Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego
# @Date: Nov 8, 2017
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-Clause
# @Copyright: José Sánchez-Gallego

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy
import inspect
import itertools
import six
import warnings

import astropy.wcs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import marvin
import marvin.api.api
import marvin.core.exceptions
import marvin.utils.general.general
import marvin.utils.dap.bpt

from marvin.core.core import MarvinToolsClass, NSAMixIn, DAPallMixIn
from marvin.utils.datamodel.dap import datamodel
from marvin.utils.datamodel.dap.base import Property, Channel
from marvin.utils.general import FuzzyDict, turn_off_ion
from marvin.utils.general.maskbit import get_manga_target

from .quantities import AnalysisProperty

    import sqlalchemy
except ImportError:
    sqlalchemy = None

__all__ = ['Maps']

[docs]class Maps(MarvinToolsClass, NSAMixIn, DAPallMixIn): """A class that represents a DAP MAPS file. Provides access to the data stored in a DAP MAPS file. In addition to the parameters and variables defined for `~.MarvinToolsClass`, the following parameters and attributes are specific to `.Maps`. Parameters: bintype (str or None): The binning type. For MPL-4, one of the following: ``'NONE', 'RADIAL', 'STON'`` (if ``None`` defaults to ``'NONE'``). For MPL-5, one of, ``'ALL', 'NRE', 'SPX', 'VOR10'`` (defaults to ``'SPX'``). MPL-6 also accepts the ``'HYB10'`` binning schema. template (str or None): The stellar template used. For MPL-4, one of ``'M11-STELIB-ZSOL', 'MILES-THIN', 'MIUSCAT-THIN'`` (if ``None``, defaults to ``'MIUSCAT-THIN'``). For MPL-5 and successive, the only option in ``'GAU-MILESHC'`` (``None`` defaults to it). Attributes: header (``): The header of the datacube. wcs (`astropy.wcs.WCS`): The WCS solution for this plate """ def __init__(self, input=None, filename=None, mangaid=None, plateifu=None, mode=None, data=None, release=None, drpall=None, download=None, nsa_source='auto', bintype=None, template=None, template_kin=None): if template_kin is not None: warnings.warn('template_kin is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.', DeprecationWarning) template = template_kin if template is None else template # _set_datamodel will replace these strings with datamodel objects. self.bintype = bintype self.template = template self._bitmasks = None MarvinToolsClass.__init__(self, input=input, filename=filename, mangaid=mangaid, plateifu=plateifu, mode=mode, data=data, release=release, drpall=drpall, download=download) NSAMixIn.__init__(self, nsa_source=nsa_source) self.header = None self.wcs = None self._shape = None if self.data_origin == 'file': self._load_maps_from_file( elif self.data_origin == 'db': self._load_maps_from_db( elif self.data_origin == 'api': self._load_maps_from_api() else: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError( 'data_origin={0} is not valid'.format(self.data_origin)) self._check_versions(self) def __repr__(self): return ('<Marvin Maps (plateifu={0.plateifu!r}, mode={0.mode!r}, ' 'data_origin={0.data_origin!r}, bintype={!r}, ' 'template={!r})>'.format(self)) def __getitem__(self, value): """Gets either a spaxel or a map depending on the type on input.""" if isinstance(value, tuple): assert len(value) == 2, 'slice must have two elements.' y, x = value return self.getSpaxel(x=x, y=y, xyorig='lower') elif isinstance(value, six.string_types): return self.getMap(value) else: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError('invalid type for getitem.') def __getattr__(self, value): if isinstance(value, six.string_types) and value in self.datamodel: return self.getMap(value) return super(Maps, self).__getattribute__(value) def __dir__(self): class_members = list(list(zip(*inspect.getmembers(self.__class__)))[0]) instance_attr = list(self.__dict__.keys()) return sorted(class_members + instance_attr) + [prop.full() for prop in self.datamodel] def _set_datamodel(self): """Sets the datamodel.""" self.datamodel = datamodel[self.release].properties self._bitmasks = datamodel[self.release].bitmasks self.bintype = self.datamodel.parent.get_bintype(self.bintype) self.template = self.datamodel.parent.get_template(self.template) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return Maps(plateifu=copy.deepcopy(self.plateifu, memo), release=copy.deepcopy(self.release, memo), bintype=copy.deepcopy(self.bintype, memo), template=copy.deepcopy(self.template, memo), nsa_source=copy.deepcopy(self.nsa_source, memo)) @staticmethod def _check_versions(instance): """Confirm that drpver and dapver match the ones from the header. This is written as a staticmethod because we'll also use if for ModelCube. """ header_drpver = instance.header['VERSDRP3'] isMPL4 = False if instance.release == 'MPL-4' and header_drpver == 'v1_5_0': header_drpver = 'v1_5_1' isMPL4 = True assert header_drpver == instance._drpver, ('mismatch between maps._drpver={0} ' 'and header drpver={1}' .format(instance._drpver, header_drpver)) # MPL-4 does not have VERSDAP if isMPL4: assert 'VERSDAP' not in instance.header, \ ('VERSDAP is present in the header but this is a MPL-4 MAPS. ' 'That should not happen.') else: header_dapver = instance.header['VERSDAP'] assert header_dapver == instance._dapver, 'mismatch between maps._dapver and header' def _getFullPath(self): """Returns the full path of the file in the tree.""" params = self._getPathParams() path_type = params.pop('path_type') return MarvinToolsClass._getFullPath(self, path_type, **params)
[docs] def download(self): """Downloads the maps using sdss_access - Rsync""" if not self.plateifu: return None params = self._getPathParams() path_type = params.pop('path_type') return super(Maps, self).download(path_type, **params)
def _getPathParams(self): """Returns a dictionary with the paramters of the Maps file. The output of this class is mostly intended to be used by :func:`Maps._getFullPath` and :func:``. """ plate, ifu = self.plateifu.split('-') if self.datamodel.release == 'MPL-4': niter = int('{0}{1}'.format(self.template.n, self.bintype.n)) params = dict(drpver=self._drpver, dapver=self._dapver, plate=plate, ifu=ifu,, n=niter, path_type='mangamap') else: daptype = '{0}-{1}'.format(, params = dict(drpver=self._drpver, dapver=self._dapver, plate=plate, ifu=ifu, mode='MAPS', daptype=daptype, path_type='mangadap5') return params def _load_maps_from_file(self, data=None): """Loads a MAPS file.""" if data is not None: assert isinstance(data,, 'data is not a HDUList.' else: = self.header =[0].header self.mangaid = self.header['MANGAID'].strip() self.plateifu = self.header['PLATEIFU'].strip() self._check_file(self.header,, 'Maps') # We use EMLINE_GFLUX because is present in MPL-4 and 5 and is not expected to go away. header =['EMLINE_GFLUX'].header naxis = header['NAXIS'] wcs_pre = astropy.wcs.WCS(header) # Takes only the first two axis. self.wcs = wcs_pre.sub(2) if naxis > 2 else naxis self._shape = (header['NAXIS2'], header['NAXIS1']) # Checks and populates release. file_drpver = self.header['VERSDRP3'] file_drpver = 'v1_5_1' if file_drpver == 'v1_5_0' else file_drpver file_ver = marvin.config.lookUpRelease(file_drpver) assert file_ver is not None, 'cannot find file version.' if file_ver != self._release: warnings.warn('mismatch between file version={0} and object release={1}. ' 'Setting object release to {0}'.format(file_ver, self._release), marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinUserWarning) self._release = file_ver self._drpver, self._dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=self._release) self.datamodel = datamodel[self._dapver].properties # Checks the bintype and template from the header is_MPL4 = 'MPL-4' in self.datamodel.parent.aliases if not is_MPL4: header_bintype =[0].header['BINKEY'].strip().upper() header_bintype = 'SPX' if header_bintype == 'NONE' else header_bintype else: header_bintype =[0].header['BINTYPE'].strip().upper() header_template_key = 'TPLKEY' if is_MPL4 else 'SCKEY' header_template =[0].header[header_template_key].strip().upper() if != header_bintype: self.bintype = self.datamodel.parent.get_bintype(header_bintype) if != header_template: self.template = self.datamodel.parent.get_template(header_template) def _load_maps_from_db(self, data=None): """Loads the ``mangadap.File`` object for this Maps.""" mdb = marvin.marvindb plate, ifu = self.plateifu.split('-') if not mdb.isdbconnected: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError('No db connected') if sqlalchemy is None: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError('sqlalchemy required to access the local DB.') dm = datamodel[self.release] if dm.db_only: if self.bintype not in dm.db_only: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError('Specified bintype {0} is not available in the DB'.format( if data is not None: assert isinstance(data, mdb.dapdb.File), 'data in not a marvindb.dapdb.File object.' else: datadb = mdb.datadb dapdb = mdb.dapdb # Initial query for version version_query = mdb.session.query(dapdb.File).join( datadb.PipelineInfo, datadb.PipelineVersion).filter( datadb.PipelineVersion.version == self._dapver).from_self() # Query for maps parameters db_maps_file = version_query.join( datadb.Cube, datadb.IFUDesign).filter( datadb.Cube.plate == plate, == str(ifu)).from_self().join( dapdb.FileType).filter(dapdb.FileType.value == 'MAPS').join( dapdb.Structure, dapdb.BinType).join( dapdb.Template, dapdb.Structure.template_kin_pk == ==, == if len(db_maps_file) > 1: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError( 'more than one Maps file found for this combination of parameters.') elif len(db_maps_file) == 0: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError( 'no Maps file found for this combination of parameters.') = db_maps_file[0] self.header = # Gets the cube header cubehdr = # Gets the mangaid self.mangaid = cubehdr['MANGAID'].strip() # Creates the WCS from the cube's WCS header self.wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS( self._shape = def _load_maps_from_api(self): """Loads a Maps object from remote.""" url = marvin.config.urlmap['api']['getMaps']['url'] url_full = url.format(name=self.plateifu,, try: response = self._toolInteraction(url_full) except Exception as ee: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError( 'found a problem when checking if remote maps exists: {0}'.format(str(ee))) data = response.getData() if self.plateifu not in data['plateifu']: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError('remote maps has a different plateifu!') self.header =['header']) # Sets the mangaid self.mangaid = data['mangaid'] # Sets the WCS self.wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(['wcs'])) self._shape = data['shape'] return def _get_spaxel_quantities(self, x, y): """Returns a dictionary of spaxel quantities.""" mdb = marvin.marvindb maps_quantities = FuzzyDict({}) if self.data_origin == 'file' or self.data_origin == 'db': # Stores a dictionary of (table, row) _db_rows = {} for dm in self.datamodel: data = {'value': None, 'ivar': None, 'mask': None} for key in data: if key == 'ivar' and not dm.has_ivar(): continue if key == 'mask' and not dm.has_mask(): continue if self.data_origin == 'file': extname = + '' if key == 'value' else + '_' + key if data[key] =[extname].data[, y, x] else: data[key] =[extname].data[y, x] elif self.data_origin == 'db': table = getattr(mdb.dapdb, dm.model) if table not in _db_rows: _db_rows[table] = mdb.session.query(table).filter( table.file_pk ==, table.x == x, table.y == y).one() colname = dm.db_column(ext=None if key == 'value' else key) data[key] = getattr(_db_rows[table], colname) maps_quantities[dm.full()] = AnalysisProperty(data['value'], unit=dm.unit, ivar=data['ivar'], mask=data['mask']) if self.data_origin == 'api': params = {'release': self._release} url = marvin.config.urlmap['api']['getMapsQuantitiesSpaxel']['url'] try: response = self._toolInteraction(url.format(name=self.plateifu, x=x, y=y,,, params=params)) except Exception as ee: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError( 'found a problem when checking if remote cube exists: {0}'.format(str(ee))) data = response.getData() for dm in self.datamodel: maps_quantities[dm.full()] = AnalysisProperty(data[dm.full()]['value'], ivar=data[dm.full()]['ivar'], mask=data[dm.full()]['mask'], unit=dm.unit) return maps_quantities
[docs] def get_binid(self, binid=None): """Returns a 2D array containing the binid map. In ``MPL-6``, ``binid`` can be used to specify the binid property to return. If ``binid=None``, the default binid is returned. """ assert binid is None or isinstance(binid, Property), 'binid must be None or a Property.' if binid is None: assert self.datamodel.parent.default_binid is not None binid = self.datamodel.parent.default_binid return self.getMap(binid).value
[docs] def getCube(self): """Returns the :class:`` for with this Maps.""" if self.data_origin == 'db': cube_data = else: cube_data = None return, plateifu=self.plateifu, release=self.release)
[docs] def getModelCube(self): """Returns the `` for with this Maps.""" return, release=self.release, bintype=self.bintype, template=self.template)
@property def manga_target1(self): """Return MANGA_TARGET1 flag.""" return get_manga_target('1', self._bitmasks, self.header) @property def manga_target2(self): """Return MANGA_TARGET2 flag.""" return get_manga_target('2', self._bitmasks, self.header) @property def manga_target3(self): """Return MANGA_TARGET3 flag.""" return get_manga_target('3', self._bitmasks, self.header) @property def target_flags(self): """Bundle MaNGA targeting flags.""" return [self.manga_target1, self.manga_target2, self.manga_target3] @property def quality_flag(self): """Return Maps DAPQUAL flag.""" try: dapqual = self._bitmasks['MANGA_DAPQUAL'] except KeyError: dapqual = None else: dapqual.mask = int(self.header['DAPQUAL']) return dapqual
[docs] def getSpaxel(self, x=None, y=None, ra=None, dec=None, drp=True, model=False, **kwargs): """Returns the :class:`` matching certain coordinates. The coordinates of the spaxel to return can be input as ``x, y`` pixels relative to``xyorig`` in the cube, or as ``ra, dec`` celestial coordinates. If ``spectrum=True``, the returned |spaxel| will be instantiated with the DRP spectrum of the spaxel for the DRP cube associated with this Maps. Parameters: x,y (int or array): The spaxel coordinates relative to ``xyorig``. If ``x`` is an array of coordinates, the size of ``x`` must much that of ``y``. ra,dec (float or array): The coordinates of the spaxel to return. The closest spaxel to those coordinates will be returned. If ``ra`` is an array of coordinates, the size of ``ra`` must much that of ``dec``. xyorig ({'center', 'lower'}): The reference point from which ``x`` and ``y`` are measured. Valid values are ``'center'`` (default), for the centre of the spatial dimensions of the cube, or ``'lower'`` for the lower-left corner. This keyword is ignored if ``ra`` and ``dec`` are defined. drp (bool): If ``True``, the |spaxel| will be initialised with the corresponding DRP data. model (bool): If ``True``, the |spaxel| will be initialised with the corresponding `.ModelCube` data. Returns: spaxels (list): The |spaxel|_ objects for this cube/maps corresponding to the input coordinates. The length of the list is equal to the number of input coordinates. .. |spaxel| replace:: :class:`` """ return marvin.utils.general.general.getSpaxel( x=x, y=y, ra=ra, dec=dec, cube=drp, maps=self, modelcube=model, **kwargs)
def _match_properties(self, property_name, channel=None, exact=False): """Returns the best match for a property_name+channel.""" channel = if isinstance(channel, Channel) else channel if channel is not None: property_name = property_name + '_' + channel best = self.datamodel[property_name] assert isinstance(best, Property), 'the retrived value is not a property.' if exact: assert best.full() == property_name, \ 'retrieved property {0!r} does not match input {1!r}'.format(best.full(), property_name) return best
[docs] def getMap(self, property_name, channel=None, exact=False): """Retrieves a :class:`` object. Parameters: property_name (str): The property of the map to be extractred. It may the name of the channel (e.g. ``'emline_gflux_ha_6564'``) or just the name of the property (``'emline_gflux'``). channel (str or None): If defined, the name of the channel to be appended to ``property_name`` (e.g., ``'ha_6564'``). exact (bool): If ``exact=False``, fuzzy matching will be used, retrieving the best match for the property name and channel. If ``True``, will check that the name of returned map matched the input value exactly. """ if isinstance(property_name, Property): best = property_name else: best = self._match_properties(property_name, channel=channel, exact=exact) return, best)
[docs] def getMapRatio(self, property_name, channel_1, channel_2): """Deprecated, see :ref:`Enhanced Map<marvin-enhanced-map>`. Returns a ratio ``. For a given ``property_name``, returns a `` which is the ratio of ``channel_1/channel_2``. Parameters: property_name (str): The property_name of the map to be extractred. E.g., `'emline_gflux'`. channel_1,channel_2 (str): The channels to use. """ # TODO extend to allow for different property names and make channel optional map_1 = self.getMap(property_name, channel=channel_1) map_2 = self.getMap(property_name, channel=channel_2) map_1.value /= map_2.value # TODO: do the error propogation (BHA) map_1.ivar = None map_1.mask &= map_2.mask = '{0}/{1}'.format(channel_1, channel_2) if map_1.unit != map_2.unit: map_1.unit = '{0}/{1}'.format(map_1.unit, map_2.unit) else: map_1.unit = '' return map_1
[docs] def is_binned(self): """Returns True if the Maps is not unbinned.""" return self.bintype.binned
[docs] def get_unbinned(self): """Returns a version of ``self`` corresponding to the unbinned Maps.""" if self.is_binned is False: return self else: return Maps(plateifu=self.plateifu, release=self.release, bintype=self.datamodel.parent.get_unbinned(), template=self.template, mode=self.mode)
[docs] def get_bpt(self, method='kewley06', snr_min=3, return_figure=True, show_plot=True, use_oi=True, **kwargs): """Returns the BPT diagram for this target. This method produces the BPT diagram for this target using emission line maps and returns a dictionary of classification masks, that can be used to select spaxels that have been classified as belonging to a certain excitation process. It also provides plotting functionalities. Extensive documentation can be found in :ref:`marvin-bpt`. Parameters: method ({'kewley06'}): The method used to determine the boundaries between different excitation mechanisms. Currently, the only available method is ``'kewley06'``, based on Kewley et al. (2006). Other methods may be added in the future. For a detailed explanation of the implementation of the method check the :ref:`BPT documentation <marvin-bpt>`. snr_min (float or dict): The signal-to-noise cutoff value for the emission lines used to generate the BPT diagram. If ``snr_min`` is a single value, that signal-to-noise will be used for all the lines. Alternatively, a dictionary of signal-to-noise values, with the emission line channels as keys, can be used. E.g., ``snr_min={'ha': 5, 'nii': 3, 'oi': 1}``. If some values are not provided, they will default to ``SNR>=3``. return_figure (bool): If ``True``, it also returns the matplotlib `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` of the BPT diagram plot, which can be used to modify the style of the plot. show_plot (bool): If ``True``, interactively display the BPT plot. use_oi (bool): If ``True``, turns uses the OI diagnostic line in classifying BPT spaxels Returns: bpt_return: ``get_bpt`` always returns a dictionary of classification masks. These classification masks (not to be confused with bitmasks) are boolean arrays with the same shape as the `` or `` (without the spectral dimension) that can be used to select spaxels belonging to a certain excitation process (e.g., star forming). The keys of the dictionary, i.e., the classification categories, may change depending on the selected method. Consult the :ref:`BPT <marvin-bpt>` documentation for more details. If ``return_figure=True``, ``~.Maps.get_bpt`` will also return the matplotlib `~matplotlib.figure.Figure` for the generated plot, and a list of axes for each one of the subplots. Example: >>> cube = Cube(plateifu='8485-1901') >>> maps = cube.getMaps() >>> bpt_masks, bpt_figure = maps.get_bpt(snr=5, return_figure=True, >>> show_plot=False) Now we can use the masks to select star forming spaxels from the cube >>> sf_spaxels = cube.flux[bpt_masks['sf']['global']] And we can save the figure as a PDF >>> bpt_figure.savefig('8485_1901_bpt.pdf') .. _figure: """ if 'snr' in kwargs: warnings.warn('snr is deprecated. Use snr_min instead. ' 'snr will be removed in a future version of marvin', marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinDeprecationWarning) snr_min = kwargs.pop('snr') if len(kwargs.keys()) > 0: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError( 'unknown keyword {0}'.format(list(kwargs.keys())[0])) # Makes sure all the keys in the snr keyword are lowercase if isinstance(snr_min, dict): snr_min = dict((kk.lower(), vv) for kk, vv in snr_min.items()) # If we don't want the figure but want to show the plot, we still need to # temporarily get it. do_return_figure = True if return_figure or show_plot else False with turn_off_ion(show_plot=show_plot): bpt_return = marvin.utils.dap.bpt.bpt_kewley06(self, snr_min=snr_min, return_figure=do_return_figure, use_oi=use_oi) # Returs what we actually asked for. if return_figure and do_return_figure: return bpt_return elif not return_figure and do_return_figure: return bpt_return[0] else: return bpt_return
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, columns=None, mask=None): """Converts the maps object into a Pandas dataframe. Parameters: columns (list): The properties+channels you want to include. Defaults to all of them. mask (array): A 2D mask array for filtering your data output Returns: df (`~pandas.DataFrame`): A Pandas `~pandas.DataFrame`. """ allprops = [p.full() for p in self.datamodel] if columns: allprops = [p for p in allprops if p in columns] data = np.array([self[p].value[mask].flatten() for p in allprops]) # add a column for spaxel index spaxarr = np.array([np.where(mask.flatten())[0]]) \ if mask is not None else np.array([np.arange(data.shape[1])]) data = np.concatenate((spaxarr, data), axis=0) allprops = ['spaxelid'] + allprops # create the dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(data.transpose(), columns=allprops) return df