Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego
# @Date: Oct 30, 2017
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-Clause
# @Copyright: José Sánchez-Gallego

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.units import CompositeUnit, Quantity, Angstrom

from .base_quantity import QuantityMixIn

[docs]class Spectrum(Quantity, QuantityMixIn): """A class representing an spectrum with extra functionality. Parameters: value (array-like): The 1-D array contianing the spectrum. wavelength (array-like, optional): The wavelength solution for ``value``. scale (float, optional): The scale factor of the spectrum value. unit (astropy.unit.Unit, optional): The unit of the spectrum. wavelength_unit (astropy.unit.Unit, optional): The units of the wavelength solution. Defaults to Angstrom. ivar (array-like, optional): The inverse variance array for ``value``. std (array-like, optional): The standard deviation associated with ``value``. mask (array-like, optional): The mask array for ``value``. kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to be passed to `~astropy.units.Quantity` when it is initialised. Returns: spectrum: An astropy Quantity-like object that contains the spectrum, as well as inverse variance, mask, and wavelength (itself a Quantity array). """ def __new__(cls, flux, wavelength, scale=None, unit=Angstrom, wavelength_unit=Angstrom, ivar=None, std=None, mask=None, dtype=None, copy=True, **kwargs): flux = np.array(flux) # If the scale is defined, creates a new composite unit with the input scale. if scale is not None: unit = CompositeUnit(unit.scale * scale, unit.bases, unit.powers) obj = Quantity(flux, unit=unit, dtype=dtype, copy=copy) obj = obj.view(cls) obj._set_unit(unit) obj.ivar = np.array(ivar) if ivar is not None else None obj.mask = np.array(mask) if mask is not None else None if std is not None: assert ivar is None, 'std and ivar cannot be used at the same time.' obj._std = np.array(std) assert wavelength is not None, 'invalid wavelength' if isinstance(wavelength, Quantity): obj.wavelength = wavelength else: obj.wavelength = np.array(wavelength) * wavelength_unit return obj def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return self.ivar = getattr(obj, 'ivar', None) self._std = getattr(obj, '_std', None) self.mask = getattr(obj, 'mask', None) self.wavelength = getattr(obj, 'wavelength', None) self._set_unit(getattr(obj, 'unit', None)) def __getitem__(self, sl): new_obj = super(Spectrum, self).__getitem__(sl) if type(new_obj) is not type(self): new_obj = self._new_view(new_obj) new_obj._set_unit(self.unit) new_obj.ivar = self.ivar.__getitem__(sl) if self.ivar is not None else self.ivar new_obj._std = self._std.__getitem__(sl) if self._std is not None else self._std new_obj.mask = self.mask.__getitem__(sl) if self.mask is not None else self.mask new_obj.wavelength = self.wavelength.__getitem__(sl) \ if self.wavelength is not None else self.wavelength return new_obj @property def error(self): """The standard deviation of the measurement.""" if self._std is not None: return self._std if self.ivar is None: return None np.seterr(divide='ignore') return np.sqrt(1. / self.ivar) * self.unit @property def std(self): """The standard deviation of the measurement.""" return self.error
[docs] def plot(self, xlim=None, ylim=None, show_std=True, use_mask=True, n_sigma=1, xlabel='Wavelength', ylabel='Flux', show_units=True, plt_style='seaborn-darkgrid', figure=None, return_figure=False): """Plots the spectrum. Displays the spectrum showing, optionally, the :math:`n\\sigma` region, and applying the mask. Parameters: xlim,ylim (tuple or None): The range to display for the x- and y-axis, respectively, defined as a tuple of two elements ``[xmin, xmax]``. If the range is ``None``, the range for the xaxis range will be set automatically by matploltib while the yaxis limits will be optimised to reject extreme data points. show_std (bool): If ``True``, the :math:`n\\sigma` range above and below the spectrum values will be shown as a shadowed area. ``n_sigma`` determines how many sigmas will be plotted. use_mask (bool): If ``True``, the region in which the mask is non-zero will not be shown in the plot. show_units (bool): If ``True``, the units will be added to the axis labels. n_sigma (float): The number of standard deviations that will be shown if ``show_std=True``. xlabel,ylabel (str or None): The axis labels to be passed to the plot. If not defined, the y axis will be labelled as ``Flux`` and the x axis as ``Wavelength``. plt_style (str): Matplotlib style sheet to use. Default is 'seaborn-darkgrid'. figure (`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` or None): The matplotlib `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` object from which the axes must be created. If ``figure=None``, a new figure will be created. return_figure (bool): If ``True``, the matplotlib `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` object used will be returned along with the axes object. Returns: axes: The `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` object containing the plot representing the spectrum. If ``return_figure=True``, a tuple will be returned of the form ``(ax, fig)``, where ``fig`` is the associated `~matplotlib.figure.Figure`. Example: >>> ax = spectrum.plot(n_sigma=3) >>> We can change the range of the axes after the object has been created. >>> ax.set_xlim(6500, 6600) >>> """ with fig = plt.figure() if figure is None else figure ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if use_mask: value = self.masked wave =, mask=(self.mask > 0)) else: value = self.value wave = self.wavelength.value ax.plot(wave, value) if show_std and self.std is not None: if use_mask is False: std_masked = self.std.value else: std_masked =, mask=(self.mask > 0)) assert n_sigma > 0, 'invalid n_sigma value.' ax.fill_between(wave, value + n_sigma * std_masked, value - n_sigma * std_masked, facecolor='b', alpha=0.3) ax.set_xlim(xlim) if ylim is None: # Uses percentiles to get the optimal limits # ylim_0 = -np.percentile(-value[value < 0], 90) # ylim_1 = np.percentile(value[value > 0], 99.5) # ylim = (ylim_0, ylim_1) ylim = (0, None) ax.set_ylim(ylim) if xlabel is not None: if show_units and isinstance(self.wavelength, Quantity): xlabel = '$\\mathrm{{{}}}\\,[${}$]$'.format( xlabel, self.wavelength.unit.to_string('latex')) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: if show_units: ylabel = '$\\mathrm{{{}}}\\,[${}$]$'.format(ylabel, self.unit.to_string('latex_inline')) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if return_figure: return (ax, fig) else: return ax