Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.
# Revision history:
#     11 Apr 2016 J. Sánchez-Gallego
#       Initial version

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import warnings

from import fits
import numpy as np

import marvin

from marvin.core.core import MarvinToolsClass
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinError, MarvinUserWarning

from import Spectrum

[docs]class RSS(MarvinToolsClass, list): """A class to interface with MaNGA RSS data. This class represents a fully reduced RSS file, initialised either from a file, a database, or remotely via the Marvin API. The class inherits from Python's list class, and is defined as a list of RSSFiber objects. Parameters: filename (str): The path of the file containing the RSS to load. mangaid (str): The mangaid of the RSS to load. plateifu (str): The plate-ifu of the RSS to load (either ``mangaid`` or ``plateifu`` can be used, but not both). mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}): The load mode to use. See :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`. nsa_source ({'auto', 'drpall', 'nsa'}): Defines how the NSA data for this object should loaded when ``RSS.nsa`` is first called. If ``drpall``, the drpall file will be used (note that this will only contain a subset of all the NSA information); if ``nsa``, the full set of data from the DB will be retrieved. If the drpall file or a database are not available, a remote API call will be attempted. If ``nsa_source='auto'``, the source will depend on how the ``RSS`` object has been instantiated. If the cube has ``RSS.data_origin='file'``, the drpall file will be used (as it is more likely that the user has that file in their system). Otherwise, ``nsa_source='nsa'`` will be assumed. This behaviour can be modified during runtime by modifying the ``RSS.nsa_mode`` with one of the valid values. release (str): The MPL/DR version of the data to use. Return: rss: An object representing the RSS entity. The object is a list of RSSFiber objects, one for each fibre in the RSS entity. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): valid_kwargs = ['filename', 'mangaid', 'plateifu', 'mode', 'drpall', 'release', 'nsa_source'] assert len(args) == 0, 'RSS does not accept arguments, only keywords.' for kw in kwargs: assert kw in valid_kwargs, 'keyword {0} is not valid'.format(kw) = None MarvinToolsClass.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.data_origin == 'file': self._load_rss_from_file() elif self.data_origin == 'db': self._load_rss_from_db() elif self.data_origin == 'api': self._load_rss_from_api() _fibers = self._init_fibers() list.__init__(self, _fibers) # TODO: check that the drpver of the loaded data matches the one in the object. def __repr__(self): """Representation for RSS.""" return ('<Marvin RSS (mangaid={self.mangaid!r}, plateifu={self.plateifu!r}, ' 'mode={self.mode!r}, data_origin={self.data_origin!r})>'.format(self=self)) def _getFullPath(self): """Returns the full path of the file in the tree.""" if not self.plateifu: return None plate, ifu = self.plateifu.split('-') return super(RSS, self)._getFullPath('mangarss', ifu=ifu, drpver=self._drpver, plate=plate)
[docs] def download(self): """Downloads the cube using sdss_access - Rsync""" if not self.plateifu: return None plate, ifu = self.plateifu.split('-') return super(RSS, self).download('mangarss', ifu=ifu, drpver=self._drpver, plate=plate)
def _load_rss_from_file(self): """Initialises the RSS object from a file.""" try: = self.mangaid =[0].header['MANGAID'].strip() self.plateifu = '{0}-{1}'.format([0].header['PLATEID'],[0].header['IFUDSGN']) except Exception as ee: raise MarvinError('Could not initialize via filename: {0}'.format(ee)) # Checks and populates release. file_drpver =[0].header['VERSDRP3'] file_drpver = 'v1_5_1' if file_drpver == 'v1_5_0' else file_drpver file_ver = marvin.config.lookUpRelease(file_drpver) assert file_ver is not None, 'cannot find file version.' if file_ver != self._release: warnings.warn('mismatch between file version={0} and object release={1}. ' 'Setting object release to {0}'.format(file_ver, self._release), MarvinUserWarning) self._release = file_ver self._drpver, self._dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=self._release) def _load_rss_from_db(self): """Initialises the RSS object from the DB.""" import sqlalchemy mdb = marvin.marvindb if not mdb.isdbconnected: raise MarvinError('No db connected') plate, ifudesign = [item.strip() for item in self.plateifu.split('-')] try: = mdb.session.query(mdb.datadb.RssFiber).join( mdb.datadb.Cube, mdb.datadb.PipelineInfo, mdb.datadb.PipelineVersion, mdb.datadb.IFUDesign).filter( mdb.datadb.PipelineVersion.version == self._drpver, mdb.datadb.Cube.plate == plate, == ifudesign).all() except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound as ee: raise MarvinError('Could not retrieve RSS for plate-ifu {0}: ' 'No Results Found: {1}' .format(self.plateifu, ee)) except Exception as ee: raise MarvinError('Could not retrieve RSS for plate-ifu {0}: ' 'Unknown exception: {1}' .format(self.plateifu, ee)) if not raise MarvinError('Could not retrieve RSS for plate-ifu {0}: ' 'Unknown error.'.format(self.plateifu)) def _load_rss_from_api(self): """Initialises the RSS object using the remote API.""" # Checks that the RSS exists. routeparams = {'name': self.plateifu} url = marvin.config.urlmap['api']['getRSS']['url'].format(**routeparams) # Make the API call self._toolInteraction(url) def _init_fibers(self): """Initialises the object as a list of RSSFiber instances.""" if self.data_origin == 'file': _fibers = [RSSFiber._init_from_hdu(, index=ii) for ii in range([1].data.shape[0])] elif self.data_origin == 'db': _fibers = [RSSFiber._init_from_db(rssfiber=rssfiber) for rssfiber in] elif self.data_origin == 'api': # Makes a call to the API to retrieve all the arrays for all the fibres. routeparams = {'name': self.plateifu} url = marvin.config.urlmap['api']['getRSSAllFibers']['url'].format(**routeparams) # Make the API call response = self._toolInteraction(url) data = response.getData() wavelength = np.array(data['wavelength']) _fibers = [] for ii in range(len(data) - 1): flux = np.array(data[str(ii)][0]) ivar = np.array(data[str(ii)][1]) mask = np.array(data[str(ii)][2]) _fibers.append( RSSFiber(flux, ivar=ivar, mask=mask, wavelength=wavelength, mangaid=self.mangaid, plateifu=self.plateifu, data_origin='api')) return _fibers
[docs]class RSSFiber(Spectrum): """A class to represent a MaNGA RSS fiber. This class is basically a subclass of |spectrum| with additional functionality. It is not intended to be initialised directly, but via the :py:meth:`RSS._initFibers` method. Parameters: args: Arguments to pass to |spectrum| for initialisation. kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to |spectrum| for initialisation. Return: rssfiber: An object representing the RSS fiber entity. .. |spectrum| replace:: :class:`` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.mangaid = kwargs.pop('mangaid', None) self.plateifu = kwargs.pop('plateifu', None) self.data_origin = kwargs.pop('data_origin', None) flux_units = '1e-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang/fiber' wavelength_unit = 'Angstrom' kwargs['units'] = flux_units kwargs['wavelength_unit'] = wavelength_unit # Spectrum.__init__(self, **kwargs) def __repr__(self): """Representation for RSSFiber.""" return ('<Marvin RSSFiber (mangaid={self.mangaid!r}, plateifu={self.plateifu!r}, ' 'data_origin={self.data_origin!r})>'.format(self=self)) @classmethod def _init_from_hdu(cls, hdulist, index): """Initialises a RSSFiber object from a RSS HDUList.""" assert index is not None, \ 'if hdu is defined, an index is required.' mangaid = hdulist[0].header['MANGAID'].strip() plateifu = '{0}-{1}'.format(hdulist[0].header['PLATEID'], hdulist[0].header['IFUDSGN']) flux = hdulist['FLUX'].data[index, :] ivar = hdulist['IVAR'].data[index, :] mask = hdulist['MASK'].data[index, :] wave = hdulist['WAVE'].data obj = RSSFiber(flux, ivar=ivar, mask=mask, wavelength=wave, mangaid=mangaid, plateifu=plateifu, data_origin='file') return obj @classmethod def _init_from_db(cls, rssfiber): """Initialites a RSS fiber from the DB.""" mangaid = rssfiber.cube.mangaid plateifu = '{0}-{1}'.format(rssfiber.cube.plate, obj = RSSFiber(rssfiber.flux, ivar=rssfiber.ivar, mask=rssfiber.mask, wavelength=rssfiber.cube.wavelength.wavelength, mangaid=mangaid, plateifu=plateifu, data_origin='db') return obj