Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license.

from __future__ import print_function
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinError, MarvinUserWarning, MarvinBreadCrumb
from import Cube
from import Maps
from import RSS
from import ModelCube
from import Spaxel
from marvin.utils.datamodel.query import datamodel
from marvin.utils.datamodel.query.base import ParameterGroup
from marvin import config, log
from marvin.utils.general import getImagesByList, downloadList, map_bins_to_column
from marvin.utils.general import temp_setattr, turn_off_ion
from marvin.api.api import Interaction
from marvin.core import marvin_pickle
import marvin.utils.plot.scatter
from operator import add
import warnings
import json
import os
import datetime
import numpy as np
import six
import copy
from fuzzywuzzy import process
from functools import wraps
from astropy.table import Table, vstack, hstack
from collections import namedtuple

    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle

    import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn('Could not import pandas.', MarvinUserWarning)

__all__ = ['Results', 'ResultSet']

breadcrumb = MarvinBreadCrumb()

def local_mode_only(fxn):
    '''Decorator that bypasses function if in remote mode.'''

    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.mode == 'remote':
            raise MarvinError('{0} not available in remote mode'.format(fxn.__name__))
            return fxn(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def remote_mode_only(fxn):
    '''Decorator that bypasses function if in local mode.'''

    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if self.mode == 'local':
            raise MarvinError('{0} not available in local mode'.format(fxn.__name__))
            return fxn(self, *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

class ColumnGroup(ParameterGroup):
    ''' Subclass of Parameter Group '''

    def __repr__(self):
        ''' New repr for the Results Column Parameter Group '''
        old = list.__repr__(self)
        old = old.replace('>,', '>,\n')
        return ('<ParameterGroup name={}, n_parameters={1}>\n '
                '{2}'.format(self, len(self), old))

    def __str__(self):
        ''' New string repr for prints '''
        return self.__repr__()

def marvintuple(name, params=None, **kwargs):
    ''' Custom namedtuple class factory for Marvin Results rows

    A class factory designed to create a new Marvin ResultRow class object. marvintuple
    creates a new class definition which can be instantiated.  Parameters can be pushed into
    an instance as individual arguments, or as key-value pairs.  See the
    `namedtuple <>`_
    for details on the Python container.

        name (str):
            The name of the Class.  Required.
        params (str|list):
            The list of parameters to add as fields to the namedtuple.  Can be a list of names
            or a comma-separated string of names.

        a new namedtuple class

        >>> # create new class with two fields
        >>> mt = marvintuple('Row', ['mangaid', 'plateifu'])
        >>> # create a new instance of the class, with values
        >>> row = mt('1-209232', '8485-1901')
        >>> # or
        >>> row = mt(mangaid='1-209232', plateifu='8485-1901')


    # check the params input
    if params and isinstance(params, six.string_types):
        params = params.split(',') if ',' in params else [params]
        params = [p.strip() for p in params]

    # pop any extra keywords
    results = kwargs.pop('results', None)

    # create default namedtuple and find new columns
    default = namedtuple(name, 'mangaid, plate, plateifu, ifu_name')
    newcols = [col for col in params if col not in default._fields] if params else None
    finalfields = default._fields + tuple(newcols) if newcols else default._fields
    nt = namedtuple(name, finalfields, **kwargs)

    def new_add(self, other):
        ''' Overloaded add to combine tuples without duplicates '''

        if self._release:
            assert self._release == other._release, 'Cannot add result rows from different releases'
        if self._searchfilter:
            assert self._searchfilter == other._searchfilter, ('Cannot add result rows generated '
                                                               'using different search filters')

        assert self.plateifu == other.plateifu, 'The plateifus must be the same to add these rows'

        self_dict = self._asdict()
        other_dict = other._asdict()

        new_fields = tuple(self_dict.keys())
        marvin_row = marvintuple(self.__class__.__name__, new_fields, results=self._results)
        return marvin_row(**self_dict)

    # append new properties and overloaded methods
    nt.__add__ = new_add
    nt._results = results
    nt._release = results._release if results else None
    nt._searchfilter = results.searchfilter if results else None
    return nt

[docs]class ResultSet(list): ''' A Set of Results A list object representing a set of query results. Each row of the list is a ResultRow object, which is a custom Marvin namedtuple object. ResultSets can be extended column-wise or row-wise by adding them together. Parameters: _objects (list): A list of objects. Required. count (int): The count of objects in the current list totalcount (int): The total count of objects in the full results index (int): The index of the current set within the total set. columns (list): A list of columns accompanying this set results (Results): The Marvin Results object this set is a part of ''' def __init__(self, _objects, **kwargs): list.__init__(self, _objects) self._results = kwargs.get('results', None) self.columns = kwargs.get('columns', None) self.count = kwargs.get('count', None) = kwargs.get('total', None) self._populate_from_results() self.pages = int(np.ceil( / float(self.count))) if self.count else 0 self.index = kwargs.get('index') if kwargs.get('index') else 0 self.end_index = self.index + self.count self.current_page = (int(self.index) + self.count) / self.count def __repr__(self): old = list.__repr__(self) return ('<ResultSet(set={0.current_page}/{0.pages}, index={0.index}:{0.end_index}, ' 'count_in_set={0.count}, total={})>\n{1}'.format(self, old.replace('),', '),\n'))) def __getitem__(self, value): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): value = str(value) if value in self.columns: colname = self.columns[value].remote rows = [row.__getattribute__(colname) for row in self] else: rows = [row for row in self if value in row] if rows: return rows[0] if len(rows) == 1 else rows else: raise ValueError('{0} not found in the list'.format(value)) elif isinstance(value, int): return list.__getitem__(self, value) elif isinstance(value, slice): newset = list.__getitem__(self, value) return ResultSet(newset, index=int(value.start), count=len(newset),, columns=self.columns, results=self._results) elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray): return np.array(self)[value] def __getslice__(self, start, stop): newset = list.__getslice__(self, start, stop) return ResultSet(newset, index=start, count=len(newset),, columns=self.columns, results=self._results) def __add__(self, other): newresults = self._results if not isinstance(other, ResultSet): raise MarvinUserWarning('Can only add ResultSets together') # add elements if self.index == other.index: # column-wise add newcols = self.columns.full + [col.full for col in other.columns if col.full not in self.columns.full] parent = self._results.datamodel if self._results else None newcols = ColumnGroup('Columns', newcols, parent=parent) newresults.columns = newcols new_set = map(add, self, other) else: # row-wise add # warn if the subsets are not consecutive if abs(self.index - other.index) > self.count: warnings.warn('You are combining non-consectuive sets! ' 'The indexing and ordering will be messed up') # copy the sets new_set = copy.copy(self) if self.index < other.index else copy.copy(other) set_b = copy.copy(other) if self.index < other.index else copy.copy(self) # filter out any rows that already exist in the set rows = [row for row in set_b if row not in new_set] # extend the set new_set.extend(rows) newcols = self.columns self.count = len(new_set) self.index = min(self.index, other.index) return ResultSet(new_set, count=self.count,, index=self.index, columns=newcols, results=newresults) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def _populate_from_results(self): ''' Populate some parameters from the results ''' if self._results: self.columns = self._results.columns if not self.columns else self.columns self.choices = self.columns.list_params('remote') self.count = self._results.count if not self.count else self.count = self._results.totalcount if not else else: self.count = self.count if self.count else len(self) = if else len(self)
[docs] def to_dict(self, name=None, format_type='listdict'): ''' Convert the ResultSet into a dictionary Converts the set of results into a list of dictionaries. Optionally accepts a column name keyword to extract only that column. Parameters: name (str): Name of the column you wish to extract. Default is None. format_type (str): The format of the output dictionary. Can either be a list of dictionaries or a dictionary of lists. Returns: The output converted into dictionary format. ''' keys = self.columns.list_params('remote') if format_type == 'listdict': if name: output = [{k: res.__getattribute__(k) for k in [name]} for res in self] else: output = [{k: res.__getattribute__(k) for k in keys} for res in self] elif format_type == 'dictlist': if name: output = {k: [res._asdict()[k] for res in self] for k in [name]} else: output = {k: [res._asdict()[k] for res in self] for k in keys} else: raise MarvinError('Cannot output dictionaries. Check your input format_type.') return output
[docs] def to_list(self): ''' Converts to a standard Python list object ''' return list(self)
[docs] def sort(self, name=None, reverse=False): ''' Sort the results In-place sorting of the result set. This is the standard list sorting mechanism. When no name is specified, does standard list sorting with no key. Parameters: name (str): Column name to sort on. Default is None. reverse (bool): If True, sorts in reverse (descending) order. Returns: A sorted list ''' if name: colname = self.columns[name].remote return list.sort(self, key=lambda row: row.__getattribute__(colname), reverse=reverse) else: return list.sort(self)
[docs]class Results(object): ''' A class to handle results from queries on the MaNGA dataset Parameters: results (list): List of results satisfying the input Query query (object / str): The query used to produce these results. In local mode, the query is an SQLalchemy object that can be used to redo the query, or extract subsets of results from the query. In remote more, the query is a literal string representation of the SQL query. returntype (str): The MarvinTools object to convert the results into. If initially set, the results are automaticaly converted into the specified Marvin Tool Object on initialization objects (list): The list of Marvin Tools objects created by returntype count (int): The number of objects in the returned query results totalcount (int): The total number of objects in the full query results mode ({'auto', 'local', 'remote'}): The load mode to use. See :doc:`Mode secision tree</mode_decision>`. chunk (int): For paginated results, the number of results to return. Defaults to 10. start (int): For paginated results, the starting index value of the results. Defaults to 0. end (int): For paginated results, the ending index value of the resutls. Defaults to start+chunk. Attributes: count (int): The count of objects in your current page of results totalcount (int): The total number of results in the query query_time (datetime): A datetime TimeDelta representation of the query runtime Returns: results: An object representing the Results entity Example: >>> f = 'nsa.z < 0.012 and = 19*' >>> q = Query(searchfilter=f) >>> r = >>> print(r) >>> Results(results=[(u'4-3602', u'1902', -9999.0), (u'4-3862', u'1902', -9999.0), (u'4-3293', u'1901', -9999.0), (u'4-3988', u'1901', -9999.0), (u'4-4602', u'1901', -9999.0)], >>> query=<sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query object at 0x115217090>, >>> count=64, >>> mode=local) ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.results = kwargs.get('results', None) self._queryobj = kwargs.get('queryobj', None) self._updateQueryObj(**kwargs) self.count = kwargs.get('count', None) self.totalcount = kwargs.get('totalcount', self.count) self._runtime = kwargs.get('runtime', None) self.query_time = self._getRunTime() if self._runtime is not None else None self.response_time = kwargs.get('response_time', None) self.mode = config.mode if not kwargs.get('mode', None) else kwargs.get('mode', None) self.chunk = kwargs.get('chunk', None) self.start = kwargs.get('start', None) self.end = kwargs.get('end', None) self.datamodel = datamodel[self._release] self.objects = None self.sortcol = None self.order = None # drop breadcrumb breadcrumb.drop(message='Initializing MarvinResults {0}'.format(self.__class__), category=self.__class__) # Convert results to MarvinTuple if self.count > 0 and self.results: self._set_page() self._create_result_set(index=self.start) # Auto convert to Marvin Object if self.returntype: self.convertToTool(self.returntype) def __add__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Results) is True, 'Can only add Marvin Results together' assert self._release == other._release, 'Cannot add Marvin Results from different releases' assert self.searchfilter == other.searchfilter, 'Cannot add Marvin Results with different search filters' results = self.results + other.results returnparams = self.returnparams + [p for p in other.returnparams if p not in self.returnparams] params = self._params + [p for p in other._params if p not in self._params] return Results(results=results, params=params, returnparams=returnparams, limit=self.limit, searchfilter=self.searchfilter, count=len(results), totalcount=self.totalcount, release=self._release, mode=self.mode) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def _updateQueryObj(self, **kwargs): ''' update parameters using the _queryobj ''' self.query = self._queryobj.query if self._queryobj else kwargs.get('query', None) self.returntype = self._queryobj.returntype if self._queryobj else kwargs.get('returntype', None) self.searchfilter = self._queryobj.searchfilter if self._queryobj else kwargs.get('searchfilter', None) self.returnparams = self._queryobj._returnparams if self._queryobj else kwargs.get('returnparams', []) self.limit = self._queryobj.limit if self._queryobj else kwargs.get('limit', None) self._params = self._queryobj.params if self._queryobj else kwargs.get('params', None) self._release = self._queryobj._release if self._queryobj else kwargs.get('release', None) def __repr__(self): return ('Marvin Results(query={0}, totalcount={1}, count={2}, mode={3})'.format(self.searchfilter, self.totalcount, self.count, self.mode))
[docs] def showQuery(self): ''' Displays the literal SQL query used to generate the Results objects Returns: querystring (str): A string representation of the SQL query ''' # check unicode or str isstr = isinstance(self.query, six.string_types) # return the string query or compile the real query if isstr: return self.query else: return str(self.query.statement.compile(compile_kwargs={'literal_binds': True}))
def _getRunTime(self): ''' Sets the query runtime as a datetime timedelta object ''' if isinstance(self._runtime, dict): return datetime.timedelta(**self._runtime) else: return self._runtime
[docs] def download(self, images=False, limit=None): ''' Download results via sdss_access Uses sdss_access to download the query results via rsync. Downloads them to the local sas. The data type downloaded is indicated by the returntype parameter i.e. $SAS_BASE_DIR/mangawork/manga/spectro/redux/... Parameters: images (bool): Set to only download the images of the query results limit (int): A limit of the number of results to download Returns: NA: na Example: >>> r = >>> r.returntype = 'cube' >>> ''' plateifu = self.getListOf('plateifu') if images: tmp = getImagesByList(plateifu, mode='remote', as_url=True, download=True) else: downloadList(plateifu, dltype=self.returntype, limit=limit)
[docs] def sort(self, name, order='asc'): ''' Sort the set of results by column name Sorts the results (in place) by a given parameter / column name. Sets the results to the new sorted results. Parameters: name (str): The column name to sort on order ({'asc', 'desc'}): To sort in ascending or descending order. Default is asc. Example: >>> r = >>> r.getColumns() >>> [u'mangaid', u'name', u'nsa.z'] >>> r.results >>> [(u'4-3988', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3862', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3293', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3602', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-4602', u'1901', -9999.0)] >>> # Sort the results by mangaid >>> r.sort('mangaid') >>> [(u'4-3293', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3602', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3862', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3988', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-4602', u'1901', -9999.0)] >>> # Sort the results by IFU name in descending order >>> r.sort('', order='desc') >>> [(u'4-3602', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3862', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3293', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3988', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-4602', u'1901', -9999.0)] ''' remotename = self._check_column(name, 'remote') self.sortcol = remotename self.order = order if self.mode == 'local': reverse = True if order == 'desc' else False self.getAll() self.results.sort(remotename, reverse=reverse) self.results = self.results[0:self.limit] elif self.mode == 'remote': # Fail if no route map initialized if not config.urlmap: raise MarvinError('No URL Map found. Cannot make remote call') # Get the query route url = config.urlmap['api']['querycubes']['url'] params = {'searchfilter': self.searchfilter, 'params': self.returnparams, 'sort': remotename, 'order': order, 'limit': self.limit} self._interaction(url, params, create_set=True, calltype='Sort') return self.results
[docs] def toTable(self): ''' Output the results as an Astropy Table Uses the Python Astropy package Parameters: None Returns: tableres: Astropy Table Example: >>> r = >>> r.toTable() >>> <Table length=5> >>> mangaid name nsa.z >>> unicode6 unicode4 float64 >>> -------- -------- ------------ >>> 4-3602 1902 -9999.0 >>> 4-3862 1902 -9999.0 >>> 4-3293 1901 -9999.0 >>> 4-3988 1901 -9999.0 >>> 4-4602 1901 -9999.0 ''' try: tabres = Table(rows=self.results, names=self.columns.full) except ValueError as e: raise MarvinError('Could not make astropy Table from results: {0}'.format(e)) return tabres
[docs] def merge_tables(self, tables, direction='vert', **kwargs): ''' Merges a list of Astropy tables of results together Combines two Astropy tables using either the Astropy vstack or hstack method. vstack refers to vertical stacking of table rows. hstack refers to horizonal stacking of table columns. hstack assumes the rows in each table refer to the same object. Buyer beware: stacking tables without proper understanding of your rows and columns may results in deleterious results. merge_tables also accepts all keyword arguments that Astropy vstack and hstack method do. See `vstack <>`_ See `hstack <>`_ Parameters: tables (list): A list of Astropy Table objects. Required. direction (str): The direction of the table stacking, either vertical ('vert') or horizontal ('hor'). Default is 'vert'. Direction string can be fuzzy. Returns: A new Astropy table that is the stacked combination of all input tables Example: >>> # query 1 >>> q, r = doQuery(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1', returnparams=['g_r', 'cube.ra', 'cube.dec']) >>> # query 2 >>> q2, r2 = doQuery(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1') >>> >>> # convert to tables >>> table_1 = r.toTable() >>> table_2 = r2.toTable() >>> tables = [table_1, table_2] >>> >>> # vertical (row) stacking >>> r.merge_tables(tables, direction='vert') >>> # horizontal (column) stacking >>> r.merge_tables(tables, direction='hor') ''' choices = ['vertical', 'horizontal'] stackdir, score = process.extractOne(direction, choices) if stackdir == 'vertical': return vstack(tables, **kwargs) elif stackdir == 'horizontal': return hstack(tables, **kwargs)
[docs] def toFits(self, filename='myresults.fits', overwrite=False): ''' Output the results as a FITS file Writes a new FITS file from search results using the astropy Table.write() Parameters: filename (str): Name of FITS file to output overwrite (bool): Set to True to overwrite an existing file ''' myext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not myext: filename = filename + '.fits' table = self.toTable() table.write(filename, format='fits', overwrite=overwrite) print('Writing new FITS file {0}'.format(filename))
[docs] def toCSV(self, filename='myresults.csv', overwrite=False): ''' Output the results as a CSV file Writes a new CSV file from search results using the astropy Table.write() Parameters: filename (str): Name of CSV file to output overwrite (bool): Set to True to overwrite an existing file ''' myext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if not myext: filename = filename + '.csv' table = self.toTable() table.write(filename, format='csv', overwrite=overwrite) print('Writing new CSV file {0}'.format(filename))
[docs] def toDF(self): '''Call toDataFrame(). ''' return self.toDataFrame()
[docs] def toDataFrame(self): '''Output the results as an pandas dataframe. Uses the pandas package. Parameters: None Returns: dfres: pandas dataframe Example: >>> r = >>> r.toDataFrame() mangaid plate name nsa_mstar z 0 1-22286 7992 12704 1.702470e+11 0.099954 1 1-22301 7992 6101 9.369260e+10 0.105153 2 1-22414 7992 6103 7.489660e+10 0.092272 3 1-22942 7992 12705 8.470360e+10 0.104958 4 1-22948 7992 9102 1.023530e+11 0.119399 ''' try: dfres = pd.DataFrame(self.results.to_list()) except (ValueError, NameError) as e: raise MarvinError('Could not make pandas dataframe from results: {0}'.format(e)) return dfres
def _create_result_set(self, index=None, rows=None): ''' Creates a Marvin ResultSet Parameters: index (int): The starting index of the result subset rows (list|ResultSet): A list of rows containing the value data to input into the ResultSet Returns: creates a marvin ResultSet and sets it as the results attribute ''' # grab the columns from the results self.columns = self.getColumns() ntnames = self.columns.list_params('remote') # dynamically create a new ResultRow Class rows = rows if rows else self.results row_is_dict = isinstance(rows[0], dict) if not isinstance(rows, ResultSet): nt = marvintuple('ResultRow', ntnames, results=self) if row_is_dict: results = [nt(**r) for r in rows] else: results = [nt(*r) for r in rows] else: results = rows self.count = len(results) # Build the ResultSet self.results = ResultSet(results, count=self.count, total=self.totalcount, index=index, results=self) def _set_page(self): ''' Set the page of the data ''' if self.start and self.end: self.chunk = (self.end - self.start) else: self.chunk = self.chunk if self.chunk else self.limit if self.limit else 100 self.start = 0 self.end = self.start + self.chunk self.pages = int(np.ceil(self.totalcount / float(self.count))) if self.count else 0 self.index = self.start self.current_page = (int(self.index) + self.count) / self.count
[docs] def save(self, path=None, overwrite=False): ''' Save the results as a pickle object Parameters: path (str): Filepath and name of the pickled object overwrite (bool): Set this to overwrite an existing pickled file Returns: path (str): The filepath and name of the pickled object ''' # set the filename and path sf = self.searchfilter.replace(' ', '') if self.searchfilter else 'anon' # set the path if not path: path = os.path.expanduser('~/marvin_results_{0}.mpf'.format(sf)) # check for file extension if not os.path.splitext(path)[1]: path = os.path.join(path + '.mpf') path = os.path.realpath(path) if os.path.isdir(path): raise MarvinError('path must be a full route, including the filename.') if os.path.exists(path) and not overwrite: warnings.warn('file already exists. Not overwriting.', MarvinUserWarning) return dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) # convert results into a dict dict_results = self.results.to_dict() # set bad pickled attributes to None attrs = ['results', 'datamodel', 'columns', '_queryobj'] vals = [dict_results, None, None, None] isnotstr = not isinstance(self.query, six.string_types) if isnotstr: attrs += ['query'] vals += [None] # pickle the results try: with temp_setattr(self, attrs, vals): pickle.dump(self, open(path, 'wb'), protocol=-1) except Exception as ee: if os.path.exists(path): os.remove(path) raise MarvinError('Error found while pickling: {0}'.format(str(ee))) return path
[docs] @classmethod def restore(cls, path, delete=False): ''' Restore a pickled Results object Parameters: path (str): The filename and path to the pickled object delete (bool): Turn this on to delete the pickled fil upon restore Returns: Results (instance): The instantiated Marvin Results class ''' obj = marvin_pickle.restore(path, delete=delete) obj._create_result_set() obj.getColumns() obj.datamodel = datamodel[obj._release] return obj
[docs] def toJson(self): ''' Output the results as a JSON object Uses Python json package to convert the results to JSON representation Parameters: None Returns: jsonres: JSONed results Example: >>> r = >>> r.toJson() >>> '[["4-3602", "1902", -9999.0], ["4-3862", "1902", -9999.0], ["4-3293", "1901", -9999.0], >>> ["4-3988", "1901", -9999.0], ["4-4602", "1901", -9999.0]]' ''' try: jsonres = json.dumps(self.results) except TypeError as e: raise MarvinError('Results not JSON-ifiable. Check the format of results: {0}'.format(e)) return jsonres
[docs] def getColumns(self): ''' Get the columns of the returned reults Returns a ParameterGroup containing the columns from the returned results. Each row of the ParameterGroup is a QueryParameter. Returns: columns (list): A list of column names from the results Example: >>> r = >>> cols = r.getColumns() >>> print(cols) >>> [u'mangaid', u'name', u'nsa.z'] ''' try: self.columns = ColumnGroup('Columns', self._params, parent=self.datamodel) except Exception as e: raise MarvinError('Could not create query columns: {0}'.format(e)) return self.columns
def _interaction(self, url, params, calltype='', create_set=None, **kwargs): ''' Perform a remote Interaction call Parameters: url (str): The url of the request params (dict): A dictionary of parameters (get or post) to send with the request calltype (str): The method call sending the request create_set (bool): If True, sets the response output as the new results and creates a new named tuple set Returns: output: The output data from the request Raises: MarvinError: Raises on any HTTP Request error ''' # check if the returnparams parameter is in the proper format if 'params' in params: return_params = params.get('params', None) if return_params and isinstance(return_params, list): params['params'] = ','.join(return_params) # send the request try: ii = Interaction(route=url, params=params, stream=True) except MarvinError as e: raise MarvinError('API Query {0} call failed: {1}'.format(calltype, e)) else: output = ii.getData() self.response_time = ii.response_time self._runtime = ii.results['runtime'] self.query_time = self._getRunTime() index = kwargs.get('index', None) if create_set: self._create_result_set(index=index, rows=output) else: return output def _check_column(self, name, name_type): ''' Check if a name exists as a column ''' try: name_in_col = name in self.columns except KeyError as e: raise MarvinError('Column {0} not found in results: {1}'.format(name, e)) else: assert name_type in ['full', 'remote', 'name', 'short', 'display'], \ 'name_type must be one of "full, remote, name, short, display"' return self.columns[str(name)].__getattribute__(name_type)
[docs] def getListOf(self, name=None, to_json=False, to_ndarray=False, return_all=None): ''' Extract a list of a single parameter from results Parameters: name (str): Name of the parameter name to return. If not specified, it returns all parameters. to_json (bool): True/False boolean to convert the output into a JSON format to_ndarray (bool): True/False boolean to convert the output into a Numpy array return_all (bool): if True, returns the entire result set for that column Returns: output (list): A list of results for one parameter Example: >>> r = >>> r.getListOf('mangaid') >>> [u'4-3988', u'4-3862', u'4-3293', u'4-3602', u'4-4602'] Raises: AssertionError: Raised when no name is specified. ''' assert name, 'Must specify a column name' # check column name and get full name fullname = self._check_column(name, 'full') # deal with the output if return_all: # # grab all of that column url = config.urlmap['api']['getcolumn']['url'].format(colname=fullname) params = {'searchfilter': self.searchfilter, 'format_type': 'list', 'return_all': True, 'params': self.returnparams} output = self._interaction(url, params, calltype='getList') else: # only deal with current page output = self.results[name] if self.results.count > 1 else [self.results[name]] if to_json: output = json.dumps(output) if output else None if to_ndarray: output = np.array(output) if output else None return output
[docs] def getDictOf(self, name=None, format_type='listdict', to_json=False, return_all=None): ''' Get a dictionary of specified parameters Parameters: name (str): Name of the parameter name to return. If not specified, it returns all parameters. format_type ({'listdict', 'dictlist'}): The format of the results. Listdict is a list of dictionaries. Dictlist is a dictionary of lists. Default is listdict. to_json (bool): True/False boolean to convert the output into a JSON format return_all (bool): if True, returns the entire result set for that column Returns: output (list, dict): Can be either a list of dictionaries, or a dictionary of lists Example: >>> # get some results >>> r = >>> # Get a list of dictionaries >>> r.getDictOf(format_type='listdict') >>> [{'cube.mangaid': u'4-3988', '': u'1901', 'nsa.z': -9999.0}, >>> {'cube.mangaid': u'4-3862', '': u'1902', 'nsa.z': -9999.0}, >>> {'cube.mangaid': u'4-3293', '': u'1901', 'nsa.z': -9999.0}, >>> {'cube.mangaid': u'4-3602', '': u'1902', 'nsa.z': -9999.0}, >>> {'cube.mangaid': u'4-4602', '': u'1901', 'nsa.z': -9999.0}] >>> # Get a dictionary of lists >>> r.getDictOf(format_type='dictlist') >>> {'cube.mangaid': [u'4-3988', u'4-3862', u'4-3293', u'4-3602', u'4-4602'], >>> '': [u'1901', u'1902', u'1901', u'1902', u'1901'], >>> 'nsa.z': [-9999.0, -9999.0, -9999.0, -9999.0, -9999.0]} >>> # Get a dictionary of only one parameter >>> r.getDictOf('mangaid') >>> [{'cube.mangaid': u'4-3988'}, >>> {'cube.mangaid': u'4-3862'}, >>> {'cube.mangaid': u'4-3293'}, >>> {'cube.mangaid': u'4-3602'}, >>> {'cube.mangaid': u'4-4602'}] ''' # get the remote and full name remotename = self._check_column(name, 'remote') if name else None fullname = self._check_column(name, 'full') if name else None # create the dictionary output = self.results.to_dict(name=remotename, format_type=format_type) # deal with the output if return_all: # grab all or of a specific column params = {'searchfilter': self.searchfilter, 'return_all': True, 'format_type': format_type, 'params': self.returnparams} url = config.urlmap['api']['getcolumn']['url'].format(colname=fullname) output = self._interaction(url, params, calltype='getDict') else: # only deal with current page output = self.results.to_dict(name=remotename, format_type=format_type) if to_json: output = json.dumps(output) if output else None return output
[docs] def loop(self, chunk=None): ''' Loop over the full set of results Starts a loop to collect all the results (in chunks) until the current count reaches the total number of results. Uses extendSet. Parameters: chunk (int): The number of objects to return Example: >>> # get some results from a query >>> r = >>> # start a loop, grabbing in chunks of 400 >>> r.loop(chunk=400) ''' while self.count < self.totalcount: self.extendSet(chunk=chunk)
[docs] def extendSet(self, chunk=None, start=None): ''' Extend the Result set with the next page Extends the current ResultSet with the next page of results or a specified page. Calls either getNext or getSubset. Parameters: chunk (int): The number of objects to return start (int): The starting index of your subset extraction Returns: A new results set Example: >>> # run a query >>> r = >>> # extend the current result set with the next page >>> r.extendSet() >>> See Also: getNext, getSubset ''' oldset = copy.copy(self.results) if start is not None: nextset = self.getSubset(start, limit=chunk) else: nextset = self.getNext(chunk=chunk) newset = oldset + nextset self.count = len(newset) self.results = newset
[docs] def getNext(self, chunk=None): ''' Retrieve the next chunk of results Returns the next chunk of results from the query. from start to end in units of chunk. Used with getPrevious to paginate through a long list of results Parameters: chunk (int): The number of objects to return Returns: results (list): A list of query results Example: >>> r = >>> r.getNext(5) >>> Retrieving next 5, from 35 to 40 >>> [(u'4-4231', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-14340', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-14510', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-13634', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-13538', u'1902', -9999.0)] See Also: getAll, getPrevious, getSubset ''' if chunk and chunk < 0: warnings.warn('Chunk cannot be negative. Setting to {0}'.format(self.chunk), MarvinUserWarning) chunk = self.chunk newstart = self.end self.chunk = chunk if chunk else self.chunk newend = newstart + self.chunk # This handles cases when the number of results is < total if self.totalcount == self.count: warnings.warn('You have all the results. Cannot go forward', MarvinUserWarning) return self.results # This handles the end edge case if newend > self.totalcount: warnings.warn('You have reached the end.', MarvinUserWarning) newend = self.totalcount newstart = self.end # This grabs the next chunk'Retrieving next {0}, from {1} to {2}'.format(self.chunk, newstart, newend)) if self.mode == 'local': self.results = self.query.slice(newstart, newend).all() if self.results: self._create_result_set(index=newstart) elif self.mode == 'remote': # Fail if no route map initialized if not config.urlmap: raise MarvinError('No URL Map found. Cannot make remote call') # Get the query route url = config.urlmap['api']['getsubset']['url'] params = {'searchfilter': self.searchfilter, 'params': self.returnparams, 'start': newstart, 'end': newend, 'limit': chunk, 'sort': self.sortcol, 'order': self.order} self._interaction(url, params, calltype='getNext', create_set=True, index=newstart) self.start = newstart self.end = newend self.count = len(self.results) if self.returntype: self.convertToTool(self.returntype) return self.results
[docs] def getPrevious(self, chunk=None): ''' Retrieve the previous chunk of results. Returns a previous chunk of results from the query. from start to end in units of chunk. Used with getNext to paginate through a long list of results Parameters: chunk (int): The number of objects to return Returns: results (list): A list of query results Example: >>> r = >>> r.getPrevious(5) >>> Retrieving previous 5, from 30 to 35 >>> [(u'4-3988', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3862', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3293', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-3602', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'4-4602', u'1901', -9999.0)] See Also: getNext, getAll, getSubset ''' if chunk and chunk < 0: warnings.warn('Chunk cannot be negative. Setting to {0}'.format(self.chunk), MarvinUserWarning) chunk = self.chunk newend = self.start self.chunk = chunk if chunk else self.chunk newstart = newend - self.chunk # This handles cases when the number of results is < total if self.totalcount == self.count: warnings.warn('You have all the results. Cannot go back', MarvinUserWarning) return self.results # This handles the start edge case if newstart < 0: warnings.warn('You have reached the beginning.', MarvinUserWarning) newstart = 0 newend = self.start # This grabs the previous chunk'Retrieving previous {0}, from {1} to {2}'.format(self.chunk, newstart, newend)) if self.mode == 'local': self.results = self.query.slice(newstart, newend).all() if self.results: self._create_result_set(index=newstart) elif self.mode == 'remote': # Fail if no route map initialized if not config.urlmap: raise MarvinError('No URL Map found. Cannot make remote call') # Get the query route url = config.urlmap['api']['getsubset']['url'] params = {'searchfilter': self.searchfilter, 'params': self.returnparams, 'start': newstart, 'end': newend, 'limit': chunk, 'sort': self.sortcol, 'order': self.order} self._interaction(url, params, calltype='getPrevious', create_set=True, index=newstart) self.start = newstart self.end = newend self.count = len(self.results) if self.returntype: self.convertToTool(self.returntype) return self.results
[docs] def getSubset(self, start, limit=None): ''' Extracts a subset of results Parameters: start (int): The starting index of your subset extraction limit (int): The limiting number of results to return. Returns: results (list): A list of query results Example: >>> r = >>> r.getSubset(0, 10) >>> [(u'14-12', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'14-13', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'27-134', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'27-100', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'27-762', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'27-759', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'27-827', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'27-828', u'1902', -9999.0), >>> (u'27-1170', u'1901', -9999.0), >>> (u'27-1167', u'1902', -9999.0)] See Also: getNext, getPrevious, getAll ''' if not limit: limit = self.chunk if limit < 0: warnings.warn('Limit cannot be negative. Setting to {0}'.format(self.chunk), MarvinUserWarning) limit = self.chunk start = 0 if int(start) < 0 else int(start) end = start + int(limit) self.start = start self.end = end self.chunk = limit if self.mode == 'local': self.results = self.query.slice(start, end).all() if self.results: self._create_result_set(index=start) elif self.mode == 'remote': # Fail if no route map initialized if not config.urlmap: raise MarvinError('No URL Map found. Cannot make remote call') # Get the query route url = config.urlmap['api']['getsubset']['url'] params = {'searchfilter': self.searchfilter, 'params': self.returnparams, 'start': start, 'end': end, 'limit': limit, 'sort': self.sortcol, 'order': self.order} self._interaction(url, params, calltype='getSubset', create_set=True, index=start) self.count = len(self.results) if self.returntype: self.convertToTool(self.returntype) return self.results
[docs] def getAll(self, force=False): ''' Retrieve all of the results of a query Attempts to return all the results of a query. The efficiency of this method depends heavily on how many rows and columns you wish to return. A cutoff limit is applied for results with more than 500,000 rows or results with more than 25 columns. Parameters force (bool): If True, force attempt to download everything Returns: The full list of query results. See Also: getNext, getPrevious, getSubset, loop ''' if (self.totalcount > 500000 or len(self.columns) > 25) and not force: raise MarvinUserWarning("Cannot retrieve all results. The total number of requested " "rows or columns is too high. Please use the getNext, getPrevious, " "getSubset, or loop methods to retrieve pages.") if self.mode == 'local': self.results = self.query.from_self().all() self._create_result_set() elif self.mode == 'remote': # Get the query route url = config.urlmap['api']['querycubes']['url'] params = {'searchfilter': self.searchfilter, 'return_all': True, 'params': self.returnparams, 'limit': self.limit, 'sort': self.sortcol, 'order': self.order} self._interaction(url, params, calltype='getAll', create_set=True) self.count = self.totalcount print('Returned all {0} results'.format(self.totalcount))
[docs] def convertToTool(self, tooltype, **kwargs): ''' Converts the list of results into Marvin Tool objects Creates a list of Marvin Tool objects from a set of query results. The new list is stored in the Results.objects property. If the Query.returntype parameter is specified, then the Results object will automatically convert the results to the desired Tool on initialization. Parameters: tooltype (str): The requested Marvin Tool object that the results are converted into. Overrides the returntype parameter. If not set, defaults to the returntype parameter. limit (int): Limit the number of results you convert to Marvin tools. Useful for extremely large result sets. Default is None. mode (str): The mode to use when attempting to convert to Tool. Default mode is to use the mode internal to Results. (most often remote mode) Example: >>> # Get the results from some query >>> r = >>> r.results >>> [NamedTuple(mangaid=u'14-12', name=u'1901', nsa.z=-9999.0), >>> NamedTuple(mangaid=u'14-13', name=u'1902', nsa.z=-9999.0), >>> NamedTuple(mangaid=u'27-134', name=u'1901', nsa.z=-9999.0), >>> NamedTuple(mangaid=u'27-100', name=u'1902', nsa.z=-9999.0), >>> NamedTuple(mangaid=u'27-762', name=u'1901', nsa.z=-9999.0)] >>> # convert results to Marvin Cube tools >>> r.convertToTool('cube') >>> r.objects >>> [<Marvin Cube (plateifu='7444-1901', mode='remote', data_origin='api')>, >>> <Marvin Cube (plateifu='7444-1902', mode='remote', data_origin='api')>, >>> <Marvin Cube (plateifu='7995-1901', mode='remote', data_origin='api')>, >>> <Marvin Cube (plateifu='7995-1902', mode='remote', data_origin='api')>, >>> <Marvin Cube (plateifu='8000-1901', mode='remote', data_origin='api')>] ''' # set the desired tool type mode = kwargs.get('mode', self.mode) limit = kwargs.get('limit', None) toollist = ['cube', 'spaxel', 'maps', 'rss', 'modelcube'] tooltype = tooltype if tooltype else self.returntype assert tooltype in toollist, 'Returned tool type must be one of {0}'.format(toollist) # get the parameter list to check against paramlist = self.columns.full print('Converting results to Marvin {0} objects'.format(tooltype.title())) if tooltype == 'cube': self.objects = [Cube(plateifu=res.plateifu, mode=mode) for res in self.results[0:limit]] elif tooltype == 'maps': isbin = '' in paramlist istemp = '' in paramlist self.objects = [] for res in self.results[0:limit]: mapkwargs = {'mode': mode, 'plateifu': res.plateifu} if isbin: binval = res.bintype_name mapkwargs['bintype'] = binval if istemp: tempval = res.template_name mapkwargs['template_kin'] = tempval self.objects.append(Maps(**mapkwargs)) elif tooltype == 'spaxel': assert 'spaxelprop.x' in paramlist and 'spaxelprop.y' in paramlist, \ 'Parameters must include spaxelprop.x and y in order to convert to Marvin Spaxel.' self.objects = [] load = kwargs.get('load', True) maps = kwargs.get('maps', True) modelcube = kwargs.get('modelcube', True) tab = self.toTable() uniq_plateifus = list(set(self.getListOf('plateifu'))) for plateifu in uniq_plateifus: c = Cube(plateifu=plateifu, mode=mode) univals = tab['cube.plateifu'] == plateifu x = tab[univals]['spaxelprop.x'].tolist() y = tab[univals]['spaxelprop.y'].tolist() spaxels = c[y, x] self.objects.extend(spaxels) elif tooltype == 'rss': self.objects = [RSS(plateifu=res.plateifu, mode=mode) for res in self.results[0:limit]] elif tooltype == 'modelcube': isbin = '' in paramlist istemp = '' in paramlist self.objects = [] for res in self.results[0:limit]: mapkwargs = {'mode': mode, 'plateifu': res.plateifu} if isbin: binval = res.bintype_name mapkwargs['bintype'] = binval if istemp: tempval = res.template_name mapkwargs['template_kin'] = tempval self.objects.append(ModelCube(**mapkwargs))
[docs] def plot(self, x_name, y_name, **kwargs): ''' Make a scatter plot from two columns of results Creates a Matplotlib scatter plot from Results columns. Accepts as input two string column names. Will extract the total entire column (if not already available) and plot them. Creates a scatter plot with (optionally) adjoining 1-d histograms for each column. See :meth:`marvin.utils.plot.scatter.plot` and :meth:`marvin.utils.plot.scatter.hist` for details. Parameters: x_name (str): The name of the x-column of data. Required y_name (str): The name of the y-column of data. Required return_plateifus (bool): If True, includes the plateifus in each histogram bin in the histogram output. Default is True. return_figure (bool): Set to False to not return the Figure and Axis object. Defaults to True. show_plot (bool): Set to False to not show the interactive plot **kwargs (dict): Any other keyword argument that will be passed to Marvin's scatter and hist plotting methods Returns: The figure, axes, and histogram data from the plotting function Example: >>> # do a query and get the results >>> q = Query(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1', returnparams=['nsa.elpetro_ba', 'g_r']) >>> r = >>> # plot the total columns of Redshift vs g-r magnitude >>> fig, axes, hist_data = r.plot('nsa.z', 'g_r') ''' assert all([x_name, y_name]), 'Must provide both an x and y column' return_plateifus = kwargs.pop('return_plateifus', True) with_hist = kwargs.get('with_hist', True) show_plot = kwargs.pop('show_plot', True) return_figure = kwargs.get('return_figure', True) # get the named column x_col = self.columns[x_name] y_col = self.columns[y_name] # get the values of the two columns if self.count != self.totalcount: x_data = self.getListOf(x_name, return_all=True) y_data = self.getListOf(y_name, return_all=True) else: x_data = self.results[x_name] y_data = self.results[y_name] with turn_off_ion(show_plot=show_plot): output = marvin.utils.plot.scatter.plot(x_data, y_data, xlabel=x_col, ylabel=y_col, **kwargs) # computes a list of plateifus in each bin if return_plateifus and with_hist: plateifus = self.getListOf('plateifu', return_all=True) hdata = output[2] if return_figure else output if 'xhist' in hdata: hdata['xhist']['bins_plateifu'] = map_bins_to_column(plateifus, hdata['xhist']['indices']) if 'yhist' in hdata: hdata['yhist']['bins_plateifu'] = map_bins_to_column(plateifus, hdata['yhist']['indices']) output = output[0:2] + (hdata,) if return_figure else hdata return output
[docs] def hist(self, name, **kwargs): ''' Make a histogram for a given column of the results Creates a Matplotlib histogram from a Results Column. Accepts as input a string column name. Will extract the total entire column (if not already available) and plot it. See :meth:`marvin.utils.plot.scatter.hist` for details. Parameters: name (str): The name of the column of data. Required return_plateifus (bool): If True, includes the plateifus in each histogram bin in the histogram output. Default is True. return_figure (bool): Set to False to not return the Figure and Axis object. Defaults to True. show_plot (bool): Set to False to not show the interactive plot **kwargs (dict): Any other keyword argument that will be passed to Marvin's hist plotting methods Returns: The histogram data, figure, and axes from the plotting function Example: >>> # do a query and get the results >>> q = Query(searchfilter='nsa.z < 0.1', returnparams=['nsa.elpetro_ba', 'g_r']) >>> r = >>> # plot a histogram of the redshift column >>> hist_data, fig, axes = r.hist('nsa.z') ''' return_plateifus = kwargs.pop('return_plateifus', True) show_plot = kwargs.pop('show_plot', True) return_figure = kwargs.get('return_figure', True) # get the named column col = self.columns[name] # get the values of the two columns if self.count != self.totalcount: data = self.getListOf(name, return_all=True) else: data = self.results[name] # xhist, fig, ax_hist_x = output with turn_off_ion(show_plot=show_plot): output = marvin.utils.plot.scatter.hist(data, **kwargs) if return_plateifus: plateifus = self.getListOf('plateifu', return_all=True) hdata = output[0] if return_figure else output hdata['bins_plateifu'] = map_bins_to_column(plateifus, hdata['indices']) output = (hdata,) + output[1:] if return_figure else hdata return output