input type and the download type idtype = parseIdentifier(inputlist[0]) if not idtype: raise MarvinError('Input list must be a list of plates, plate-ifus, or mangaids') # Set download type if dltype == 'cube': name = 'mangacube' elif dltype == 'rss': name = 'mangarss' elif dltype == 'default': name = 'mangadefault' elif dltype == 'plate': name = 'mangaplate' elif dltype == 'map': # needs to change to include DR if '4' in release: name = 'mangamap' else: name = 'mangadap5' elif dltype == 'mastar': name = 'mangamastar' elif dltype == 'image': name = 'mangaimage' # create rsync rsync_access = RsyncAccess(label='marvin_download', verbose=verbose) rsync_access.remote() # Add objects for item in inputlist: if idtype == 'mangaid': try: plateifu = mangaid2plateifu(item) except MarvinError as e: plateifu = None else: plateid, ifu = plateifu.split('-') elif idtype == 'plateifu': plateid, ifu = item.split('-') elif idtype == 'plate': plateid = item ifu = '*' rsync_access.add(name, plate=plateid, drpver=drpver, ifu=ifu, dapver=dapver, dir3d=dir3d, mpl=release, bintype=bintype, n=n, mode=binmode, daptype=daptype) # set the stream try: rsync_access.set_stream() except AccessError as e: raise MarvinError('Error with sdss_access rsync.set_stream. AccessError: {0}'.format(e)) # get the list and download listofitems = rsync_access.get_urls() if as_url else rsync_access.get_paths() rsync_access.commit(limit=limit)
[docs]def get_drpall_row(plateifu, drpver=None, drpall=None): """Returns a dictionary from drpall matching the plateifu.""" from marvin import config if drpall: drpall_table = else: config_drpver, __ = config.lookUpVersions() drpver = drpver if drpver else config_drpver if drpver not in drpTable: drpall = drpall if drpall else config._getDrpAllPath(drpver=drpver) drpTable[drpver] = drpall_table = drpTable[drpver] row = drpall_table[drpall_table['plateifu'] == plateifu] if len(row) != 1: raise ValueError('{0} results found for {1} in drpall table'.format(len(row), plateifu)) return row[0]
def _db_row_to_dict(row, remove_columns=False): """Converts a DB object to a dictionary.""" from sqlalchemy.inspection import inspect as sa_inspect from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property row_dict = collections.OrderedDict() columns = row.__table__.columns.keys() mapper = sa_inspect(row.__class__) for key, item in mapper.all_orm_descriptors.items(): if isinstance(item, hybrid_property): columns.append(key) for col in columns: if remove_columns and col in remove_columns: continue row_dict[col] = getattr(row, col) return row_dict
[docs]def get_nsa_data(mangaid, source='nsa', mode='auto', drpver=None, drpall=None): """Returns a dictionary of NSA data from the DB or from the drpall file. Parameters: mangaid (str): The mangaid of the target for which the NSA information will be returned. source ({'nsa', 'drpall'}): The data source. If ``source='nsa'``, the full NSA catalogue from the DB will be used. If ``source='drpall'``, the subset of NSA columns included in the drpall file will be returned. mode ({'auto', 'local', 'remote'}): See :ref:`mode-decision-tree`. drpver (str or None): The version of the DRP to use, if ``source='drpall'``. If ``None``, uses the version set by ``marvin.config.release``. drpall (str or None): A path to the drpall file to use if ``source='drpall'``. If not defined, the default drpall file matching ``drpver`` will be used. Returns: nsa_data (dict): A dictionary containing the columns and values from the NSA catalogue for ``mangaid``. """ from marvin import config, marvindb from .structs import DotableCaseInsensitive valid_modes = ['auto', 'local', 'remote'] assert mode in valid_modes, 'mode must be one of {0}'.format(valid_modes) valid_sources = ['nsa', 'drpall'] assert source in valid_sources, 'source must be one of {0}'.format(valid_sources) log.debug('get_nsa_data: getting NSA data for mangaid=%r with source=%r, mode=%r', mangaid, source, mode) if mode == 'auto': log.debug('get_nsa_data: running auto mode mode.') try: nsa_data = get_nsa_data(mangaid, mode='local', source=source, drpver=drpver, drpall=drpall) return nsa_data except MarvinError as ee: log.debug('get_nsa_data: local mode failed with error %s', str(ee)) try: nsa_data = get_nsa_data(mangaid, mode='remote', source=source, drpver=drpver, drpall=drpall) return nsa_data except MarvinError as ee: raise MarvinError('get_nsa_data: failed to get NSA data for mangaid=%r in ' 'auto mode with with error: %s', mangaid, str(ee)) elif mode == 'local': if source == 'nsa': if config.db is not None: session = marvindb.session sampledb = marvindb.sampledb nsa_row = session.query(sampledb.NSA).join(sampledb.MangaTargetToNSA, sampledb.MangaTarget).filter( sampledb.MangaTarget.mangaid == mangaid).all() if len(nsa_row) == 1: return DotableCaseInsensitive( _db_row_to_dict(nsa_row[0], remove_columns=['pk', 'catalogue_pk'])) elif len(nsa_row) > 1: warnings.warn('get_nsa_data: multiple NSA rows found for mangaid={0}. ' 'Using the first one.'.format(mangaid), MarvinUserWarning) return DotableCaseInsensitive( _db_row_to_dict(nsa_row[0], remove_columns=['pk', 'catalogue_pk'])) elif len(nsa_row) == 0: raise MarvinError('get_nsa_data: cannot find NSA row for mangaid={0}' .format(mangaid)) else: raise MarvinError('get_nsa_data: cannot find a valid DB connection.') elif source == 'drpall': plateifu = mangaid2plateifu(mangaid, drpver=drpver, drpall=drpall, mode='drpall') log.debug('get_nsa_data: found plateifu=%r for mangaid=%r', plateifu, mangaid) drpall_row = get_drpall_row(plateifu, drpall=drpall, drpver=drpver) nsa_data = collections.OrderedDict() for col in drpall_row.colnames: if col.startswith('nsa_'): value = drpall_row[col] if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = value.tolist() else: # In Astropy 2 the value would be an array of size 1 # but in Astropy 3 value is already an scalar and asscalar fails. try: value = np.asscalar(value) except AttributeError: pass nsa_data[col[4:]] = value return DotableCaseInsensitive(nsa_data) elif mode == 'remote': from marvin.api.api import Interaction try: if source == 'nsa': request_name = 'nsa_full' else: request_name = 'nsa_drpall' url = marvin.config.urlmap['api'][request_name]['url'] response = Interaction(url.format(mangaid=mangaid)) except MarvinError as ee: raise MarvinError('API call to {0} failed: {1}'.format(request_name, str(ee))) else: if response.results['status'] == 1: return DotableCaseInsensitive(collections.OrderedDict(response.getData())) else: raise MarvinError('get_nsa_data: %s', response['error'])
def _check_file_parameters(obj1, obj2): for param in ['plateifu', 'mangaid', 'plate', '_release', 'drpver', 'dapver']: assert_msg = ('{0} is different between {1} {2}:\n {1}.{0}: {3} {2}.{0}:{4}' .format(param, obj1.__repr__, obj2.__repr__, getattr(obj1, param), getattr(obj2, param))) assert getattr(obj1, param) == getattr(obj2, param), assert_msg
[docs]def get_plot_params(dapver, prop): """Return default plotting parameters for a property.""" params = get_default_plot_params(dapver) if 'vel' in prop: key = 'vel' elif 'sigma' in prop: key = 'sigma' else: key = 'default' return params[key]
def add_doc(value): """Wrap method to programatically add docstring.""" def _doc(func): func.__doc__ = value return func return _doc def use_inspect(func): ''' Inspect a function of arguments and keywords. Inspects a function or class method. Uses a different inspect for Python 2 vs 3 Only tested to work with args and defaults. varargs (variable arguments) and varkw (keyword arguments) seem to always be empty. Parameters: func (func): The function or method to inspect Returns: A tuple of arguments, variable arguments, keywords, and default values ''' pyver = sys.version_info.major if pyver == 2: args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func) elif pyver == 3: sig = inspect.signature(func) args = [] defaults = [] varargs = varkw = None for par in sig.parameters.values(): # most parameters seem to be of this kind if par.kind == par.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: args.append( # parameters with default of inspect empty are required if par.default != inspect._empty: defaults.append(par.default) return args, varargs, varkw, defaults
[docs]def getRequiredArgs(func): ''' Gets the required arguments from a function or method Uses this difference between arguments and defaults to indicate required versus optional arguments Parameters: func (func): The function or method to inspect Returns: A list of required arguments Example: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> getRequiredArgs(plt.scatter) >>> ['x', 'y'] ''' args, varargs, varkw, defaults = use_inspect(func) if defaults: args = args[:-len(defaults)] return args
[docs]def getKeywordArgs(func): ''' Gets the keyword arguments from a function or method Parameters: func (func): The function or method to inspect Returns: A list of keyword arguments Example: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> getKeywordArgs(plt.scatter) >>> ['edgecolors', 'c', 'vmin', 'linewidths', 'marker', 's', 'cmap', >>> 'verts', 'vmax', 'alpha', 'hold', 'data', 'norm'] ''' args, varargs, varkw, defaults = use_inspect(func) req_args = getRequiredArgs(func) opt_args = list(set(args) - set(req_args)) return opt_args
[docs]def missingArgs(func, argdict, arg_type='args'): ''' Return missing arguments from an input dictionary Parameters: func (func): The function or method to inspect argdict (dict): The argument dictionary to test against arg_type (str): The type of arguments to test. Either (args|kwargs|req|opt). Default is required. Returns: A list of missing arguments Example: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> testdict = {'edgecolors': 'black', 'c': 'r', 'xlim': 5, 'xlabel': 9, 'ylabel': 'y', 'ylim': 6} >>> # test for missing required args >>> missginArgs(plt.scatter, testdict) >>> {'x', 'y'} >>> # test for missing optional args >>> missingArgs(plt.scatter, testdict, arg_type='opt') >>> ['vmin', 'linewidths', 'marker', 's', 'cmap', 'verts', 'vmax', 'alpha', 'hold', 'data', 'norm'] ''' assert arg_type in ['args', 'req', 'kwargs', 'opt'], 'arg_type must be one of (args|req|kwargs|opt)' if arg_type in ['args', 'req']: return set(getRequiredArgs(func)).difference(argdict) elif arg_type in ['kwargs', 'opt']: return set(getKeywordArgs(func)).difference(argdict)
[docs]def invalidArgs(func, argdict): ''' Return invalid arguments from an input dictionary Parameters: func (func): The function or method to inspect argdict (dict): The argument dictionary to test against Returns: A list of invalid arguments Example: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> testdict = {'edgecolors': 'black', 'c': 'r', 'xlim': 5, 'xlabel': 9, 'ylabel': 'y', 'ylim': 6} >>> # test for invalid args >>> invalidArgs(plt.scatter, testdict) >>> {'xlabel', 'xlim', 'ylabel', 'ylim'} ''' args, varargs, varkw, defaults = use_inspect(func) return set(argdict) - set(args)
[docs]def isCallableWithArgs(func, argdict, arg_type='opt', strict=False): ''' Test if the function is callable with the an input dictionary Parameters: func (func): The function or method to inspect argdict (dict): The argument dictionary to test against arg_type (str): The type of arguments to test. Either (args|kwargs|req|opt). Default is required. strict (bool): If True, validates input dictionary against both missing and invalid keyword arguments. Default is False Returns: Boolean indicating whether the function is callable Example: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> testdict = {'edgecolors': 'black', 'c': 'r', 'xlim': 5, 'xlabel': 9, 'ylabel': 'y', 'ylim': 6} >>> # test for invalid args >>> isCallableWithArgs(plt.scatter, testdict) >>> False ''' if strict: return not missingArgs(func, argdict, arg_type=arg_type) and not invalidArgs(func, argdict) else: return not invalidArgs(func, argdict)
[docs]def map_bins_to_column(column, indices): ''' Maps a dictionary of array indices to column data Takes a given data column and a dictionary of indices (see the indices key from output of the histgram data in :meth:`marvin.utils.plot.scatter.hist`), and produces a dictionary with the data values from column mapped in individual bins. Parameters: column (list): A column of data indices (dict): A dictionary of providing a list of array indices belonging to each bin in a histogram. Returns: A dictionary containing, for each binid, a list of column data in that bin. Example: >>> >>> # provide a list of data in each bin of an output histogram >>> x = np.random.random(10)*10 >>> hdata = hist(x, bins=3, return_fig=False) >>> inds = hdata['indices'] >>> pmap = map_bins_to_column(x, inds) >>> OrderedDict([(1, >>> [2.5092488009906235, >>> 1.7494530589363955, >>> 2.5070840461208754, >>> 2.188355400587354, >>> 2.6987990403658992, >>> 1.6023553861428441]), >>> (3, [7.9214280403215875, 7.488908995456573, 7.190598204420587]), >>> (4, [8.533028236560906])]) ''' assert isinstance(indices, dict) is True, 'indices must be a dictionary of binids' assert len(column) == sum(map(len, indices.values())), 'input column and indices values must have same len' coldict = OrderedDict() colarr = np.array(column) for key, val in indices.items(): coldict[key] = colarr[val].tolist() return coldict
def _sort_dir(instance, class_): """Sort `dir()` to return child class attributes and members first. Return the attributes and members of the child class, so that ipython tab completion lists those first. Parameters: instance: Instance of `class_` (usually self). class_: Class of `instance`. Returns: list: Child class attributes and members. """ members_array = list(zip(*inspect.getmembers(np.ndarray)))[0] members_quantity = list(zip(*inspect.getmembers(Quantity)))[0] members_parents = members_array + members_quantity return_list = [it[0] for it in inspect.getmembers(class_) if it[0] not in members_parents] return_list += vars(instance).keys() return_list += ['value'] return return_list
[docs]def get_dapall_file(drpver, dapver): """Returns the path to the DAPall file for ``(drpver, dapver)``.""" assert Path is not None, 'sdss_access.path.Path is not available.' dapall_path = Path().full('dapall', dapver=dapver, drpver=drpver) return dapall_path
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def turn_off_ion(show_plot=True): ''' Turns off the Matplotlib plt interactive mode Context manager to temporarily disable the interactive Matplotlib plotting functionality. Useful for only returning Figure and Axes objects Parameters: show_plot (bool): If True, turns off the plotting Example: >>> >>> with turn_off_ion(show_plot=False): >>> do_some_stuff >>> ''' plt_was_interactive = plt.isinteractive() if not show_plot and plt_was_interactive: plt.ioff() fignum_init = plt.get_fignums() yield plt if show_plot: plt.ioff() else: for ii in plt.get_fignums(): if ii not in fignum_init: plt.close(ii) # Restores original ion() status if plt_was_interactive and not plt.isinteractive(): plt.ion()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def temp_setattr(ob, attrs, new_values): """ Temporarily set attributed on an object Temporarily set an attribute on an object for the duration of the context manager. Parameters: ob (object): A class instance to set attributes on attrs (str|list): A list of attribute names to replace new_values (list): A list of new values to set as new attribute. If new_values is None, all attributes in attrs will be set to None. Example: >>> c = Cube(plateifu='8485-1901') >>> print('before', c.mangaid) >>> with temp_setattr(c, 'mangaid', None): >>> # do stuff >>> print('new', c.mangaid) >>> print('after' c.mangaid) >>> >>> # Output >>> before '1-209232' >>> new None >>> after '1-209232' >>> """ # set up intial inputs attrs = attrs if isinstance(attrs, list) else [attrs] if new_values: new_values = new_values if isinstance(new_values, list) else [new_values] else: new_values = [new_values] * len(attrs) assert len(attrs) == len(new_values), 'attrs and new_values must have the same length' replaced = [] old_values = [] # grab the old values for i, attr in enumerate(attrs): new_value = new_values[i] replace = False old_value = None if hasattr(ob, attr): try: if attr in ob.__dict__: replace = True except AttributeError: if attr in ob.__slots__: replace = True if replace: old_value = getattr(ob, attr) replaced.append(replace) old_values.append(old_value) setattr(ob, attr, new_value) # yield yield replaced, old_values # replace the old values for i, attr in enumerate(attrs): if not replaced[i]: delattr(ob, attr) else: setattr(ob, attr, old_values[i])
[docs]def map_dapall(header, row): ''' Retrieves a dictionary of DAPall db column names For a given row in the DAPall file, returns a dictionary of corresponding DAPall database columns names with the appropriate values. Parameters: header (Astropy header): The primary header of the DAPall file row (recarray): A row of the DAPall binary table data Returns: A dictionary with db column names as keys and row data as values Example: >>> hdu ='dapall-v2_3_1-2.1.1.fits') >>> header = hdu[0].header >>> row = hdu[1].data[0] >>> dbdict = map_dapall(header, row) ''' # get names from header emline_schannels = [] emline_gchannels = [] specindex_channels = [] for key, val in header.items(): if 'ELS' in key: emline_schannels.append(val.lower().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')) elif 'ELG' in key: emline_gchannels.append(val.lower().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')) elif'SPI([0-9])', key): specindex_channels.append(val.lower().replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')) # File column names names = row.array.names dbdict = {} for col in names: name = col.lower() shape = row[col].shape if hasattr(row[col], 'shape') else () array = '' values = row[col] if len(shape) > 0: channels = shape[0] for i in range(channels): channame = emline_schannels[i] if 'emline_s' in name else \ emline_gchannels[i] if 'emline_g' in name else \ specindex_channels[i] if 'specindex' in name else i + 1 colname = '{0}_{1}'.format(name, channame) dbdict[colname] = values[i] else: dbdict[name] = values return dbdict
def get_virtual_memory_usage_kb(): """ The process's current virtual memory size in Kb, as a float. Returns: A float of the virtual memory usage """ assert psutil is not None, 'the psutil python package is required to run this function' return float(psutil.Process().memory_info().vms) / 1024.0
[docs]def memory_usage(where): """ Print out a basic summary of memory usage. Parameters: where (str): A string description of where in the code you are summarizing memory usage """ assert pympler is not None, 'the pympler python package is required to run this function' mem_summary = pympler.summary.summarize(pympler.muppy.get_objects()) print("Memory summary: {0}".format(where)) pympler.summary.print_(mem_summary, limit=2) print("VM: {0:.2f}Mb".format(get_virtual_memory_usage_kb() / 1024.0))