Source code for marvin.core.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# @Author: Brian Cherinka, José Sánchez-Gallego, and Brett Andrews
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-Clause
# @Copyright: Brian Cherinka, José Sánchez-Gallego, and Brett Andrews

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import abc
import distutils
import os
import re
import six
import warnings
import time


from brain.core.exceptions import BrainError

import marvin
import marvin.api.api

from marvin.core import marvin_pickle
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinUserWarning, MarvinError
from marvin.core.exceptions import MarvinMissingDependency, MarvinBreadCrumb

from marvin.utils.db import testDbConnection
from marvin.utils.general import mangaid2plateifu, get_nsa_data, get_dapall_file, map_dapall

    from sdss_access.path import Path
except ImportError:
    Path = None

    from sdss_access import RsyncAccess
except ImportError:
    RsyncAccess = None

__ALL__ = ['MarvinToolsClass']

def kwargsGet(kwargs, key, replacement):
    """As kwargs.get but uses replacement if the value is None."""

    if key not in kwargs:
        return replacement
    elif key in kwargs and kwargs[key] is None:
        return replacement
        return kwargs[key]

breadcrumb = MarvinBreadCrumb()

[docs]class MarvinToolsClass(object, six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta)): """Marvin tools main base class. This super class implements the :ref:`decision tree <marvin-dma>` for using local files, database, or remote connection when initialising a Marvin tools object. Parameters: input (str): A string that can be a filename, plate-ifu, or mangaid. It will be aumatically identified based on its unique format. This argument is always the first one, so it can be defined without the keyword for convenience. filename (str): The path of the file containing the file to load. If set, ``input`` is ignored. mangaid (str): The mangaid of the file to load. If set, ``input`` is ignored. plateifu (str): The plate-ifu of the data cube to load. If set, ``input`` is ignored. mode ({'local', 'remote', 'auto'}): The load mode to use. See :ref:`mode-decision-tree`. data (:class:``, SQLAlchemy object, or None): An astropy ``HDUList`` or a SQLAlchemy object, to be used for initialisation. If ``None``, the :ref:`normal <marvin-dma>`` mode will be used. release (str): The MPL/DR version of the data to use. drpall (str): The path to the `drpall <>`_ file to use. If not set it will use the default path for the file based on the ``release`` download (bool): If ``True``, the data will be downloaded on instantiation. See :ref:`marvin-download-objects`. Attributes: data (:class:``, SQLAlchemy object, or dict): Depending on the access mode, ``data`` is populated with the |HDUList| from the FITS file, a `SQLAlchemy <>`_ object, or a dictionary of values returned by an API call. datamodel: A datamodel object, whose type depends on the subclass that initialises the datamodel. data_origin ({'file', 'db', 'api'}): Indicates the origin of the data, either from a file, the DB, or an API call. filename (str): The path of the file used, if any. mangaid (str): The mangaid of the target. plateifu: The plateifu of the target """ def __init__(self, input=None, filename=None, mangaid=None, plateifu=None, mode=None, data=None, release=None, drpall=None, download=None): = data self.data_origin = None self.filename = filename self.mangaid = mangaid self.plateifu = plateifu self.mode = mode if mode is not None else marvin.config.mode self._release = release if release is not None else marvin.config.release self._drpver, self._dapver = marvin.config.lookUpVersions(release=self._release) self._drpall = marvin.config._getDrpAllPath(self._drpver) if drpall is None else drpall self._forcedownload = download if download is not None else # Sets filename, plateifu, and mangaid depending on the values the input parameters. self._determine_inputs(input) self.datamodel = None self._set_datamodel() # drop breadcrumb breadcrumb.drop(message='Initializing MarvinTool {0}'.format(self.__class__), category=self.__class__) assert self.mode in ['auto', 'local', 'remote'] assert self.filename is not None or self.plateifu is not None, 'no inputs set.' if self.mode == 'local': self._doLocal() elif self.mode == 'remote': self._doRemote() elif self.mode == 'auto': try: self._doLocal() except Exception as ee: if self.filename: # If the input contains a filename we don't want to go into remote mode. raise(ee) else: warnings.warn('local mode failed. Trying remote now.', MarvinUserWarning) self._doRemote() # Sanity check to make sure data_origin has been properly set. assert self.data_origin in ['file', 'db', 'api'], 'data_origin is not properly set.' def _determine_inputs(self, input): """Determines what inputs to use in the decision tree.""" if input: assert self.filename is None and self.plateifu is None and self.mangaid is None, \ 'if input is set, filename, plateifu, and mangaid cannot be set.' assert isinstance(input, six.string_types), 'input must be a string.' input_dict = self._parse_input(input) if input_dict['plate'] is not None and input_dict['ifu'] is not None: self.plateifu = input elif input_dict['plate'] is not None and input_dict['ifu'] is None: self._plate = input elif input_dict['mangaid'] is not None: self.mangaid = input else: # Assumes the input must be a filename self.filename = input if self.filename is None and self.mangaid is None and self.plateifu is None: raise MarvinError('no inputs defined.') if self.filename: self.mangaid = None self.plateifu = None if self.mode == 'remote': raise MarvinError('filename not allowed in remote mode.') assert os.path.exists(self.filename), \ 'filename {} does not exist.'.format(str(self.filename)) elif self.plateifu: assert not self.filename, 'invalid set of inputs.' elif self.mangaid: assert not self.filename, 'invalid set of inputs.' self.plateifu = mangaid2plateifu(self.mangaid, drpall=self._drpall, drpver=self._drpver) elif self._plate: assert not self.filename, 'invalid set of inputs.' @staticmethod def _parse_input(value): """Parses and input and determines plate, ifu, and mangaid.""" # Number of IFUs per size n_ifus = {19: 2, 37: 4, 61: 4, 91: 2, 127: 5, 7: 12} return_dict = {'plate': None, 'ifu': None, 'mangaid': None} plateifu_pattern = re.compile('([0-9]{4,5})\-([0-9]{4,9})') ifu_pattern = re.compile('(7|127|[0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})') mangaid_pattern = re.compile('[0-9]{1,3}\-[0-9]+') plateid_pattern = re.compile('([0-9]{4,})(?!-)(?<!-)') plateid_match = re.match(plateid_pattern, value) plateifu_match = re.match(plateifu_pattern, value) mangaid_match = re.match(mangaid_pattern, value) # Check whether the input value matches the plateifu pattern if plateifu_match is not None: plate, ifu = plateifu_match.groups(0) # If the value matches a plateifu, checks that the ifu is a valid one. ifu_match = re.match(ifu_pattern, ifu) if ifu_match is not None: ifu_size, ifu_id = map(int, ifu_match.groups(0)) if ifu_id <= n_ifus[ifu_size]: return_dict['plate'] = plate return_dict['ifu'] = ifu # Check whether this is a mangaid elif mangaid_match is not None: return_dict['mangaid'] = value # Check whether this is a plate elif plateid_match is not None: return_dict['plate'] = value return return_dict def _doLocal(self): """Tests if it's possible to load the data locally.""" if self.filename: if os.path.exists(self.filename): self.mode = 'local' self.data_origin = 'file' else: raise MarvinError('input file {0} not found'.format(self.filename)) elif self.plateifu: testDbConnection(marvin.marvindb.session) if marvin.marvindb.db: self.mode = 'local' self.data_origin = 'db' else: fullpath = self._getFullPath() if fullpath and os.path.exists(fullpath): self.mode = 'local' self.filename = fullpath self.data_origin = 'file' else: if self._forcedownload: self.data_origin = 'file' else: raise MarvinError('this is the end of the road. ' 'Try using some reasonable inputs.') def _doRemote(self): """Tests if remote connection is possible.""" if self.filename: raise MarvinError('filename not allowed in remote mode.') else: self.mode = 'remote' self.data_origin = 'api'
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def _set_datamodel(self): """Sets the datamodel for this object. Must be overridden by each subclass.""" pass
[docs] def download(self, pathType=None, **pathParams): """Download using sdss_access Rsync""" if not RsyncAccess: raise MarvinError('sdss_access is not installed') else: rsync_access = RsyncAccess() rsync_access.remote() rsync_access.add(pathType, **pathParams) rsync_access.set_stream() rsync_access.commit() paths = rsync_access.get_paths() time.sleep(0.001) # adding a millisecond pause for download to finish and file extistence to register self.filename = paths[0] # doing this for single files, may need to change
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def _getFullPath(self, pathType=None, url=None, **pathParams): """Returns the full path of the file in the tree. This method must be overridden by each subclass. """ if not Path: raise MarvinMissingDependency('sdss_access is not installed') else: try: if url: fullpath = Path().url(pathType, **pathParams) else: fullpath = Path().full(pathType, **pathParams) except Exception as ee: warnings.warn('sdss_access was not able to retrieve the full path of the file. ' 'Error message is: {0}'.format(str(ee)), MarvinUserWarning) fullpath = None return fullpath
def _toolInteraction(self, url, params=None): """Runs an Interaction and passes self._release.""" params = params or {'release': self._release} return marvin.api.api.Interaction(url, params=params) @staticmethod def _check_file(header, data, objtype): ''' Check the file input to ensure correct tool ''' # get/check various header keywords bininhdr = ('binkey' in header) or ('bintype' in header) dapinhdr = 'dapfrmt' in header dapfrmt = header['DAPFRMT'] if dapinhdr else None # check the file if objtype == 'Maps' or objtype == 'ModelCube': # get indices in daptype daptype = ['MAPS', 'LOGCUBE'] dapindex = daptype.index("MAPS") if objtype == 'Maps' else daptype.index("LOGCUBE") altdap = 1 - dapindex # check for emline_gflux extension gfluxindata = 'EMLINE_GFLUX' in data wronggflux = (gfluxindata and objtype == 'ModelCube') or \ (not gfluxindata and objtype == 'Maps') if not bininhdr: raise MarvinError('Trying to open a non DAP file with Marvin {0}'.format(objtype)) else: if (dapfrmt and dapfrmt != daptype[dapindex]) or (wronggflux): raise MarvinError('Trying to open a DAP {0} with Marvin {1}'.format(daptype[altdap], objtype)) elif objtype == 'Cube': if bininhdr or dapinhdr: raise MarvinError('Trying to open a DAP file with Marvin Cube') def __getstate__(self): if self.data_origin == 'db': raise MarvinError('objects with data_origin=\'db\' cannot be saved.') odict = self.__dict__.copy() del odict['data'] return odict def __setstate__(self, idict): data = None if idict['data_origin'] == 'file': try: data =['filename']) except Exception as ee: warnings.warn('there was a problem reloading the FITS object: {0}. ' 'The object has been unpickled but not all the functionality ' 'will be available.'.format(str(ee)), MarvinUserWarning) self.__dict__.update(idict) = data
[docs] def save(self, path=None, overwrite=False): """Pickles the object. If ``path=None``, uses the default location of the file in the tree but changes the extension of the file to ``.mpf``. Returns the path of the saved pickle file. Parameters: obj: Marvin object to pickle. path (str): Path of saved file. Default is ``None``. overwrite (bool): If ``True``, overwrite existing file. Default is ``False``. Returns: str: Path of saved file. """ return, path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] @classmethod def restore(cls, path, delete=False): """Restores a MarvinToolsClass object from a pickled file. If ``delete=True``, the pickled file will be removed after it has been unplickled. Note that, for objects with ``data_origin='file'``, the original file must exists and be in the same path as when the object was first created. """ return marvin_pickle.restore(path, delete=delete)
@property def release(self): """Returns the release.""" return self._release @release.setter def release(self, value): """Fails when trying to set the release after instatiation.""" raise MarvinError('the release cannot be changed once the object has been instantiated.') @property def plate(self): """Returns the plate id.""" return int(self.plateifu.split('-')[0]) @property def ifu(self): """Returns the IFU.""" return int(self.plateifu.split('-')[1]) def __del__(self): """Destructor for closing FITS files.""" if self.data_origin == 'file' and isinstance(, try: except Exception as ee: warnings.warn('failed to close FITS instance: {0}'.format(ee), MarvinUserWarning)
[docs]class NSAMixIn(object): """A mixin that provides access to NSA paremeters. Must be used in combination with `.MarvinToolsClass` and initialised before `~.NSAMixIn.nsa` can be called. Parameters: nsa_source ({'auto', 'drpall', 'nsa'}): Defines how the NSA data for this object should loaded when ``.nsa`` is first called. If ``drpall``, the drpall file will be used (note that this will only contain a subset of all the NSA information); if ``nsa``, the full set of data from the DB will be retrieved. If the drpall file or a database are not available, a remote API call will be attempted. If ``nsa_source='auto'``, the source will depend on how the parent object has been instantiated. If the parent has ``data_origin='file'``, the drpall file will be used (as it is more likely that the user has that file in their system). Otherwise, ``nsa_source='nsa'`` will be assumed. This behaviour can be modified during runtime by modifying the ``nsa_mode`` attribute with one of the valid values. """ def __init__(self, nsa_source='auto'): self._nsa = None self.nsa_source = nsa_source assert self.nsa_source in ['auto', 'nsa', 'drpall'], \ 'nsa_source must be one of auto, nsa, or drpall' @property def nsa(self): """Returns the contents of the NSA catalogue for this target.""" if hasattr(self, 'nsa_source') and self.nsa_source is not None: nsa_source = self.nsa_source else: nsa_source = 'auto' if self._nsa is None: if nsa_source == 'auto': if self.data_origin == 'file': nsa_source = 'drpall' else: nsa_source = 'nsa' try: self._nsa = get_nsa_data(self.mangaid, mode='auto', source=nsa_source, drpver=self._drpver, drpall=self._drpall) except (MarvinError, BrainError): warnings.warn('cannot load NSA information for mangaid={!r}.' .format(self.mangaid), MarvinUserWarning) return None return self._nsa
[docs]class DAPallMixIn(object): """A mixin that provides access to DAPall paremeters. Must be used in combination with `.MarvinToolsClass` and initialised before `~.DAPallMixIn.dapall` can be called. `DAPallMixIn` uses the `.MarvinToolsClass.data_origin` of the object to determine how to obtain the DAPall information. However, if the object contains a ``dapall`` attribute with the path to a DAPall file, that file will be used. """ __min_dapall_version__ = distutils.version.StrictVersion('2.1.0') @property def dapall(self): """Returns the contents of the DAPall data for this target.""" if (not self._dapver or distutils.version.StrictVersion(self._dapver) < self.__min_dapall_version__): raise MarvinError('DAPall is not available for versions before MPL-6.') if hasattr(self, '_dapall') and self._dapall is not None: return self._dapall if self.data_origin == 'file': try: dapall_data = self._get_dapall_from_file() except IOError: warnings.warn('cannot find DAPall file. Trying remote request.', MarvinUserWarning) dapall_data = self._get_from_api() elif self.data_origin == 'db': dapall_data = self._get_dapall_from_db() else: dapall_data = self._get_dapall_from_api() self._dapall = dapall_data return self._dapall def _get_dapall_from_file(self): """Uses DAPAll file to retrieve information.""" daptype = + '-' + dapall_path = get_dapall_file(self._drpver, self._dapver) assert dapall_path is not None, 'cannot build DAPall file.' if not os.path.exists(dapall_path): raise MarvinError('cannot find DAPall file in the system.') dapall_hdu = header = dapall_hdu[0].header dapall_table = dapall_hdu[-1].data dapall_row = dapall_table[(dapall_table['PLATEIFU'] == self.plateifu) & (dapall_table['DAPTYPE'] == daptype)] assert len(dapall_row) == 1, 'cannot find matching row in DAPall.' return map_dapall(header, dapall_row[0]) def _get_dapall_from_db(self): """Uses the DB to retrieve the DAPAll data.""" dapall_data = {} daptype = + '-' + mdb = marvin.marvindb if not mdb.isdbconnected: raise MarvinError('No DB connected') datadb = mdb.datadb dapdb = mdb.dapdb dapall_row = mdb.session.query(dapdb.DapAll).join( dapdb.File, datadb.PipelineInfo, datadb.PipelineVersion).filter( mdb.datadb.PipelineVersion.version == self._dapver, dapdb.DapAll.plateifu == self.plateifu, dapdb.DapAll.daptype == daptype).first() if dapall_row is None: raise MarvinError('cannot find a DAPall match for this target in the DB.') for col in dapall_row.__table__.columns.keys(): if col != 'pk' and '_pk' not in col: dapall_data[col] = getattr(dapall_row, col) return dapall_data def _get_dapall_from_api(self): """Uses the API to retrieve the DAPall data.""" url = marvin.config.urlmap['api']['dapall']['url'] url_full = url.format(name=self.plateifu,, try: response = self._toolInteraction(url_full) except Exception as ee: raise marvin.core.exceptions.MarvinError( 'found a problem while getting DAPall: {0}'.format(str(ee))) if response.results['error'] is not None: raise MarvinError('found a problem while getting DAPall: {}' .format(str(response.results['error']))) data = response.getData() return data['dapall_data']