
These notebooks are deprecated and should not be used. Please see the notebooks in the tutorial section.

Jupyter Notebooks

What’s New in Marvin 2.2

This notebook briefly describes some of the new features seen in Marvin 2.2.

What's New in Marvin 2.2

What’s New in Marvin 2.1

This notebook briefly describes some of the new features seen in Marvin 2.1.

What's New in Marvin 2.1

Shanghai Workshop Tutorials

These notebooks were designed and used for the MaNGA Meeting and School in Shanghai in November 2016. These are composed of bits and pieces of the other notebooks, are a bit longer, with some additional material not yet covered in their own invididual notebooks.

Marvin Tools

This notebook covers some basics of Tools (marvin.tools) features, including Cube, Spaxel, Maps, ModelCube, and Bin.

Shanghai Demo Tools

Marvin Queries

This notebook covers some basics of Query, how to construct them, use them in your workflow, and convert the results into Marvin Tools to utilize their functionality.

Shanghai Demo Queries

First Steps Notebook

This notebook takes you through the examples listed on the Marvin marvin-first-steps page.

First Steps Notebook

My First Query

This notebook takes you through how to use the Marvin queries.

Marvin Queries Notebook

Query Results

This notebook describes what you can do with your query results once you have some.

Marvin Results Notebook

Sub-Spaxel Queries

Also called DAP Zonal Queries. This notebook details a bit on how to perform queries on spaxel regions.

Spaxel Queries Notebook

DAP Maps

This notebooks takes a look at the Marvin Maps object and its interface to the DAP MAPS product.

DAP Maps Notebook

Saving and Restoring

This notebook describes how you can save your Marvin objects, queries, and results to your local filesystem, using Python pickling, and restore them any time later.

Saving and Restoring Notebook